My "I'm Supposed To Be Writing A Paper" Plotline and Development

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Saveli Pendleton

Mother of Two // Ded
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Reuben <3
So currently it's nearly two am, I have class in the morning, and a paper due. I figured now was the PERFECT time for me to post with my little firsties and tell you all about the plots I'm hoping to get for them! So without further ado, here are my two charries. First off is my beautifully sweet Hufflepuff...</FONT>
Viviana Nacht!

Viviana is a sweet, caring, and bubbly individual. She loves to talk about anything, and will always give out plenty of compliments and show tons of love. She is fiercely loyal, but doens't always have the best brain about her. Her favorite class, and specialty will be Astronomy, and she dreams of one day mapping out and finding new stars. She enjoys being outdoors or in, and loves to read about the sun adn the moo. Her greatest accomplishment is always making friends, and she is fairly easy to get along with if your character enjoys hugs. However, with all of this sickening sweetness, there comes a price - and a harsh one in the reality of her future plots.

Viviana is the master of co-dependency. She doens't want anyone angry, or sad, adn thus tries to make everything better. She is willing to give up everything that makes her happy to keep someone else happy, and values a strangers smile over even cleanliness. So what that means for Viv is a lot of plotting. She is still young, but I have these huge ideas in mind for her. She needs friends first, and particularly a few male friends. Viv, when she get older, will of course choose to date - and will not care if she is used unfortunately, as long as the boy in the relationship is happy. This will of course lead to some heart break in her time, but i don't plan on her really opening up until she's in her last year of school. This is where a close friend comes in handy - preferably a boy as it would be her final, but if not i will always accept a girl. Viviana will lose her grandmother in her third year, but never get the chance to mourn the death of her as she is keeping everyone happy. This leaves her with an emotional wound that doesn't close until she confides in someone that she thinks it was her fault. Once the person calms her down, I'm thinking she will get help for her co-dependency issues from a friend/professor.

So for those that may not have read that, here's what i need: Friends, future relationship plots, people who can't stand her bubbly nature but use her, and possibly a professor she can get close to. She does have one best friend already, so if you choose to love Viv you also need to love...
Saveli Flannigan!

Saveli is the grinch in disguise, and don't let her fool you. She is sweet, charismatic, kind, and caring to those she wants something from. Growing up in a home with a superiority complex left Saveli relatively socially inept. She struggles to actually make friends, and has a habit of thinking that things must go her way, or else. (As Venn Boneheart, he knows). Saveli has a relatively dark secret though - and a half sister that she doens't know about as well. She has a lot of self-discovery to do, but in the meantime I want her to piss off as many people as possible. Saveli's quick temper and semi-sharp tongue tend to get her in trouble, and her ambitions push her to want to be at the top. However, she is easily overwhelmed, and often times panics over small things - she's a bit neurotic.

I want to fill her first year with nothing but nonsense and roleplays to kind of feel her out a bit more - but at the end of her first year she gains a sister (Prudence Armstead) and becomes a bit more outgoing, often times breaking into what Prue is doing. If you've roleplayed with Prue, Saveli will probably want to meet you, as she wants to , in a way, show she is superior to her sister. Besides that, Saveli - just as she is entering her teen years - will discover she is not her father's child, and that is why he doens't seem to be around her as much. For someone who wants to prove their self-worth to their father so badly they will make enemies, this is a big deal. This turns her even more angry - but then she falls in love. Not really. Saveli will finally notice boys, and i want her to crush on someone who will crush her, by telling her how awful she is as a person and what not - and this will be her turning point.

From there on she is free game as she tries to change the terrible person she is. So the long and short of it; I need enemies, a few good friends, and an object of affection!


That was longer than i wanted, and i rambled a lot. Thank you so much for reading and feel free to PM me or post here if you'd like! Until then!! :hug:<FONT font="wizardry">​
Hey Cole!

I have Parker Greystone right here. He is a self loving, slightly arrogant, extremely charismatic Gryffindor first year. He was raised as an only child, after his father passed away and has been absolutely spoilt, so you can somewhat guess what to expect of his personality. Not that he's a 'bad apple' at all, but to put it simply, he loves himself. He is extremely loyal and trustworthy to his inner circle (well, as soon as he has one he will be) but he will go out of his way to make your life a living hell if you cross him.

Im down for absolutely anything you need for either of your characters!

I have two things I want to suggest for you. Hayden Bane is the Astronomy Professor and she is extremely motherly and kind. She's a little "out there" if you get what I mean, but not so much so that she would alienate people. I think she would be a good person to help with Viv's co-dependency issues as she was a lawyer and has had to deal with things like this before in divorce cases.

I also want to volunteer to rp Dina and Saveli again, because they amuse me xD

I love you! :hug:
Cole lets get down to business. Zach and Prue are friends. Therefore Zach must met Saveli. I think he will see her as a challenge. In what way I'm not sure but I think he will like the idea of trying to befriend her (or more). Maybe he's so persistent that she gets used to him or something, either way I think they could be friends.

I know you said either of them, but I have just got this house rivalry in my mind because of Parker and Saveli's clashing personalities. Both of them are hard headed and arrogant. Both want the best for themselves i would assume, and besides that, Saveli already has been filled with lies that the two worst houses are Hufflepuff and Gryffindor - considering her father was a Slytherin. I think that they would make the perfect enemies. Possibly after Saveli has a change of heart they could be frenimies - competitors still. It's up to you ^.^ . I don't know when you would want to have this begin, but as soon as possible would be nice - I would love to see their growth over the years.

Bane&&Viv, Saveli&&Dina
Teiggy-Bear, how could i say no to you. As far as Hayden goes, she would work perfectly, considering I'm having Viv pursue Astronomy with a passion <3 . I can't wait to plot them, perhaps we can start them the next IC semester/year, after she is in love with the subject and what not.

As far as Saveli and Dina, I think it would be interesting to watch them grow and become enemies, or possibly friends after she changes her way. Of course because they both like being leaders they would always butt heads :r . Once she realizes that Dina likes to lead Des, se'd probably try and get him on her side if we could get Tenilee in on this xD. A power struggle! I don't know when you wanna have this start, considering you are quite busy, but we can always talk a bit more in depth.

Daniel, right to the point I see! i would love to plot Zach, but Prue and Saveli won't know that they are family until the end of her second year, so the plot would definitely be put off until after that. However, this gives us time to keep up on Zach and Prue so that they can continue their friendship. It would definitely help with the insecurities i plan on Prue having if Saveli dated Zach, and she would most definitely date him if she knew Prue was interested. We can talk a bit more thoroughly over PM or skype if you'd like though!!
Hello Cole!

So, I have Lydia Archer to offer you, for Viviana, they are in the same house together and Lydia is very like Viviana as she too is a sweetheart. People can walk all over her. She's smart, but a creative type. She likes painting and mess. She's not book smart. She likes adventures and doing things independently, but doesn't have too much of a backbone. I think they could be good friends!

And also, if Mandalyn wants to come hang out with Stefan she's more than welcome to. He'd be happy to see her again!

In any case let me know what you think and if you want to plot together!
Emzies :hug: Just the distraction I needed from doing work! :r

Anyways, I would love to roleplay Viv and Lydia together, though I have to wonder how it would work out. Hopefully Lydia is good a making decisions, because Viviana makes her friends choose everything xD . I think it will be an interesting combination since they are both doormats. And as far as Mandalyn, i would love to have her over at Stefan's at some point, since she's eventually going to have a relationship and need advice (since Rosie is absolutely no help at all). If you want to shoot me a PM we can plot more in detail, as always!
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