Closed Mystical Friendship

Iris van Houten

Whimsical | Quiet | Thoughtful | Inner Eye Asst.
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Rosalind)
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
1/2038 (24)
Dear Selene,

How is life outside of Hogwarts? Have you found a job you like? I apologize for not writing to you sooner, school has been busy as usual. We just had the Halloween Feast last week. It must be weird not to be a part of it anymore. Does your mother keep you updated on the more outlandish costumes? I saw a very creepy plague doctor costume I bet will win most terrifying.

Everything has mostly been alright with me. I still struggle a bit with Divination, but at least I still enjoy it. Things have been pretty much the same as usual around here, though I did wonder if I could ask your advice on something in my next letter.

I hope you're well!

🦉 Sorry, this confused owl was meant to deliver a letter to Linden at the Hufflepuff table. 🦉
Hello Iris.
your letter really was such a pleasant surprise. i enjoyed reading it and Asteria enjoyed sitting on it. I think that may be her way of saying she likes your
life outside of Hogwarts is um busy. I don't have a proper job yet. i was working at the inner eye over the holiday and work shifts there and at my aunt's shop, the book of shadows in Salem which has its own benefits.
mum doesn't update me on the costumes but she did say a lot of the professors were going as younger versions of themselves. some of them must have been hard to recognise. what did you go as?
I am glad to hear that things are going well at school. sixth year is a nice break between owls and newts make the most of it. if you need to take extra time tp practice then take all you need.
of course, you can ask me for advice. i don't know how good i am at giving it but I will try.
hope that you are well.

((OOC: Asteria is her (half kneezel) cat))
Hello Selene,

I’m glad I could give your cat a nice place to sit. It sounds very interesting to work at the inner Eye and that other store. What kind of things does your aunt sell? It sounds like you’re gaining valuable experience, which is good.

I actually saw the group of professors, it was very strange but funny. Your mother looked a lot like you when she was younger.

The advice I’m looking for is actually romantic advice, I know you have more experience than me. I think I like my friend, but I’m not sure. I’m also not sure if pursuing it is worth risking our friendship. I know you dated your friend in the past, what do you think I should do?

Hello Iris.
Sorry it has been a while the owl delivered to morgan's cottage but i have been staying in my aunts place a little bit more recently. so i can help look after my great aunt (I think that is what she is) Gwen, and because I have been spending a lot of time with Thackery.
My aunts shop is similar to the inner eyes but had more ocult and herbal items and less divination tools. it is a good shop and salem if a beautiful town.
I don't know if i am the best to offer romantic advice. up until last month i had only ever had one relationship but things with Thackery are going very well so maybe i am not too much of a bad luck charm. I can't tell you what to do. Everyone is different, every friendship is different and every relationship is different. being in a good relationship can be one of the most amazing things. but that doesn't mean to rush into a relationship. two weeks ago i would have left it at that. warning you to be careful and that before you start something be sure you know what the risks are. no al relationships are forever and you may lose a friend if it doesn't work out. and it hurts to know that you have hurt someone that you love even if the reason you hurt them is that you don't love them the way you ought to. if that makes any sense at all. i would also warn you to trust yourself and not listen to what others say and not to ever trust divination of matters of the heart. it may be right but the half information can be damaging.
saying that i did do a tarot reading for you, three cards, the world, the star, the 2 of cups. and they all combine into a positive reading especially the 2 of cups. starting off with a sense of completeness and connection to things and people around you, then right now a wish or hope, and the two of cups shoe connection an emotional bond the cups are a very emotional and spiritual suit and the two showed a couple. trusting each other.
me and Thackery have been friends for years but I was so intent not to spoil our friendship and not to hurt him that it took ages before we started dating even though we both wanted to. and I don't think I have ever been happier.

So as i have seen muggles say tldr. everyone is different, only you and your friend know what will work for you and your friend. yes giving a relationship a go could ruin the friendship irreversibly but it could be the best thing you have done too. you should at least bring the idea up with your friend. even if you get an idea of what they think before asking them directly. but really communication is key. nothing will happen if you don't at least give it a chance.
Good luck
Sorry that was longer than i thought. mayb grab a cup of tea before you start.
Hi Selene,

Thanks for the lengthy reply. Your aunt's shop sounsd wonderful, I'd love to visit it sometime.
One relationship is more than none, but I'm glad to hear you found someone again. Thank you for the tarot reading and the advice. I still don't quite know what to do. I fear bringing it up might scare her away, especially if she doesn't even think of me like that. I think your advice is good but I don't know if I'm brave enough to follow it yet. I'm going to see if she goes to the yule ball with the same boy she went last time. If she does, I'll take it as a sign that she's not interested in me.

I'm sorry for my rather short reply in comparison. But with exams coming up, I'm sure you understand.

note said:
Hello Iris.
I hope that this owl reaches you before the ball. sorry if it is late, well sorry that it took me so long to get back to you. I hope that your exams went well.
let me know how the ball goes? did you get the chance to talk to your friend?
A little birdy told me that I may be seeing you once ot twice over the holiday. and congratulations on your new job is in order. i cant think of anyone who would be better for working in the eye than you i hope it goes well and that you enjoy it.
see you over the break
Hi Selene,
It did reach me before the ball, I'm heading down there in a few hours. My exams went alright, I hope. I won't know for sure until I get my grades back.

I actually ended up asking her to the ball, I didn't specifically ask her as my date so we're probably going as friends, but she accepted. I also got the feeling she might like me too, but I'm not sure. I've been too nervous to really take that step. Though I keep thinking about your response, so maybe I will soon.

Thanks! I'm so happy I was accepted, especially if it means I get to see you more. I'm really looking forward to work, though my sister thinks thats weird.
See you soon!

Hello Iris.
Sorry for being so slow in replying. I was hoping to work with you over your holiday. i even asked mum to schedule you on Wednesdays which is my day. but I wasn't feeling well. I hope you enjoyed working with mum. and I will defiantly be there next time you are working.
anyway the more important topic. How did the ball go? you said it seemed like your friend was interested. have you got any more clues? It is almost valentines day coming up. will you be sending many roses? are you going to the dance with anyone?
I am about to start my first semester of college. I have been accepted into studying teaching and archaeology. I am excited but nervous. it is a muggle school and it would we weird to do things without magic. i have to get a whole new set of equipment like pens and pencils. I am trying to learn how to use a computer but i much prefer using books.

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