Myrrine Phuong Trinh

Myrrine Phuong Trinh

Active Member
This profile only has so many views because I keep editing it.



[1] Contents [1]

[2] Official Profile Posts [2]

[3] Interview Questions- Interviews[3]

[4] Interview Questions- Tags [4]

[5] Journal Entries- Past [5]

[6] Journal Entries- Present [6]

[7] Simplified Data [7]

I need questions >___>
Interview Questions​

Interview Date: 11th March, 2021
"All centery. Let's start the survey. Could I have you full name?"
"Sure! It's, M-y-r-r-i-n-e P-h-u-o-n-g T-r-i-n-h.
Myrrine Phuong Trinh."​
"Talk about exotic, Ms Trinh."
"Thank you! You can call me Rin."​
"All center then, Rin. Could you tell me your birthday?"
"I was born on the 16th of November."​
"Oh! A Scorpio! I'm a Leo. That's too bad though.
Our signs are incompatible. I was going to ask you out after this."
"Truly? I wouldn't mind. But I think our age gap is too large.
I'm only eleven."​
"Are you serious? You look fourteen."
"Yeah, I get that quite a bit. "​
"It's not a bad thing though. Don't get me wrong."
"Don't let it bother you."​
"You are a very pretty girl though."
"Thank you! I have my parents to thank."​
"Hmm. If you don't mind, could I have their names?"
"Gia Trinh and Monique Galletley"​
"Eh? So they're Vietnamese and New Zealanders?"
"You're very knowledgeable."​
"Thanks. It comes with my job. Any siblings?"
"Yep. I have four."​
"Four? Wow. Could I have their names?"
"Amber and Derick for my mum's side.
An and Huynh for my Dad's side."​
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you parents divorced?"
"Indeed they are. I was about seven when it happened."​
"I'm sorry that happened."
"Don't be. I've gotten over it. It was for the best anyway"​
"Nevermind. Let's move on."​
"All centery. Any pets?"
"Mum doesn't allow."​
"I see. So I presume you're living in Auckland now?"
"Yep. We live along Cecil Street in the Newton District."​
"I see..."
"I'm also muggle-born."​
"You're what?"
"Oh. Erm. Inside joke."​
"Erm. I see..."
"Yep. Would you like to know the story?​
"It's fine, really. Now could you just fill in these for me?"

End Interview;
Time Elasped: 4 minutes 28 seconds.

Interview Questions​

Myspace Survey
14) Which animal do you think best represents you and why?
Lion. I 'unno. I'm naturally attracted to it. Maybe it has something to do with my pride.

32) What form would your worst failure take?
An extremely pretty lady.

56) If you could be an animal, what would you be?
A Black Panther

64) What do you desire the most?
To be erased from this world.

74) What is your happiest memory.
Plunging the knife into the skull of that kid a few years back. I think he died. I'm not sure.

Survey End;
Time elapsed: 17 minutes, 52 seconds

32 Random Questions
1.Were you named after anyone?
That, I'm not too sure. Probably not. I never did bother asking.

2.When was the last time you cried?
Ever since Dad left, I swore to myself I wouldn't cry.

3.Do you like your handwriting?
NO! Mum used to joke that I could be a doctor because of my bad handwriting.

4.What is your favorite lunch?
A huge bowl of Pho with extra beef and chili flakes.

5.Do you have kids?

6.If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Hmm? Honestly? No! Haha! I think I'm too much trouble.

7.Do you use sarcasm?
Nope. I'm straightforward. I get sarcasm though, so don't even try.

8.Would you bungee jump?
YES. I made it one of my life's goals, haha! I've always wanted to ferry down to Gold Coast and try it out.

9.What is your favorite cereal?
Post Cereal, Cranberry and Almonds.

10.Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Nope. I just slip them off.

11.What is your favorite board game?
Chess, and the Game of Life.

12.What is your favorite ice cream?
... Hokey Pokey :D

13.What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their dressing. I think it's important to look presentable.

14.Red or pink?
... Pink >///<

15.What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
My pride. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm far too proud a person.

16.Who do you miss the most?
The cat that stayed around my neighbourhood. It got run over by a car... But I don't mind. The person driving was drunk, smashed into a tree and is still in a coma anyway.

17.What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
Erm. Denim jeans and white shoes with orange stripes.

18.What are you listening to right now?
"Light On" by David Cook. It's timeless.

