must keep awake

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Kida made her way down to quidditch pitch, she held her moon trimmer firmly in her hand. she walked onto the pitch, and quickly checked her watch "12:46am that makes it 22 hours still no sleep" she said as she stretched her arms up "as long i keep awake and as long as i keep on doing things i will be fine" she said as she looked up at the moon, her moon trimmer seemed to have a special glow, the blue stripe seemed to be brighter then usual. Kida smiled as she walked into the middle of the pitch and sat down, she lay on the grass and shut her eyes and quickly sat up shakingher head "awake" she said to herself. Kida put her broom on the ground and quickly streteched her legs.
Kida ran forward and broke into a run before jumping doing a triple back flip full lay out with a quick turn Kida went into a round off layout back handspring full. Kida landed and quickly sticked it and presented before taking a few steps back and stretching her arms. Kida looked at her broom and smiled "i'll get to you later" she said as she stretched her arms thinking of some tricks she could do on her broom, they would be great for quidditch.
Kida ran forward again and did a back handspring full.
Remus came walking onto the Pitch hearing Kida was there trying to keep herself awake, in his hand he wielded his broom a beautiful, smooth and polished Scarlet Streak; ever since last time he had pressured himself to get a broom seeings as Kida was so into flying. He paced down as he found Kida flipping before he pulled his coat firm onto his body so it sat with ease onto his shoulders. "Hello Kida!" he exclaimed as he came a little closer, with his broom before throwing it into the air as it vanished into thin air, banishing charm really; It was just in the storing closet.
Kida was about to do a front tuck sault when she heard a voice "Remus Hi" she smiled as she dived into a tuck and pushed up into a handstand and walking a bit before flipping back up and smiling "what brings you down to the feild at...." Kida checked her watch "12:53am?" she asked curiously as she stretched her arms up allowing her shoulders to crack
Remus looked at her as he looked at the clothing he was wearing, he was wearing his trench coat and the other clothing he wore when going after Death Eaters, "Ugh." he paused for a moment, "Couldn't sleep, felt like having a fly..." he smiled as he jumped into the air and his broom appeared beneath him, as he came down landing on it. He quickly let his bottom drop to the seat as he flew high into the air and then zoomed back down toward Kida pulling up before hitting her, "Woooohooo!" he chuckled in her direction.
Kida looked at Remus when he saw him on his broom flying towards her. Kida pulled back and he pulled up anyway "OI!" she shouted as she jumped back into a triple back flip before holding her hand out over her broom "Up" she called as she went into a backflip grabbing her broom during her flip, Kida didn't even hit the ground she was on her broom and flew up after Remus.
"OH! incase you didn't know while you were away, i made the quidditch team" She smiled as she leaned forward to speed up and sped along beside him.
Remus chuckled as she spoke smugly of herself, "Oh really, congratulations." he smiled as he removed a beaters bat, and plonked her gently on the head as she came passed, "Well what are you on this time eh?" he asked smugly as he through the bat at her so that she could catch it.
Kida felt Remus hit her on the head "oi" she said as she rubbed her head. Kida caught the beaters bat with no problem at all and threw it up into the air before catching it again "beater" she smiled "i alternate with Cyndi, she has been teaching me" she said as she swung the bat for a bit.
"Oh Really?" he smiled to her as he jumped up standing on the Broom, "Well, I have some one you can meet on your bright stone weekend, a Good friend of mine... You can incorporate your Gymnastics into some of the stuff he can teach you." he chuckled looking at her, "His name is Li Nu Bai, a Master Martial Artist, but enough of that are you happy with the position you got?" he questioned looking at her as he jumped into the air, his broom following him so he could land back on it.
Kida nodded and smiled as she threw the beaters bat up for Remus, "sounds interesting, i need to advance my Gymnastics, i havn't been able to do any since... well since i became a witch really" she smiled "sounds like fun" she said as she thought for a moment, "i must try something... spot me would you" she said as she slowed down her broom before she put her hands further down her broom, shifting back slightly. Kida flipped one foot off her broom and quickly pulled herself up, lifting herself up into a hand stand on her broom. Kida dropped her legs down and hung under her broom before swinging around and pulling herself back onto her broom. "woot" she said as she leaned forward into her broom so she sped up
Remus chuckled as she spoke, catching the baton and juggled it as he did. "Well Kida... You are a girl who never stops moving.." he chuckled as he looked at her focusing on his juggling before throwing the baton off to the side and watching as it was banished into its storage place.
Kida smiled "if i stop moving i will sleep" she said as she laughed pulling her self closely into the broom doing a few barrel rolls before sitting up properly. "i remember what pearl said, if i sleep i will have a nightmare, so as long as i stay awake i'll be fine" she smiled as she ran her hands through her hair
Remus rolled his eyes looking at Kida, "Girls..." he murmured so she could not hear him. He lent back in his broom and kicked his feet up as he got comfortable, he closed his eyes and let the cool breeze move over his body.
Kida allowed her broom to stop, she lay on it and sighed. "i love the night" Kida looked at her watch "morning" she smirked "25 hours without sleep" she said as she lay on her broom like a sloth "time flys when your having fun" she said checked her watch again "its 3am already" she smiled
Remus chuckled as he looked at her, "Yeah yeah." he smiled as he sat back up and held his broom as he yawned and rubbed his eyes, dismounting his broom and banishing it to his Office, Remus fell toward the floor landing down with Ease, and headed off to the storage cabinet where he removed another bat ant through it at Kida, "Think fast!"
Kida was about to drift off when she heard Remus say something Kida didn't move at all and simpley grabbed the bat before letting out a slight groan. "why do i have this" she asked curiously as she cracked her fingers.
He looked at her as she spoke, "To keep you awake... Now come down from there." he chuckled as he walked into the Castle where he removed his jacket and slung it over his shoulder as he waited Kida to come with him, or let him know he could leave.
Kida turned her broom around and shot the the ground "i wasn't falling asleep" she said as she jumped off her broom and followed Remus up to the castle "i was wide awake honest" she smiled
Remus stopped as she spoke, "No you were not fine, i could see i am not Blind miss Frost." he said firmly as he looked around him, "Kida.... Go to a councilor i think it's what you need... Truly..." he said to her, concern in his eyes.
Kida stopped when Remus mentioned a councilor "No" she said as she stopped walking taking a few steps back. "No" she repeated shaking her head "No" she said reassuring herself. "No i am not going to see some shrink" she said standing her ground
Remus chuckled hysterically as he looked at her, "Fine, But you something." he smiled to her as he advanced off some more to the hall.
Kida let out a small yawn before looking at Remus "i hate shrinks" she snarled "Remus wait" she said as she ran over to him almost falling over a few times.
Remus looked over to her with an eye brow raise and chuckled at the girl as she came, "What?" he smirked as she came over to him.

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