Nadine Nicolai Van Der Wald

OOC First Name
Arjane ..

Nadine Nicolai Van Der Wald​

Current Age: 18

Birthday: February 14

School: Beauxbaton Graduate


<COLOR color="#ee4a2d">JudGe mE ! But KeEp Your VerDict To yoUrseLf

School Background:

<SIZE size="50">
<SIZE size="50">She attended school in the muggle world before she was in the right age to attend Beauxbaton. She has a lot of academic awards when she was in a muggle school. She is very smart but doesn't give any damn about it and she's not even proud of having such a brain. When she attended Beauxbaton, almost all her subjects are O though she really don't give any time for herself to study. Her parents are considering that she has a natural intelligent.​

Family Background:

<FONT font="Georgia"><B>She was raised in rich and influential family. Her parents are both in political world;thus, making her the center of attention because of her intelligence and explicit beauty. She was the only child. Her family lived in the muggle world but it is not oblivious to her that they were different. She has a lot of muggle friends but she don't have a BEST FRIEND. Because she lacks of attention and the grudge she holds against her parents, she learned how to rebel against them making her as her mother's worst enemy ever. She loves her parents very much but the way they treated her, she forgot that she has a family.
Hi there, some questions to help you along :)

How does she feel about being an only child?
What way, exactly, do her parents treat her that made her hate them so much?
Does she have any nicknames?
Can you describe her appearance?
Does she have any scars?
What are her hobbies/interests?
What is her personality like?
Does she have a favourite colour?
Does she have a favourite food?
Did she enjoy school?
What would her animagus be?
What would he boggart be?
What would her patronus be?
What memory would she use to make a patronus?
How does she feel about being an only child? it's not worse nor best. She just really like being the center of attention
What way, exactly, do her parents treat her that made her hate them so much? it is as if she don't exist. They let her feel that she don't belong anywhere. They don't have time for her and she thinks that her parents doesn't loves her
Does she have any nicknames? She was used to be called as "nicolai"
Can you describe her appearance? She's 5'7" in height and has a brown eyes. She has a slender body and has a long brown locks
Does she have any scars? she has on her right leg when she was involved in a motorcycle accident but she undergo surgery
What are her hobbies/interests? Instead to make troubles and to annoy her mother, she loves listening music though she doesn't have a particular genre. Sometimes she likes to hear classics sometimes not. It depends upon her mood
What is her personality like? Rebel. Very rebellious to annoy her parents. But she has a sweet side especially towards children
Does she have a favourite colour? yes, it would be green
Does she have a favourite food? yes, california maki is her all-time favorite
Did she enjoy school? Yes she enjoyed studying in Beauxbaton because she was away home.
What would her animagus be? it would be a butterfly because it is colorful and makes the world lively
What would her boggart be? A grim.
What would her patronus be? again .. butterfly . :D
What memory would she use to make a patronus? hmm. it would be the first day in school in Beauxbaton.

Thank you for the questions! I really appreciated it :D :hug:

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