Music of the Night

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Georgiana Night-Carter

Pro. Quidditch Coach | Mother of Four | <3 Landon
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Married (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
9/2014 (44)
Georgiana Night l Gryffindor Prefect 5th year soon to be 6th year

This girl as you can see up above has had quite a bad relationship in the past. However what it may say above if the right guy comes along this could completely change! So if you have a guy with no girl on his arm look this way..

Georgiana has just recently come out of the depression Logan her exboyfriend left her in when he left school only telling her a few days before he did despite knowing for weeks about it. They ended their relationship there and even though it took awhile Georgie went downhill from that moment in her third year. Now she is back to a better spot, maybe not as happy as she used to be but still marching on.

Her interests include, Studying. Music. Quidditch, she is a Keeper.

She is typically a friendly person and so far has only had one encounter with someone who would be an enemy type of person.

Jordan Trace Vanderhol Hufflepuff 5th Year. 15.

I think it's time for this guy to have a Girlfriend, years 4-6 Are acceptable, outside we'd have to see about it :/

Jordan is a very quiet type of person, not shy just that he is the type of person who listens more then talks. He plays the guitar and quite well as he has been told by others including his adoptive parents who first met him when he was playing before his first year at Hogwarts. His two older sisters have played professional Quidditch, one is now a shopkeeper however. But he is looking into joining the Quidditch team this year! Even though it may not show on the outside he is actually quite excited to tryout for he believes it'll bring him closer to his adoptive sisters whom he hasn't meet in person many times.

I figure he is going to be quite a sweet guy to whoever is the lucky girl. He doesn't have an angry side to him, but if he hears about her speaking to another guy and flirting and such he may get a bit jealous.
Hey there, if you're willing to put up with a long distance relationship for now (trying to get her into HNZ next year) I may have a girl for Jordan.


Nat (Natalya Turner) is 15 years of age and is currently a student at Durmstrang. She is hoping to move to HNZ as they have just moved to New Zealand and it would be easier for her also because she has some bad memories there.

Nat is a kind girl, she often helps the underdog and can get argumentative if she knows she's right about something or if something has really upset her. She is protective over the people she loves and will do almost anything to stop them from getting hurt.
Hey Summer!

I'm not sure if a long distance relationship would quite suit Jordan :/ Since he is typically the quiet wallpaper type of guy he'll need someone nearby to constantly bug him.
Hey there! She was accepted and (As I'm sure you can see) is a Huffplepuff :)
- Summer
for youre gal i have stefan glass if you want him hes a year below yes he is a hufflepuff but he will always stand up for what he thinks is right and he will stand up to bullys. hes recently come out of a depression too after his father died and just befor that lost his long term gf.
Summer- We can certainly rp them together! However I have plot with Jessye where he is going to have a major crush on one of her characters, but never say anything about it because she is going to go out with another character. But he'll need somebody after that to mend his heart :p We can have them be friends for now :)

david- I think they'd be better off as friends at somepoint.
<COLOR color="#000">That sounds good to me. Do you want them to just start off as friends first or for her to have a crush on him but just watch as he crushes on another girl?
- Summer​
david - Alright then. Mind waiting for classes to get under way first before we start anything up? Next monday I'm moving back to college so I'm trying not to overload myself before then :)

Summer - OMG that is such a cute idea! I feel like that would so happen. He'd never see it at all and just be glad he had someone, a girl especially, to talk about Auden to, and oh gosh he'd feel so bad when he saw his crush get close to someone else so if Natalya was there after the fact we can see where they go at that point :)
Heyy, Steph,
How interested is Georgiana in music?
Hey Emzies- She does have a guitar she used to play it a lot when she first started school but then Quidditch got in the way but I think she'd pick it back up. I posted her in the dorm room having it so yeah. :)

Summer- So yeah. We can start a thread with them now but replied will be slow with the classes starting and school starting for me in one week haha.
Well I could probably get one started this evening after I reply to everything but it may have to wait until tomorrow if I fall asleep at my keyboard.
- Summer
That is fine Summer and Thanks :)
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