My new protege

Kadie Walsh

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kadie sat on a bench very stiffly. Straightening out her shirt she couldn't help but wonder what disgusting mingers had sat here and what they had left behind for her to catch. Kadie sat up immediatley and grabbed her bag from the seat next to where she was previously sat.

Kadie began to walk. She was not here for any reason other than to get away from the school. New Zealand was much more interesting than France in her personal opinion. In fact, most places were more interesting than France but that was usual, people rarely liked their home country the most.

Kadie continued to walk. All she could do was walk. She was bored of having no one to talk to and so attempted to find some one of interest. Maybe a boy from Hogwarts willing to flirt a little. Unfortunately there wasn't any. "Honestly, is there no-one of interest around here?"
Sophia strightened out her dress as she stood up. It wasn't her best dress but she liked it enough to wear it which meant it had to be pretty good. She never wore anything that didn't appeal to her.
She couldn't help but glare at some of the revolting people who walked past her. They seemed to have no idea what they looked like. They needed serious help. She wasn't about to help them though. That would mean talking to them and she wasn't going to do that unless she criticised them.
Soph heard someone talk and they seemed to agree with her point of view about the people here. "I agree completely. No one knows what the hell they look like." Soph looked at the clothes the girl was wearing. "You stand out so much though. You are the only person I have seen today who knows what they are doing with their clothes."
Kadie turned at the sound of a voice. The owner was a girl, around her own age if not younger slightly. The girl looked decent enough to talk to. "Trust me, I know how you feel." At least when she was at home in Paris she was surrounded by people who knew the meaning of fashion. Here people only knew the meaning of drab and boring.

"New Zealand is full of disgusting people." Kadie would definitely admit that she looked down on these people. They were no where near as fabulous as herself. Then again, no-one ever was.

"And who might you be?" Names meant as much as appearance to Kadie, the person chose their name to some extent. If they had a terrible name, for example Barbara or Mary-Sure, and chose not to shorten it to something more fitting or acquire a nickname then they were obviously to stupid even for her company.
"I'm Sophia Bresilley." Sophia's French accent showed as she spoke. "Some people call me Soph but most of the time I'm Sophia. You??" Sophia glared at a woman walking past who was wearing a most ghastly top and skirt. "O. M. G. What does she think she's wearing. It's disgusting." Sophia hated how people could walk around thinking they looked good in some of the most revolting clothes. She would never have seen this in Paris and she hated the fact that her parents forced her to go to New Zealand all the time. It was the worst time of the year when she was forced on a plane and flown over to a badly dressed country like this. "I'd never have this at home. The French know what good clothes are. They know that looking bad is should be against the law. People here just walk around in whatever they can find and it's horrible."
Kadie stood up proud when asked who shew was. "I'm Kadie, Kadie Walsh. Feel free to shorten my name if you wish, I really don't care." Sophia was a nice enough name and the girl had the sense to keep the nickname close enough to it.

