Open More and More Frogs

Genevieve Fuentes

'Evie' 🐉
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Rigid Chestnut Wand with Boomslang venom Core
With Evie's second year already underway, the girl had to think of an annual prank to pull. Luckily, her parents had taken her to Gambol and Jape's doing the holidays, giving her plenty of ideas for future pranks. She had purchased a few things from there, and one of them was a bar of soap which spawned frogs once it was wet. Her sister hated this one the most and it kept her on edge throughout the whole break, making her think that Evie was going to use it on her, which was exactly what Evie wanted. However, Evie wasn't planning on using it on her at all. Instead, she was going to use it on the next person to enter the abandoned classroom. She wasn't sure how often people frequented the room, but she was willing to wait until someone did. She brought the bar of soap with her and a water bottle. She placed the bar of soap onto a desk in the middle of the room before pouring the water on top of it. It didn't take much water for it to start working, and Evie watched with wide eyes as a frog appeared from it, before another and another. Giggling, Evie quickly made her way behind the opened door to hide, watching as the frogs jumped down from the desk and began hopping around the room.
Seamus didn't have a whole lot on his plate, it was going to be an interesting year he was sure, but Seamus didn't usually have a whole lot he needed to be doing. So he was making his way up to meet with Hamish, a little ahead of the time they were due to meet. He passed the abandoned classroom when he noticed a frog noise. He stopped and frowned, there shouldn't have been a frog noise, that wasn't a noise that was usually in that room. Curious Seamus went to the abandoned classroom and opened the door. Immediately he was caught off guard as there seemed to be dozens of frogs. "What on earth?" he muttered.
As Evie heard footsteps approaching the room, she kept a cheeky grin on her face whilst she hid. She heard the voice of a boy who seemed absolutely confused by all of the frogs. Evie couldn't help but find this funny. She came out of her hiding spot laughing. "Frogs!" she exclaimed in between laughs. She realised it was one of her classmates. When she managed to finish laughing, she continued to speak. "I wonder how they got there... it totally wasn't me." Evie wanted to pretend she was confused as well. It was all part of the prank and she hoped she could convince him that she also had no idea how the frogs managed to appear.
Seamus was still focused on the frogs, that he hadn't noticed the girl who had clearly unleashed them. Seamus heard someone laughing and it was now he noticed her. He frowned at her, watching as she moved towards him laughing. He didn't see what was to funny about all of this really. They were just frogs...Seamus looked at the girl and then frowned. "Aye sure," he replied, since he couldn't see who else it could've been. "Who did do it then, if you didn't?" Seamus asked.
Maris was hyper vigilant during the first few weeks of the new year. She'd only just managed to get the castle back to something comfortably respectable over the break and she'd do everything in her power to keep it that way for as long as could. It was a losing battle, she knew that, but it didn't mean she couldn't try. And it also didn't mean she was going to let particularly egregious behavior slide either.

"I would also like to know how they got here," Maris announced, appearing in the doorway to the abandoned classroom, drawn by the distinct sound of far too many frogs in an enclosed space. She crossed her arms, expression severe as she looked between the two young students and the horde of frogs now loose about the classroom waiting haughtily for one of them to explain.
The boy didn't seem to believe Evie, and she frowned a little. A mystery was always funny in Evie's eyes, but the boy didn't seem to find it amusing at all. The Gryffindor went to answer his question until an adult also appeared in the doorway, looking very disappointed at what was in front of her. Evie sighed a little, upset that no one was finding this funny. "Well, it certainly wasn't me miss." Evie said, looking around at all of the frogs bouncing around beneath her feet. There was no way she was admitting to this if people didn't find it funny.
Seamus was almost certain it was the girl but then a woman walked in and started asking about it. Seamus hadn't been sure if the girl would come forward and in fact she didn't. He frowned slightly, glancing between them. "Yeah, we just walked in here," he told the woman, and it wasn't too much of a lie, he had just walked in, he didn't know about the girl but he had nothing to prove if she had or hadn't done anything, and he wasn't going to wildly accuse anyone of doing something like that.
Maris frowned as the two students refused to own up to the mess, fingers tapping impatiently against crossed arms. "Is that so? Just stumbled upon all these frogs," she said unimpressed, clicking her tongue as one of the frogs tried to make a break for it past her and sending it skidding back across the floor before it could clear the doorway. If too many of these got loose she'd been finding frogs in every crevice for weeks, just like last year. "Right, well since you two are such well behaved students who wouldn't unleash a horde of frogs on unsuspecting school staff, you can help clean up," she said, leveling them each with a look she hoped brokered no argument. "Start rounding them up, chop chop," Maris announced, nodding to the gaggle of frogs as they hopped around the room.

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