My absence has lasted much longer than I anticipated D:

Sloane Halliwell

Owner of L.U.M.O.S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Rigid Birch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
So many of you know that I put up an absence well over a month ago now. I didn't realise just how much time it would be covering. The absence was initially for the fact that I would be on holiday with no internet access for about a week and ended up becoming an absence for my sudden and unexpected departure from the world of HNZed and anything remotely leisure/online/internet. As it turns out, not sooner did I come back from my week long break but I was immediately thrown into the deep end of life and struggling to get back out on top of everything. I just want to let you all know how sorry I am for my absence and that I am doing all I can to get on top of this so that I'm back to full HNZing again soon.

xx Teigan

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