More then a letter

Nina Patrokov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yellowheart with a mix of satinwood and a core of pixie dust.
Dear Brogan,

I'm so sorry for not writing you sooner!

Everything at the castle has been crazy! During a play a boy in my house was hit by a rocket from a prank and was murdered! The castle has been in a bigger uproar then it was when Alicia Barker was kidnapped. I didn't go to the memorial though, I slept through it and I feel just awful. I will go to the memoriam today though.

How are you? I miss you so much!
Happy Belated Valentines babe!

Nina Patrokov
Brogan was in his apartment, on his couch, with one of his ex's, Candy.
They had bumped into each other a week before in town, and got talking. Brogan invited her out for lunch the day after. They had gone to a restaurant, and Candy ended up sitting on Brogans lap, kissing him.
Candy had been coming over to Brogans apartment almost everyday. Today, Brogan and Candy lay on the couch, making out.

The sound of wings flapping broke them apart, 'Oh..' Was all Brogan could mutter when he recognised the Hogwarts owl.He jumped up, and untied the letter quickly, Nina!. Nina had completly gone out of his head for a week. He looked over at Candy, she was playing with her bleach blond hair, waiting for Brogan to return.

He walked into the kitchen, guilt swept through his body as he grabbed a muggle pen and parchment.

Nina said:

Um, babe, i have something to tell you;
Last week i bumped into Candy, you remember her right?
I dont know how to say this, but Nina, i cheated on you.
Im so sorry, i dont know how to make it up to you.
Id say it ment nothing, but i dont know how i feel about Candy, i dont want to lie to you.
Forgive me?
Brogan xx

Brogan walked back into the lounge, he really was unsure about how he felt, about Candy or Nina. He wanted them both, only caring a little about their feelings.
He tied the letter to the owls leg, and didnt bother watchingi t fly away, before returning to the couch, before returning to Candy.

/sorry its lame and stupid :/ \
To say Nina was hurt would be the understatement of the year when she read the letter she received from Brogan. He knew how much that she had put into this, and he also knew how much she detested Candy. She wanted to go see him now just so she could give him a hard slap on the face then give him a few friendly words. But she couldn’t, she was stuck in this stupid castle like it was a jail cell.

Nina ignored the tears the poured out of her eyes rapidly and took off the necklace he had given her for Christmas and summoned the bracelet he gave her and slipped them into the envelope. Before beginning to write the boy she had trusted her heart with, not understanding why he would ever want to do this to her. Aside from the distance physically between them she couldn't see anything wrong.
To my cheating ex boyfriend:
I have enclosed the two Christmas gifts you have given me from the past winter and will send you any other things of yours I may have at my Grandmother's home.
If it isn't obvious, We're over! And I hope you and that w*ore have lots of children while teenagers so you can mess up your lives.

Yours Not yours;
Nina Patrokov

Nina sent the owl off without looking and ran off to her dorm room, trying to forget this whole experience, her life was a bloody mess and she needed to get away from Hogwarts New Zealand now!
Brogan stood up before the owl had reached his window, he untied the letter and read it quickly. He smirked a little, before taking the necklace and bracelet he had spent a lot of galleons on, and walking to Candy.
'Here,' He threw it, they landed on Candys lap. She took them, a sly smile on her face and put them on.

Brogan walked over to the kitchen, and replied.

Nina said:

Candy says thanks, she really likes the gifts.
Im glad its over, it wasnt working anyway. I dont see why you couldnt just drop out of that stupid school and come and live with me. You were so selfish, you should of seen it coming. A guy like me, living alone waiting for his girlfriend to get out of that dump. It was a matter of time before someone else caught my attention.
Oh and by the way, id appriecate it if you didnt call my girlfriend those things.

]Brogan didnt know how hypercritical he wa being, or how mean, spiteful, or how much he was hurting Nina when he sent off the letter. But frankly he was having a much better time with Candy.

/ooc: ooh its getting b!tchy :')\

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