Closed Music To My Ears

Ana Sofia Burleigh

artist🌻figuring it out
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Bi)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 12 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2040 (21)
Ana loved the park so it hadn't surprised her father when she asked if they could go to the park once they were done shopping for her school supplies. Her younger sister Aliyah had once again protested against it. She wasn't much of an outdoorsy type of person and never liked to just sit around the park. So, as per usual, her dad allowed Ana to head over to the park whilst he would go get either sweets or an ice cream with her sister who had a huge sweeth tooth. The youngster had happily made her way through the park, looking for a good spot to sit. She eventually sat down next to an emtpy bench, preferring the grass over the bench. Normally Ana would start getting out her sketchbook right away, but today she felt like waiting a little while. Instead she rested her back against the side of the bench and closed her eyes, taking in the sounds of the park.
Reid didn't go to parks often, but given his Mum and Dad were really busy at the moment, he thought it would be good to take his sister Eden to the park. They didn't live far from Takarokaro thankfully, and he left a not for his parents so that they would know where he was, because he didn't want them to worry at all about where he was, that would be so upsetting after all. Eden skipped ahead of him, riding her skates ahead and stopping to allow him to catch up. Reid laughed at her, waving her off as they reached the park. There was a nice skate area she could mess around at and he brought his guitar and some snacks with him. His parents were really protective of them, but they allowed them to hang out in magical parks because they were usually pretty well protected and they both had tracers on them incase they got into trouble, so it wasn't like they were completely unsafe. Reid was sometimes surprised they hadn't employed a nanny elf or something, since the elf would have been able to accompany them everywhere. As Eden made her way to the skate section, Reid noticed a girl sitting on the ground and shrugged, heading over to where she was and dropping his snacks on the ground next to her. "Hi! Do you mind if I sit with you at all? My sister is over at the skate ramps and I want to make sure she doesn't hurt herself," he said, gesturing towards Eden who was now running up the sloped ramps.
Ana Sofia had been peacefully listening to all the sounds that surrounded her when something dropped down on the ground next to her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the kid standing next to her. Her eyes followed the path of his hand for a second as he gestured towards the little skate area in the park. "Sure!" She smiled at him and happily patted on the grass next to her. She wasn't one to dismiss a little company and certainly didn't want to be in the way of him keeping an eye on his sister. Her own experience had taught her that younger sisters somehow managed to disappear within the blink of an eye. Although, that might just be her sister. Perhaps the boy's sister was less stubborn. "I was just taking in all the sounds." She explained, not really sure whether he'd even want to know why she had been sitting with her eyes closed but still feeling the need to tell him. "I'm Ana Sofia, but just Ana is cool with me." She happily introduced herself to the boy and eyes his snacks for a second. "What's your favourite?"

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