🌹 Rose Giving My insides turn over when he looks at me that certain way.

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
15 (12/2046)
the morning had cone smoothly. Hugo had not managed to deliver any more roses since breakfast. he had been to busy caught in classes. he figured he would have some lunch and then go on the hunt. maybe checking out the library, or the grounds. Probably the library. asking as it would fit better with his next class. and Hugo didnt need an excuse to go to the library on his break. he was just thinking through this game plan as he was crossing the great hall when he looked up and saw one of the people he was meant to deliver to a very young Slytherin with a surprising rose for someone that old. "Hello Miro-, um, Miroslav" he said hoping to get his attention.

@Miroslav Petrov
Miroslav thought that giving people roses was just about the dumbest thing ever. He did not understand why anyone would want to do that. So he was surprised when an older boy o the day of the rose giving went to stop him, likely to give him a rose, because there couldn't be another reason. "I'm not Miroslav," he lied "Miroslav is my brother though," he was curious about who might send him a rose, but not that curious.
Hugo wasnt quite sure what to say when the boy said that he wasn't mirostav but his brother. "Oh, I'm sorry, my mistake." he apologised a little disappointed that he hadnt managed to get the right person. "do you know where I might find your brother? I have a rose for him, or if you see him can you let him know Hugo is looking for him" he said.
Miroslav smirked for a second and then hid it. "You won't find him. He died, this is someone playing a joke on me. I bet if you look at the note it'll say something cruel," Miroslav told him.

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