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Rodolph Murdo

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Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Rodolph Murdo

This topic will likely demonstrate why one should not start a Plot Development topic at one in the morning.
Well, I say one.. I've spent half an hour looking at gifs. So, not a great start. On with the topic!
This is Rodolph Murdo. He lives in the United Kingdom, and frequently travels about, as is required in his career as a Chaser for the Montrose Magpies. I've only just had the heart to try and move him on (I did try this once before, but it was kind of 'too soon' after Nadia's RPer going A.W.O.L). Rodolph, often known as 'Roddy', enjoys going to bars and clubs and pubs and blah. He has, sadly, never had a proper girlfriend. Well, he had one when he was fifteen, but that only lasted a week and she dumped him for a part-goblin. Harsh. Anyway, he could do with at least one good friend, and a girlfriend. That should do with getting him started. I really do enjoy roleplaying him, though I would like to hold off possible roleplays for a while (I'm happy to start, and I will PM when ready) because of IRL stuff, e.t.c, and I have enough on my plate as it is. I'm only making this topic right now because I want to get planning out of the way.


Sorry, I'm rambling..
As I say, a good friend would be useful. The friend (preferable of wizarding heritage) can be male or female and of any blood status. They need a good sense of humour, and it would be incredibly helpful if they lived in the UK. Eighteen plus is a good age. Although, someone in their mid twenties to mid thirties would be epic.

And for a girlfriend, they would require a good sense of humour, they must be at least seventeen. And, obviously, female. Any blood status works for me. If they're a muggle.. We can work around that. Again, living/frequently inhabiting the UK would be highly useful. The relationship does not need to be permanent, but I would like for them to at least be together for a year or two. I do, at some point, want Rodolph to get married and have children, so if anyone is interested in that, do let me know. They'd need to be together for about two In Character years before Rodolph would even consider marriage.

Yes, so.. That's it. Unless anyone, Quidditch-wise, would like to give their input as to what their relationship could be with Rodolph (friendly rivalry between teams is always amusing). Now, of you toddle.

Hi there, Beth.

I have Marcheline Taylor who I have not done a thing with and would be willing to offer her up to you. I don't know what her personality or anything is because I created her and things happened and her plot fell through but I hate that she is not being in use so if there is any type of person you think might mesh well with Roddy let me know and I'll see what I can do. ^_^

I have Katherine Bishops here, and I can offer her as a girlfriend/future wife to Rodolph. She's not necessarily a nice person, and she can be extremely blunt. But once you get past those traits, she's actually a caring woman who wants to protect the people she's close to. She wouldn't hesitate to complain if someone did something that she deemed wrong, and at times doesn't realize that she could hurt someone's feelings. She's currently living in London, working as a writer for the Daily Prophet. So just let me know what you think. Oh! She can also get defensive at times, but not to a point where it's impossible to get anything through to her. And I'm just planning for her as well, for the same exact reason as you (I.R.L. things and so forth.) So just let me know what you think.
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