Closed Mounting Frustrations

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
17 (26/07/2046)
Dahlia had never been an outsider before. Back home, she'd been popular, she'd been her team's star center, she'd always put in a huge effort in school shows and hardly seemes to have a care in the world. And then Hogwarts had happened. Initially she'd been excited - although it would suck to say goodbye and be stuck away from her family, at least she'd be a witch. In a castle!

And then it just hadn't worked at all. There was only one sport, and she couldn't get on the team. There wasn't drama or acting, there were no communication lines that didn't involve birds, and she was judged for her parentage, when before it had been what was considered 'good'. Even Valerius, as cute as he was, seemed to look down on her which kind of made him less attractive. Dahlia groaned. She'd fled the Gryffindor common room once she saw her name wasn't on the list. She didn't know where she was going nor did she really care. They'd only barely started back at school and she was already fed up.
Gregory wasn't having the best start back at school. He knew in the grand scheme of things and how other occasions had gone for him at the school this wasn't bad, but it still wasn't good. He was trying his best to ignore how much he didn't want to be at the school, and trying to just focus on being a good friend to his few friends. It was why for once he was seeking Dahlia out, rather than just wanting for her to rescue him or make him feel better when something went wrong. The tape on his glasses was making them slip down his face. It was proving to make it a little more difficult to see, and he didn't realise until too late that he was walking right into the person he was looking for.
Dahlia had been paying so little attention that she didn't notice until it was too late the person coming towards her. "Hey, what's the big idea! Why don't you just watch where you're going, stupid-" she started, this just being about the last thing she needed right now. She hadn't even looked to see if she was yelling at a first year or a seventh year - though at least she was aware enough to know it wasn't a teacher - until she looked over and saw Gregory. Dahlia sighed. "Oh. Hi." She wanted to sound a little more pleasant, but it just wasn't happening. "Didn't you get your glasses fixed?" Her hands were trembling, with everything held inside just barely bottled up. Like she'd been able to quickly slam a lid on it, but something was rattling around and would burst out any second now.
Gregory fell to the ground, he was uncoordinated at the best of times, and he just fell. He was surprised and startled as the girl started yelling at him, calling him stupid, before stopping abruptly. Gregory slowly got to his feet, but didn't say anything. He liked Dahlia, she was one of only a few friends he had, but she clearly did also think him dumb. Had she just been humouring him the whole time? she certainly disliked Cassius, but clearly she also disliked him. He raised his hands a little. ”Yeah, they broke again,” he answered quickly, taking a little step back from her. ”Are you okay?” he asked, they were still maybe friends, he did still like her and wanted to be her friend, even if it now turned out she didn't want to be his.
"Oh," Dahlia replied, simply, knowing full well he must have crossed paths with Cassius again. That made her furious, the fact that someone would just keep bullying and get away with it. She was no snitch, but someone had to tell a teacher. But he asked about her and all she could do was shake her head, clenching her fists. "I'm just fine," she snapped, slamming her fist against the wall in blind fury. Her stomach ached and she felt light headed and with a dire need for chocolate, despite the fact her face was on the verge of a breakout. More than anything, she wanted her mum around but that just made her think of home, and the anger just kept bubbling up. "So...totally...not fine at all! I'm so sick of being a loser in this stupid school for stupid magic! I hate this school, I hate Quidditch, I hate New Zealand, I hate everyone here!" It was too late, the bomb was going off. "Ugh, it's not like you'd ever get it. Just leave me alone!" She practically shrieked, unable to stop herself. Everything felt terrible, and she was only dimly aware this wasn't helping. She pushed past Gregory, blinking away tears of frustration and misery as she bolted down the hall, looking for fresh air.

((i am so sorry i made myself hate what i created))

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