Closed My Bad

Isaiah Thompson

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OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2040 (21)
Isaiah had been running around like a headless chicken for most of the day, dragging his dad along as they tried to get all of his school shopping done. Or well, he tried to get his school shopping done. His dad just needed to be there to help carry stuff and more importantly, pay. He was happy he was there with him though, would've loved for his pa to be there as well but he understood that someone had to watch his other siblings. He had sent his dad to get some stuff of the list whilst he went ahead and made his way to the shop to get his robes. The streets were crowded and the boy was excited, a deadly combination. Zig-zagging his way through the crowd Isaiah started making his way towards the shop he was aiming for, slightly looking up in his attempt not to walk straight into any of the adults. In doing so, however, he managed to walk almost straight into another kid. "Woa, sorry!" He exclaimed before taking a step back and looking at the other kid as they responded.
Indi was starting to get exhausted from all the school shopping she was doing. Thankfully they were getting to the bottom of their list and her mom had just run into one of the shops to get something for her grandmother. She had been enjoying having this alone time with her mom with out her step-dad or sister hogging up all the attention, but she decided to wait outside and enjoy the fresh air before they were forced to go into another stuffy shop. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy getting all the things for school, she could already feel her fingers itching to crack open the books weighing heavy in one of her bags. Indi just wished the whole processes wasn't so tedious and her feet were tired. She had been staring at the shop front trying to spot her mom to see if she was almost done when she felt something collide with her. She stumbled slightly but caught her balance before she fell over. She felt annoyance flair inside her gut as she turned to look and saw it was a boy about her age. Did no one look where they were going these days? "Watch it!" she snapped, too tired and flustered to care that she was being rude and a little over dramatic.
Even though he had tried to be careful when making his way through the crowds of school shoppers Isaiah had to admit this wasn't the first person he had run into today. However, the other had been an adult which was exactly the reason he had been looking slightly up rather than right in front of him. Running into adults seemed a lot more awkward than running into another kid. His dad had gotten a good laugh out of it though, so at least that was something. He frowned slightly when the girl he had run into responded and she certainly wasn't impressed with what had just happened. "Dude, chill, I said I'm sorry." Isaiah responded, putting his hands as if to show a form of surrender, apology. "School shopping got you prickly, huh?" He asked as he eyed her bags, again glad that he only had to carry one of the bags and his dad got the rest of them.
Indi frowned, she did not like being told to chill. "Only prickly about people not watching where they're going." she snapped but sighed a moment later. It was pointless to get so worked up over a stupid boy. Since he was probably her age there was a good chance he went to Hogwarts too, or was going to be. No point in making someone hate her before they even got to school. Even if he was thoughtless and apparently mostly blind. "Where are you going in such a hurry anyways?" she asked, crossing arms defensively.
Isaiah nodded when the girl responded, although he still tried to stay friendly. If she decided to be childish about it then he, for once, would not. "Right, I get it. I'm sorry." He responded, trying his best to not act like the child that he was but unable to not add a little more. "Again." Well at least he tried. It'the thought that counts, right? In the end, he still apologized twice so if she wasn't going to take it now then he figured he'd just let it be. "I was going to get my school robes." Isaiah answered her question, thinking that she probably wouldn't find that a solid reason to hurry. He just wanted to get this whole shopping thing done as soon as possible since his dad had said they'd only be getting his wand after they'd gotten everything else. "Bumped into some guy earlier though, an adult, which is why I was looking up and obviously not forward like I probably should've." He gave her a sheepish grin. Obviously he knew he should've look around better with how busy these streets were, but he feared walking into an adult a whole lot more than running into another kid.
Indi fought the urge to roll her eyes as he continued to apologize. The more he said it the more condescending it felt and she had no interest in that. She sighed and brushed it off. “So you’re going to Hogwarts this year then?” she asked, not bothering to ask why he was in such a hurry for robes in the first place. "I'm not that short." she said sarcastically and crossed her arms over her chest. "You just seem clumsy. Maybe next time keep your eyes where you're feet are going." she teased.
The girl didn't seem to appreciate Isaiah apologizing again and he made sure to make a mental note not to do that again. It had probably come off like he didn't meant it to her although he did, he just thought she didn't have to be so prickly about him running into her. It had been an accident after all, it wasn't like he had planned on doing so. "For sure am." He nodded at her mention of hogwarts. He did wonder if she was as well, but by the looks of the bags she was carrying he was pretty sure she was. "Well you're definitely no adult either, are you?" Isaiah frowned at her comment, not afraid to shoot one back at her. At the girl's next remark he put his hands up again, although he also couldn't help a hint of a smile showing on his face. "If I'm that clumsy I don't think that's going to help either." He grinned, shaking his head for a second as he did. He couldn't disagree with the fact that he was clumsy, but what he could agree on with himself was that this girl seemed like a difficult one to figure out. He didn't know whether she'd be fun or not but decided to introduce himself anyways. "I'm Isaiah, should you care." The boy smiled at her, curious for her reaction.
Indi looked at the boy with slightly more interest as he confirmed he was also going to be going to Hogwarts. Despite being unobservant and clumsy, he did seem nice enough that he wouldn’t be an awful person to get to know. “Well it might help at least.” she muttered under her breath as he brushed off her comment about watching where he was going. “I care.” she said indignantly. “My name is Indi.” she replied confidently and held out her hand for him. “Are you here by yourself?” she asked, noticing there was no adult around that seemed to be taking notice of him. If he was, she was a little jealous. She would probably be done with shopping already if she had been able to go by herself. She was only eleven, but apparently that was old enough to go off to school alone and she didn’t see much of a difference.
Isaiah laughed when the girl muttered something, not even fully sure what it was but still finding it funny anyways. So far he had a hard time reading the girl, figuring out whether she'd be someone cool to hang out with at school. Since he wasn't sure yet he also didn't mind continuing chatting to her at all. "Cool name." He nodded, genuinly meaning the compliment. Isaiah looked at her outstretched hand for a second, putting out a fist like he usually did in the hope she would be fine with a fist bump. He looked at her questioningly as he did. This was totally something that would make her go back or forward on his mental 'this person's cool' scale. "Nah, my dad's getting some other stuff." Isaiah answered, making a vague hand motion towards some of the other shops as he did since he wasn't completely sure which one his dad was in right now. "What about you?" He returned the question to her, nodding towards the bags she was carrying. "You carrying all that stuff alone?"
Indi quickly realized that Isaiah was no longer in a hurry and seemed content to chat with her a while longer. “Thank you.” she said, glad she had just used her nickname. She thought her full name sounded stuffy and not like her at all. She looked down and noticed the other boy had put out a fist to bump rather than just shake her hand like a normal person. She rolled her eyes but turned her hand into a fist somewhat reluctantly and returned the gesture, even though she thought it was childish and dumb. She considered his answer and nodded, glad she wasn’t the only one being dragged around by a parent today. “No, I’m not alone. My mom just ran inside the shop to get something for my grandma.” she explained. “Are you from around here?” she asked curiously.

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