My Wizarding Character

Derrik Agile

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Full Name: - Derrik Agile

Birth Date: - October 31

Current Age: - 11

Basic Appearance: - ruffled brownish hair, tanish white skin, green eyes, about 5"

Parents:- Mother (Joan Agile) who is muggle born but was a student at Hogwarts, Father is dead

Siblings, if any: - None

Pets, if any: - A Black and White Cat

Area of Residence: - 28 Privit Drive

Blood status:(If your character is a sorted student:)- Half Wizard/Muggle

Hogwarts House (And why): - Gryffindor. He feels that he would excel in this house and it would give him pride to be in that house.

Best school subjects (And why): - None yet

Worst school subjects (And why): (all characters:)- None yet

What would their Patronus be? - A tiger

What would their Boggart be? - Snakes or spiders

What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) -A cat

What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? - Nothing at the moment

What memory could they use to create a Patronus? - Knowing that other people are like him and that he doesn't have to hide the fact he's a wizard. (Although he doesn't know that yet.)

Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Today was another okay day. Schools is filled with bullies and I'm sorta getting used to it. A few of them pick on me and stuff but I don't do anything because I know I can't. Sometimes I wish things like magic exists. Maybe then things could get even. Mom also talks about random stuff and weird things happen when I'm around her now that I mention it. Like, I don't really know how to explain it. One second she'll call me over and then something happens, she'll divert me else where and then a minute later she starts acting wierd like she's trying to hide something. I trust that she isn't hiding anything. Or is she...?
Welcome to HNZ Derrik
I just have a few questions.

1. Which house does Derrik want to get into and why?

2. Does Derrik want to have any siblings or is he content with being an only child?

3. What do you think Derrik's worst and best subjects will be?

4. What will his favourite and least favourite be and why?

5. When did Derrik's father die?

6. Did his death affect Derrik drastically?

7. What are 5 personality traits you would use to descibe Derrik?

I think this is it for now, if more questions come I will be sure to ask you, once again Welcome :D
Hey Derrik. Welcome to HNZ

Just to point out to you, new students can't be 12, before been sorted.

Also, I am assuming Privit Drive is in England. Why are you going to HNZ instead of Hogwarts in Scotland, which is much closer?

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