Myuna Kickett

Myuna Kickett

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Myuna anka Kickett
-Myuna means clear water
- Anka means Barramundi

Nicknames: her dads family often call her barramundi, outside of her family she sometimes gets may, oona, anne, kickett, kick or whatever else people call her, she will basically answer to anything,

Date of Birth:
- 24th May

Current Age:
- Your characters current age.

Basic Appearance:
-she is a rather stocky build that makes her look shorter than she is, though she is slightly taller than average though not tall enough to be classed as tall. she has a slightly darker than normal complexion due to her race and the time she spends surfing, skating, and swimming, her hair is shoulder length and often matted with seawater and often has sand in it.

- she is pretty laid back most of the time cut she is streetwise enough to know when to be tough, when she is bored or annoyed she van get a little rebellious and when any guys try and say she isn't good enough to surf on the big waves she will try and to out-surf them and will often succeed in at least getting their respect as being a fellow surfer.
- she is trying to work out what her identity is. her school is treating he like a muggle when her mother is teaching her to be a witch. when she is around her dad family she is expected to act like an aborigine when they all her witjella (whitefella), where as her grandmother teats her like a white girl even though it is obvious she things she is an aborigine. the only place she feels like she doesn't have to live to their expectations is when she is on the water then she is just a girl.

- Including, but not limited to, grand-parents; parents; siblings (if your character has no siblings, would they like some?); children (if your an older character); e.t.c.
- If you have stories/memories/information/family history/e.t.c. for each member, feel free to write those too.
- Also feel free to include your characters relationships with family members.
- What where the reactions to your character receiving their letter from Hogwarts?
- If your character is muggle born, how do their parents feel?
2 parents
Mother- australian witch. works as a mother and housewife, she teached Myuna magic on the weekend and evenings
Farther- Australian, half Aboriginal, works in the local governament as a consultent in matters reguardng Aboriginal people, in areas including planning and development, health, education, and community services.
2 younger brothers, one who is seven and the other who is nine
2 grandparents on her dads side
grandmother is half-caste aborigional woman of the bileman people
grandfarther is an Aborigional man from the wardandi people
1 grandmother on hr mums side but she really sees her as she lives up in perth and doesn't like to go to the country.

- If your character has any, what are their names; types; appearance e.t.c, and why do they have them?
- Will your character be brining their pet to Hogwarts? If so, why? If not, why?
- If your character has non, why not? And would they like some?

Area of Residence:
- Myuna was born and raised in the Margret River area of Western Australia. it is her families home land as they have always lived their for generations.

Blood Status:
- mixed blood, her mother is a witch, and her farther is a muggle

- her mother comes from australia but is of british origin (with a little bit of german mixed in a few generations back) her farther is Noongar Aboriginal from the wardandi group

Special Abilities:
- none

Interests or Hobbies:
- Myuna loves to surf. she will happily spend all day on her board only returning to the beach for food breaks. when she isn't surfing she may be found other skateboard or on the beach, or unfortunatly being forced to study wither by her school or mother. she is also often found annoying/playing with her two younger brothers.

Additional Skills:
- she can speak the Wardandi language, and knows enough of the Bilelmen language to get by when she needs to.
- she can surf, she is a strong swimmer.

- List some of your characters strengths.

- List some of your characters weaknesses and flaws.

Describe your character in three words:
- Noongar, confused, surfy

Favourite place to be:
- in the sea, catching a wave.

- If your character has any, who are they; where are they friends?
- If un-sorted, will they be missed at Hogwarts?

Hogwarts House:
- she will be home educated as she won't leave her land. (and the beach) she is educated at the local muggle high school, and her mother teaches her magic in the evenings, weekends and holidays.
in year nine her witch grandmother managed to convince her family to allow Myuna to attend a muggle catholic school in perth. this was done my the grandmother offering to pay all school fees and threatening to cut her daughter out of her family. so myuna now spends her weeks in perth studying at one of the catholic privet schools which she absolutely hates as it has stupid rules, and she feels the teachers think she is dumb because she is from the country and she stands out a lot as most of the other students are white. and the uniform is ugly. the only thing that she likes about the school is the sports program as although they don't do surfing like her school in margaret river did they do have a good basketball team which Myuna was put on and she has discovered her second love for the sport. most weekends she heads back home to spend time surfing and have her mum teach her magic (which is now also taught to her by her grandmother during the week).

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- If a student or un-sorted, what do you hope to achieve in your time at Hogwarts?
- Any thoughts on joining the Quidditch team? If so, why; and if not, why?
- How will you settle in to starting Hogwarts?

Best school subjects:
- surfing (yes that is a subject at her school (seriously google Margaret river high school)) she is part of the special surfing program.
- other than that she is good at phys ed and (slightly supprisingly) soce

Worst school subjects:
-she hates english, maths and science as they are hard and she would much rather be at the beach than doing her homework

Extracurricular Activities:
-she is a part of the special surfing program.

- If an adult, when did your character graduate? Did they achieve what they wanted to?

Current Job:
- If an adult, what job does your character have, and why?
- If they are fairly new, how will the handle settling in?

Plans for your future:
- If a student or un-sorted, what are your characters plans whilst at Hogwarts, or for after Hogwarts, and why?
- If an adult, what are your characters plans for the future, and why? For example, to start a family.

Your Patronus:
- Barramundi fish, as that is her totem animal.

Your Patronus memory:
- If un-sorted, which memory would be used to create their Patronus, and why?
- If a student or an adult, which memory is used to create your characters Patronus, and why?

Your Boggart:
- If un-sorted, what would your characters Boggart be, and why?
- If a student or an adult, what is your characters Boggart, and why?

Your Animagus:
- Barramundi fish (probably not the most practical animagus but it's her totem so that is what she would be)

Mirror of Erised:
- What would your character see if they where to look into the Mirror of Erised, and why?

A page from your diary:
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it.

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