Kadie watched the woman in question and laughed. "Now now, don't blame the poor woman. She obviously got dressed in the dark this morning, that or she's blind." She laughed at what she had said before turning to Sophia. "Did you say French? As in France?"
Sophia grinned. "I like your name. It's nice. It doesn't sound uptight but it doesn't sound soft. I like it." Sophia hated it when people had names that mad them sound like posh snobs but she also hated names that sounded really soft.
Sophia laughed at Kadie's reply. Then she smiled when France was brought into the conversation. Paris was Sophis's home and it always would be. "Yeah. I live in Paris."
Kadie laughed at Sophia's analysis of her name. She gasped and clapped her hands together when she said she lived in Paris. "No way. Same here. I'm only here because it's the school weekend where we can go shopping. " She was glad she had found someone who lived in her city, normally she only met people who were form around here. "What's your favourite place in Paris?"
Sophia smiled. "That is so cool. I get home schooled so mum brings me here every now and then for a holiday and she brings my tutor with us so I still get lessons." Sophia had refused to go to a public school because she didn't want to make friends with any of the disgusting people she had seen there. Private tutoring was so much better.
Kadie grinned. "You're so lucky, I've been sent to Beaxbatons. I mean, the guys are cute and most of the girls know what fashion is but it is so boring. Mum was thinking about it but my stupid sisters convinced her to make me go." Kadie pouted, her lips were unnaturally shiny due to the lip gloss she was wearing.
"I feel so sorry for you. My step sister has to go to that Durmstrang place. It looks so grose. I went to public school when I was younger and hated every bit of it." Sophia shivered as she remembered the days she had spent in her first school, spending the whole time loving being hated. It was fun sometimes but most of it was boring.
Kadie smiled as the girl, Sophia, understood what she meant. "Durmstrang is so much worse than Beauxbatons. Really, it's horrific there. Well,most people are. They have some cute guys I'll give you that." She laughed, KAdie was always up for a 'bad-boy' kind of guy for her. "What sort of guys you like then?"
Sophia shrugged. "I like boys who don't bother with all the lovey dovey stuff. I like them when they go straight to the last stage. They're more fun that way." She laughed slightly. "What about you??" She looked at Kadie, wondering if she looked like the type of girl who would go with any guy possible.
Kadie laughed at Sophia's choice. "Me? I like most guys as long as they're actual guys and not wimps in disguise. I'm into the whole bad boy thing but I don' mind a guy I can sit down and chat with. Nothing too deep though, I like relationships mostly physical." She smirked at her new friend and winked.
"I've never been good with relationships. I don't know why. I guess I've never found the right guy to stay by. Oh well." Sophia shrugged. She watched as a few really badly dressed people walked past. "I can not wait until I get back to Paris." Sophia looked around to see if there was actually anyone else with decent clothes on.
Kadie looked at the passing people, not bothering to hide her disgust. "I totally know what you mean. New Zealand may be good for guys but it is rubbish for clothes. Apart from that other shop, the one in Makatu, you been there yet?" She loved that shop, Kadie loved most generally fashionable shops really.
"No I haven't." Sophia shook her head. "I've only really been to shops that are here and in that harbour place whatever it's called." She shrugged. "I'll have to go to the mall at some point. I've heard it's a good place to go." She smiled as she thought about the clothes that could be in there. She hoped there was some good stuff because she had been doing some major editing with the clothes she had bought from these shops.
Kadie laughed and clapped once. "We should totally go there some time!" KAdie smiled, not only had she found someone with totally awesome taste in fashion, which wsa hard to find, but this person was, like, the perfect person for her to hang with. She looked nice enoughso she couldn't be judged for her physical attributes but she could also handle herself by the looks of things and Kadie definately couldn't be seen friends with a wimp.
"How about I give you my number. That way, next time you have some time we can go there and do some shopping." Sophia grabbed a pen and pad out of her bag and wrote down her number before handing it to Kadie. "I'm usually doing nothing so I should be able to go out with you anytime. My parents will be the only thing stopping me if I say no." She rolled her eyes when she thought about how annoying her parents could be sometimes.
Kadie took the piece of paper and placed it into her own, white, bag before smiling at the other girl. "I will definately give you a buzz." She rolled her eyes at the parents comment. "I, like, totally know what you mean. My dad is totally wrapped around my finger but my mum is mega annoying, she keeps trying to make me do housework. Saying, I'll need it in later life or something. I keep telling her I'm just going to hire a maid or servant or elf or something to do it for me." She laughed and flipped her hair from her shoulder.
"It's the same with me. My dad does anything to keep me happy when I act how he expects but my mum doesn't want me to be a model so she does anything to discourage me from doing it. Weirdo." She shook her head. "I'd never get a house elf though. I've been told about them and they sound revolting. I'd get a maid and make sure she does what she's told or she won't know what's happened to her."

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