19.If you were a crayon, what colour would you be
I would be... Blue. Because I like blue. Otherwise, I'd be purple.

20.Favourite smells?
Hmm... I like the smell of rosemary and baking cookies. I also like the smell of blood.

21.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Randy! He called to ask about homework.

22.Do you like the person who sent this to you?
Yes! Randy tagged me!

23.Favourite sports to watch?
I like Hockey. Figure skating also happens to be an interest of mine, but I've never had the chance.

24.Do you wear contacts?
Nope. I have perfect eyesight!

25.Favourite food?

26.Scary movies or happy endings?
I like happy endings! I'm scared of Ghosts and all that... I don't dare watch scary movies.

27.What colour shirt are you wearing?

28.Summer or winter?
Summer! I'm not fond of the cold.

29.Hugs or kisses?
Hugs :)

30.What book are you reading now?
Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov. I found it a little mundane in the beginning, but it's starting to get interesting.

31.Favourite sound(s).
Hmmm... I like the sound of water flowing, fire crackling, leaves rustling, wind chimes... The sea... Wooden floor boards... And blood spilling.

32.Rolling stones or Beatles?
Rolling Stones! Rock is not dead!!

Survey End;
Time elapsed: 21 minutes,49 seconds

Simplified Data​

Full Name: Myrrine Phuong Trinh
- Birth Date: 16th November
- Current Age:11
- Basic Appearance: Cute, Exotic. Myrrine cares a lot about her appearance, so she makes it a point to look presentable.
- Parents: Gia Trinh and Monique Galletley
- Siblings, if any: Amber, Derick, An and Huynh
- Pets, if any: None. She wants kittens though.
- Area of Residence: Auckland, New Zealand
- Blood status: Muggle Born

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? A black panther.
- What would their Boggart be? It would take the form of an extremely beautiful lady.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A Lion.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? There would be no reflection.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Plunging her knife into someone's skull.
why would her bogart be a beautiful lady?

why would her Patronus be stabbing someone in the head? O_O
Myrrine's homophobic. It's an idea I was working on. She doesn't mind homosexuals, but she's completely afraid of falling in love with another woman. I don't know if that works out though =__=" It doesn't seem logical at times -_- Maybe I should make her completely afraid of homosexuals. It'll definitely cause a fair amount of conflicts though xDxD What do you think?

I was thinking of making it in the image of this woman she saw years ago and had fallen in love with, or something like that. I was also thinking of making it such that she's afraid of falling in love. But if she did that, she might even shun herself from people-

That's a thought too, actually. She's afraid of falling in love, so she's developed anti-social behaviours.

... Nah. Too difficult to RP with =__="

I was also thinking of making her a closet bisexual and things, and making it such that her father left her mother for another man, so her mother keeps verbally bashing homosexuals, so Myrrine learnt from her and things.

As for the Partonus thing xD

She has violent tendencies and things, and feels a constant urge to kill the person who's stepped on her toes.

When Myrrine was 8, she went with her family to a restaurant in Hanoi, when a drunken patron threw his food on the floor and caused a commotion because he wasn't satisfied with the quality. That man grabbed the waiter by the collar and started threatening and throwing things around. She was annoyed, grabbed her knife, walked up to the man (his back was facing her) and stabbed him.

Since she was too young to be prosecuted and the man didn't die, she was sent for anger management classes after that, but it was at that point she realised that she enjoys injuring and killing. She wanted to stab him in the neck, but she was too short :lol: She hasn't killed anyone since, but there have been attempts. Attempts which I haven't though of >__> Gah. She's so underdeveloped, it scares me.

The kid doesn't like excessive violence and gore. She doesn't attack unless provoked (or if she feels the person needs to die), prefers quick, efficient killing (explains the black panther), something which makes her actions very difficult to predict and prevent. It's not that she's evil and things. Myrrine has a very strong sense of Justice and I would actually put her on the good alignment. She's just weird.

... Yeah, that's right. Just very weird.

.... I should stop making weird characters.

Oh, don't mind the bolding. I'm doing it for my own reference.

And. I'm trying my best to keep her away from Slytherin LOL

I need to re-study the characteristics of each house =__="

I'm trying to give her stereotypes of, 'goodness' and all that, but I want her to truly enjoy killing.

Ahhhhhhh too difficult ;~;

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