Open Music Friends

Daniella Walker

dragonologist • i'll make it look easy • pianist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Interested in Somebody
Daniella was glad to be back in Hogwarts. Sure, at first, she had been kind of hesitant to attend the magic school and at the same time excited, but after her first year the hesitation had all but disappeared. She supposed that she had gotten used to the school by now and it really did feel like she actually belonged here more than actually struggle to fit in. Besides, she had made good friends here by just being herself and that was surely a good sign. And today, she was going to be meeting one of those friends. Dani had gone on early to the Conglomerated Arts Room where the piano stayed for common use of the students. Since she had been early, the room was empty and Dani could only grin as she made her way to the piano and begun to play while waiting for her friend. Soon enough, she had lost herself to the music.
Amy decided that after spending so much time playing music over the break, she wouldn't be able to cope if she didn't come back to Hogwarts and continue to play. It was great to have someone else who enjoyed music that could be friends with her. She went inside and heard music. She sighed with happiness at the sound, and found Daniella playing the piano. When she finished, Amy said,"Beautiful, as always."
Daniella hadn't even noticed Amy enter the room whilst she was playing and so spun around to face the Hufflepuff as soon as she made herself known. "Amy! I didn't notice you come in!" the Gryffindor exclaimed as she scooted over to make some space for her friend to take a seat. "How was break?"
Amy sat down next to Daniella."It felt so long! It was weird being away from school, but it was fun! How was yours?" Amy had had a really boring break, since she hadn't really done much. She didn't know many people from school that lived back in Australia, so that made it difficult to see anyone.
"I know! After having stayed here for most of the year, staying at home seems kinda bland now," Daniella replied with a sigh. She made a couple of friends the previous year, and she liked to think that she got along quite well with the people in her house so she did miss Hogwarts when she was away all that time. "I got to play the piano a lot at home though so it was bearable. I bet you played lots to back home," she said with a grin.
Amy grinned back."Heaps! I was so glad when you invited me down here, it gave me a great excuse to come play again." She quickly played a few notes in a joking manner."I've been wanting to learn more songs. Have you learnt any new songs over the break?"
"Well, of course! Who else am I going to invite down here?" she said as she bumped the girl's shoulders lightly as she grinned. It was so nice to be able to spend time with Amy again in the Arts room after having been separated for a while. It really did seem like the Hufflepuff was her closest friend and Dani wouldn't have it any other way. "I did! But you go first. I've already played and I know that you're just dying to get your hands on the piano," the Gryffindor chuckled as she stood up and remained by the side of the piano to give the Hufflepuff space to play.
Amy laughed, but grinned when Daniella got up from the piano so she could play. She'd been learning some classical pieces, since they were more technically challenging and her sister only played those pieces. One of her favourites was Beethoven's 'Moonlight' Sonata, so she began to play it. It wasn't quite as nice as Suni would play it, but she had improved lots. She finished the piece and sighed with happiness. Playing the piano was a wonderful feeling.

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