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Nephrolepis Undersee

Well-Known Member
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle

Nephrolepis Undersee

This is Nephy, and you've probably seen me RPing with myself enough to know what she's like, but here's a brief description anywho!

Nephrolepis is a shy, timid young Gryffindor who strangely strives to have adventures, make friends and enjoy the time she has whilst she can. There's nothing she enjoys more than to explore something new, especially with a fellow Gryffindor who is also up for an adventure. She loves being surrounded by people who care about her, but this often doesn't happen as she is so small people overlook her. Sometimes she can turn brace for short periods of time, usually when she's feeling extremely happy about something. She makes a good friend, as she is understanding of other people's difficulties, having been through a lot with her sister, and gives great advice and support to those who need it, even if it's advice they already knew. Nephrolepis is strong, but unfortunately everyone else is so much bigger than her that her strength is wasted. Being small, she's agile and quick, able to confuse her enemies and frustrate them into giving up. Around her friends, she's quite chatty, funny, and wishes to be a comedian when she's older.

What I'm looking for for Nephy is a best friend - someone a bit different since she usually doesn't bother trying to befriend people she thinks are ordinary. Plus, ordinary people tend to walk straight past her. This person could either be like her - quite shy - or they could perhaps be rough and try to toughen her up a bit, as right now she is a complete weed.
Look forward to hearing from someone ^_^

I don't have any first years (I've been trying to stop my habit of making a new student for ever new year and it has been going very well :p )

But I do have a thired year (Pretty sure that's his year.) Gryffindor boy named Samual Kaster that is still a big kid and hasn't been Rping much, and I'd like to change that.

A bit about Sammy: Samual is a bubbly and loud kid, he is often running around and bouncing off walls for the fun of it, he is always up for an adventure and is never at a loss for words as he is very chatty and talkative and he would be tickled pink to know that she wants to be a comedian, he loves jokes and riddles and has a great deal amount of riddles and jokes. But Sam at the moment is a little bit... sad, he has gone through a bit of a rough patch, but he doesn't allow this to ruin his life, so he just wears a smile and carries on.

I think they could have fun doing dumb stuff together :D Tell me what you think.
xD I love the idea of them doing dumb stuff :p Nephy would have to learn to trust him but I'm sure they could get up to lots of mischief :3
Nephy is also going through a rough patch, though they could both be hiding it until they realise they're feeling the same? Or something like that anyway ^_^

If you're up for it, we could RP them soon. I will be online a while longer ^_^
Okay that sounds cool, we can talk about it over a PM or something, just to iron out the details :p
Yeah, Sam isn't especially good at lying, so she'd probably notice he's hiding something, would you like me to start? Or would you like to start?
Ever so popular and life loving Lola Caracola can take her into her circle of friends. She loves unique people and it seems like she would love to get to know Nephrolepis. She's uncontrollable bundle of energy who loves to try and find new and exciting things to do. She loves muggle sports especially soccer and has just gotten into Industrial dancing and music. Her being so small means that Lola just jump on any one who would mess with Nephy if they do get along.
Haha, that sounds good too Ana :D I must say I've been lurking one of your RP's and she does sound a very interesting character :D After a little awkwardness, they'd probably get along ^_^

Sure Tenilee :) And I don't mind starting, because I take back what I just said, I have to go soon xD Sorry. I'll PM ya.
Okay, see you then :)

I have Kate Moon and Damien Blade,both who Nephy has met briefly before.Kate is a fourth year Hufflepuff,she is going through a difficult time at the moment and even though she is sick she is trying to live life more.She is also very nice and kind and likes to help others

Damien on the other hand is a first year Gryffindor and loves adventure.He has discovered something over the holidays that has changed his life.He is nice and he can be a tough shell to crack sometimes but usually he is quite friendly

Hope one of them catch your interest xD

Angie and Nephy have met before. Maybe they could meet again and become closer friends. That is for you to decide though. Or I have my other Hufflepuff, JazzyMae. JazzyMae is shy at first, but then she turns out to a really sweet girl. I have either one of those characters for you. :)

Johanna - Yeah, sorry I didn't reply to that RP Nephy and Damien were in, I had 0 muse :p I think that Kate and Nephy would get along well, since they could perhaps share each others problems, and Nephy would really look up to her.

Lovi - I would love for Angie and Nephy to become closer friends, I found the RP earlier when they met and I think they would get along very well.

I'd love to RP with all of you at some point but if I get too many I might give up on them again xD I could always leave a few open topics for anyone to join ^_^
Alright, this one is for Sam and Nephy, I'll start some more later or tomorrow, it's getting late :p
Okay thanks, It's only 11:30am where I am :p

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