my god my friends get hurt alot

Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa walked into the hospital wing with Sern and Kida in his arms. "Sern put her on one of the beds with no pillow and try not to move her neck much" Arisa said.
Kida Yelped with pain again, she had knocked her hand against sern, Kida had completely blanked out all the way up to the hospital wing, she didnt know where she was, her eyes were shut, the pain had increased, she relaxed slightly when sern put her on the bed, she still was in pain, she heard Arisa's Voice, "Arisa" she murmered softly, trying to find out what was going on
"Kida" Arisa rushed over to her friend "your going to be ok were at the hospital wing now" Arisa said kneeling by fer friend.
"I'm sorry Arisa" she said Faintly "i didnt mean to scare you" she kept her eyes shut "Sern, wheres Sern" she said her voice becoming more faint
"shhh get some rest" Arisa said brushing Kidas hair with her hands "you need it" Arisa said grabbing a blanket and pulling it over Kida.
Kida winced slightly at Arisa Touch, she didnt make it noticable, she didnt want to sleep, she wanted to know what was happening, but her body didnt give her a choice, in a matter of seconds she was out like a light,
Arisa stood up and went to go find a nurse quietly she didnt want to wake Kida up. "Hello is someone here?" Aria whispered.
(( sorry mum can be ebil sometimes ))

Sern looked over his cousin as she lay on the bed. Many people had called him a drama king but at that moment he wanted to be expelled. He leant over and moving some hair from her eyes and whispered "Im such an sorry".
Aeon was walking along the third floor when he heard a commotion from the Hospital Wing. Someone's probably just fallen over or something He thought while walking past the door, But then he suddenly recognized the voices inside.
No, It can't be her. He thought to himself while opening the door and stepping inside. Aeon's stomach lept when he saw Kida with Sern and Arisa. "What happened! What's going on!" He shouted, running over to them. "Kida! Are you okay! Speak to me." He said, taking her hand and squeezing it.
Kida woke with a start as soon as Aeon grabbed her hand, she shot up, screaming in pain, her hand was burning, it proberly was broken, her eyes began to fill with tears, she pulled her hand away from Aeon, she leaned over, cradeling her hand, tears began to roll down her cheeks
" no you idiot!" he whispered coarsely. "That hand could be broken!" He pulled his brother away from her for a moment, "not to mention shes trying to sleep". He let go of aeon and wiped his sleeve across his cheek getting it of a tear.

leaning back over her bed again sern whispered, "its ok..calm down ...its..its not that bad" He tried to give her a smile of confidence but he found it hard to smile at the best of times and failed.
Aeon glared at Sern angrily and went to grab his arm. "What happened! Tell me now!" He whispered loudly, stepping up closer.
Turning to his brother sern tried to wipe his eyes but they just welled up with tears again. " angry" He whispered so faintly you would have to strain to hear it. And sern himself was, if possible, even paler then usual.
"You..what!" Aeon said, raising his voice. "What did you do, Tell me exactly what happened!"
"...I..I cant remember" Sern said desperately, Everything was just a blur and his rage always left spots out in his memory. He leant over his cousin again trying not to cry, " sorry" He wiped his eyes again. " know how I get....I should..should be expelled".
Kida continued to cradle her hand, When Sern said that he should be expelled she shook her head violently, she rolled back, she looked at Aeon, she held out her left hand for him, she felt weak and pathetic, but she could atleast try to act strong,
"guys! kida is trying to sleep if your going to fight get out and leave the patient alone!" Arisa whispered. She walked over to the now awake Kida "are you ok? does your hand hurt alot?"
Kida looked at Arisa and simpley nodded, she didnt want her cousins to leave, she looked back at Sern and Aeon, she wanted to pull them both into a hug, but she didnt have enough hands, and it would hurt her to much, she looked at both of them, and managed to put on a weak smile
He gave his cousin a hug for a while, making sure he didn't hurt her. Then, as though he didn't trust himself any longer, he walked to a seat set himself down. His arms slung around himself. "..I..I didn't" was all he could mumble before falling silent.
Arisa started to feel like she was intruding "I can go if you guys want me to" Arisa said heading for the door "Im sure a real nurse will be here soon"
"Kida.." Aeon whispered, leaning over her and stroking her hair. "Tell me what happened Arisa." He said, his throat feeling dry.
Kida Looked back and forth between the two boys, and then over to Arisa, "Nurse?" she said weakly. Kida looked back over to Aeon and Sern, Sern was angry with himself, and Aeon was Angry with Sern, for the first time, she wasnt Angry with one of them, "Aeon" Kida said again, smiling slightly
"Oh its nothing we were in the forest thats all" Arisa said not sure he wanted to say how Sern had behaved.
"Ok, I meant tell me EXACTLY what happened, In ever detail.." Aeon said, turning red in the face.
"She triped and hit her hand on a rock" Arisa said looking at Aeon. She was a good lier and was sure he would fall for it.

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