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Kara Piper

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Emilie [main]
Hi everyone. I know I already have two of these but I forgot my password to Mollie Harrow and I can't edit that, so I'm looking for where I wrote it down. :)


Anyway, this is Kara. She's really nice, and thirteen. She's a muggleborn, homeschooled witch who is going to be entered to Hogwarts when the sorting opens up. I need a few friends, enemies, possibly a boyfriend and maybe a final.

Let me know!

I can offer my character, Artemis Jackson, for Kara. They could probably be friends. But Arty doesn't really have any friends in Hufflepuff. Only in Gryffindor, Slytherin and Ravenclaw. We can RP soon, if you wish.

I also own another character, Alliyah Jackson, who is Arty's sister. She will be studying at Hogwarts when the next sorting happens. But it would be much more better if I use Ally's character if Kara and her could be friends. Ally really needs some friends for Hogwarts so that she won't feel out-of-place, or something. They can meet at the Obsidian Harbor, or somewhere else. Just lemme know!

Arty xx :woot:
My characters are at your disposal. I have three to offer of an appropriate age. My characters Jennette and Oliver are both second years and are in desperate need of friends. My character Daniel is a fourth year and also needs friends. Not sure where I stand on Daniel and Oliver when it comes to their lady friends because I've made arrangements for Oliver to have a possible girlfriend but she has suddenly become elusive so I'm not sure about that. But I can offer all three as friends with perhaps a short lived relationship with Oliver or something else I'll get back to you.

I can actually see them being friends. There's only a year difference, and that's alright. Besides, IRL I'm friends with people half my age and people double my age. :p


Hm, friends. Yeah, possibly a short-lived relationship, and it would be funny when he discovers that she going to Hogwarts :p


Hm, maybe like an older friend/ brother&sister relationship? Things like that ought to be good. :p

Sorry, :p are my passion
Nothing wrong with :p lol. So what you thinking, Oliver and Kara have a short fling during between now and the new school year then he runs into her at Hogwarts?

As for the Jennette and Daniel's friendships sounds good. Any idea which house Kara will be in?
Nope. No idea. Maybe Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. She's friendly and brave, but really smart, so I'm tied.

Fling=Yes Wanna do that know?

Daniel and Kara= like I said before, brotherlysisterly luuuurve
Ill make the one for Daniel&Kara if you make the one for Oliver&Kara? Good deal?
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