Moon and Stars

Zoe Westwick

👽conspiracy enthusiast👽 eccentric 👽 spooky mum
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Theodore) (Pansexual
Curved 14 Inch Whippy Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
6/2033 (29)
Continues from here

Zoe laughed in delight as Stella twirled her around, spinning in delight. When she returned to facing Stella she quickly placed a hand on her friend's waist, swaying with her happily. "This is so fun!" Zoe beamed, spinning the both of them around. It was surprisingly hard to keep her thoughts straight with Stella's face so close now that they were dancing, and Zoe found herself struggling to find something else to say. "You're a good dancer!"
Stella laughed along with Zoe, gleeful at the fun of motion and the odd exuberance that came with dancing with Zoe, and being sio close to her. Zoe's hand on her waist was unexpected, but nice, and Stella put her own hand on Zoe's shoulder in imitation of some of the couples dancing around them, and to keep them together as they spun around. Stella didn't think she'd ever had her face so close to Zoe's, and she found herself preoccupied with the beautiful dark brown of Zoe's eyes, so wide and alert. "You're pretty," she blurted, then blushed. But why should she be embarrassed? It was true.
Zoe was taken aback a little by the compliment from Stella but she smiled back brightly, feeling her cheeks heat up slightly. "You're pretty too!" She said quickly, trying to ignore the same flutter in her heart she had felt seeing Stella in her dress for the first time. Zoe searched Stella's gaze, trying to see if she could detect any indication of the same nervous excitement she was feeling, but part of her worried that she was just seeing her own feelings reflected, and misreading Stella's expression. While she was trying to figure out what was happening between them, Zoe was startled by the song shifting to a slower one. Not wanting to break this moment yet, Zoe paused a moment before moving closer to Stella, putting both arms around her friend's waist. "Is... this okay?" She asked a little nervously, suddenly conscious that they were close enough for Stella to feel her breath.
Stella smiled awkwardly, nervously . . . why was she nervous? There was nothing to be nervous about. Just two friends having fun . . . or was it? "Thanks," she said hesitantly. As Zoe made eye contact, Stella realised her heart was pounding, harder than it would just from the light exercise of dancing. She was apprehensive, but not in a bad way. Nothing with Zoe could ever be in a bad way, even their frequent arguments were always light and good-natured. Stella felt safe with her. So why was she feeling like this? And then Zoe's arms were close around her and their faces were almost touching and there was an electric excitement in the air between them. "I . . . yes. Yes, this is good." Stella put her arms around Zoe too, awkwardly, using her greater height to reach around her shoulders and hold her close. Zoe's hair smelled like citrus, tangy and sharp, and her breath on Stella's cheek was warm on Stella's cheek. "This is really good."
The fluttering in Zoe's heart only increased as Stella spoke, and she knew now that she wasn't imagining the same kind of nervous excited energy coming from her friend. This was... something new, and Zoe had never been one to shy away from the new. Not letting her nervousness stop her, she met Stella's eyes, leaning a little closer. If things between them were different now, Zoe wanted to see where they were going. "Can I kiss you?" She asked softly, nerves clear in her voice despite the confidence she was trying to convince herself she felt. Surely if Zoe had misread the situation Stella would understand, but part of Zoe was still a little scared of losing a friend over this.
Stella realised suddenly that, unheard of for her, she hadn't been thinking, and if she had thought she might have realised far sooner what was going on. Conversely, perhaps she wouldn't. She had never been very good at understanding her own emotions. But she hadn't thought, and she had no definition for her feelings, this wild nervous exhilaration that rushed through her. When Zoe spoke, Stella froze. This was a tipping point. Whatever happened now, things would never be the same between them, and that terrified her. But she wanted this, and she knew that Zoe did too. Of all things, she was thankful that Zoe was more self-aware than she. "Yes, I'd like that. Yes." And then, without giving herself any more time to hesitate, Stella put her hand on the back of Zoe's head, and pulled her close, and kissed her.
The moments after Zoe's question felt like they lasted an agonising, nerve-wracking eternity. As confident as Zoe was trying to be, part of her wanted to run and hide and apologise, certain that she had ruined this friendship forever. It only lasted a moment though, and a fresh grin spread across Zoe's face at Stella's response. Stella felt it too, and Zoe's heart thumped at the rush of realisation that this was really happening. Before she even had time to figure out how she wanted to kiss Stella, how she wanted her first kiss to go, Stella had pulled her close, and it was already happening. Nervous and excited, Zoe kissed back, entirely distracted from the sway of their dancing. Kissing someone was nicer than Zoe had expected, and her heart wouldn't stop thumping. She was reluctant to break the kiss, eventually pulling back and meeting Stella's eyes with a nervous smile. "Wow..."
Now that she was kissing Zoe, Stella couldn't think why she hadn't realised she wanted this before. Zoe's lips were soft and her face was warm next to Stella's. For a long, sweet moment she forgot about everything else, the music and the dancing and the people all around them. If she'd considered it before, Stella would have been horrified at the idea of doing something so personal out in public like this, but with Zoe she felt she could do anything. Fly to the stars and land on the moon and when they got there kiss some more. All too soon it was over, and Zoe was pulling away. Still nothing was real but Zoe's face, her eyes, her smile, the smooth silky feel of her hair against Stella's palm. "Yeah," she murmured, breathless. But her mind was already whirring again. One of the few things Stella had never bothered to ponder was romance. It just hadn't seemed relevant to her life. But now, it undoubtedly was - or, at least, she wanted it to be. "So, um. Was that. Are we. Do you want to . . . ?" Stella couldn't seem to form coherent words, but she hoped that Zoe understood what she was talking about. Hoped above anything that she agreed.
Zoe was quite sure there was no force on earth powerful enough to wipe the grin off her face. Her lips felt cool now, in comparison to Stella's warmth, and she really, really wanted to kiss her again. Stella's expression mirrored everything Zoe was feeling inside, to Zoe's relief, and as Stella spoke Zoe's heart soared all over again. "Yes!" She said quickly, before even really processing the question. "I mean, do you mean, like, dating and stuff?" She asked nervously, hoping she hadn't misread the situation. "Because I mean, like, yes to that."
Stella's elation knew no bounds. Zoe's grin told her that she felt the same, and everything was right with the world. She giggled as Zoe agreed before clarifying her miserable excuse for a question, all her tension falling away as she received that confirmation that they were in the same place. "Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Good. Sorry, I didn't do very well there, did I?" She pulled Zoe into a quick hug and kissed her on the cheek, wondering how long she'd wanted to do that without realising it. "Hey, you wanna go get a drink or something?" Stella's energy and willingness to stand here in the iddle of this very public dance floor were fading fast, and they probably needed to talk about this in more detail.
Zoe beamed, relieved when Stella confirmed exactly what she had hoped. She hugged back, smiling wider as Stella kissed her on the cheek. This all felt almost surreal. Her girlfriend - was it too soon to be thinking that? Zoe didn't know, but she knew she was happier than she had been in a long, long time. She nodded eagerly in response to Stella's question, quickly linking their fingers. "Yeah, let's go." She said happily, leading Stella away from the dancefloor, to a place where they could talk more.

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