Closed "MOA Tiki" Bar & Grill

Emeraude Borja

hs Slytherin grad/kung fu apprentice/ex. Agron
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
9½, Walnut, Dragon heartstring
30 (04/2031)
Emeraude after a long week, decided to go out with friends. She had arrived at the bar three hours earlier to wait for her friends there. So Emeraude could sit at the bar for a while and have her own thoughts until her friends came. She sat at the bar counter and drank red wine.
After a day of orientation and learning the ropes of the new job that he applied for, Atkin decided he deserved a can of beer or two. That was after he treated Ember to dinner and dropped her home. The girl had been really good to him, helping him get back on his face. He was now on his seat by the bar drinking his second mug. He did not notice the woman sat beside him as he was busy thinking of one particular woman - @Aliviah Waldorf. Her face had always been etched on his mind.
It seemed like a whole eternity, but a mere hour. Emeraude ordered the bartender another glass when she heard the waiter's voice telling her that the table for six was ready. She got up to go to the table, but her leg stuck behind the chair's foot, and Emeraude stepped closer to the next person's hand to avoid falling to the floor. 'Sorry. I grabbed you because I was afraid I would fall.'she told the man whose hand she was clinging to.
Atkin had downed the rest of his drink and was about to signal for another when a hand caught his. Out of instinct, or maybe the hand was somewhat familiar from a long distant childhood memory, Atkin used his other hand to steady the person. It turned out to be a woman who somehow looked familiar to him. "No need to apologize. Are you okay?", he asked. Despite the many years of being shut out of society, he had not lost his cavalier.
Emeraude felt a solid foundation under her feet, then released her hand as there was no need to hold on to it. She looked at the man, her face look so familiar, but perhaps Emeraude couldn't believe her eyes that she was face-to-face with a man who was once a childhood friend and then an object of admiration throughout school. How could she pay attention to him when she was an ugly duckling. 'Yes, I'm fine. I probably have to say thank you for being around. Otherwise I would have fallen to the floor. ' she said. Despite the fact that was once the ugly duckling clumsy, but now it could not be said, though this time really was one awkward moment
Now that the woman had straightened out once she steadied herself, Atkin got a good look at her already. He could not believe that a long time had already passed. He did not even notice that a year had gone since he finished Hogwarts. He had been too busy wallowing in sadness. "Excuse me, do I know you from somewhere?", he queried. It may sound like a pickup line but he meant what he asked.
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Emeraude, as soon as she felt the stability under her feet, released the man's hand as there was no need to hold on to it. If it was really time for school to finish, but it was already time for the wings to fly. "Yes, long ago there were childhood friends .. and also at school, but you hardly remember it." she said because she did not know if he would remember her. They were already popular guys, not looking at unpopular girls.
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Atkin squinted his eyes at the woman who just claimed that they were childhood friends as well as at school together. All he knew that he met the gang when they were in their third year, Cassi moving on her 6th year. Her only childhood friend was Cassi and... "Argon? Emeraude Argon.", realization dawned on him. The last time he knew about her was she got married to some guy he did not know.
Emeraude sometimes remembered the times when they often spent time together until they started studying. Cassi went to France, but she and Atkin to Scotland. Everything was good, but then the third year changed when the link between Atkin disappeared and then Cassi moved to school. Emeraude schools during them watched from the sidelines and then it was difficult. '' Yeah, right. Although .. I'm Borja now. '' She was indeed married to a guy whom none of her friends knew, but Emeraude had already been divorced for three months.
Atkin was surprised to see Emeraude again. Realizing, he gently pulled her for a hug. "It is great to see you, Raude." They may not be close like before but he still remembered how he called her. And honestly, it felt good. "It's been so long. Sit down.", he gestured to a seat beside him before signaling to the bartender. "What do you want? It's on me."
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Emeraude also embraced Atkin because it was really time to see a friend again. '' Long time no me it is not called. Only you. '' She smiled. She was a little surprised that he remembered what he was called before. '' True. '' She sat down on the chair again because a really long time had passed. '' Wine, please. ''
Atkin chuckled, "Only I get to call you that." He nodded to the bartender and the man poured her some wine. "How have you been? Are you here alone?", he asked making small talk. After all, Emeraude was his childhood friend.
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'' Scheduled. I'll let you just call me that. '' Emeraude said quietly. The bartender put down a glass of wine on the counter. '' Okay. And you? Right now yes, I'm waiting for friends to come. How are you alone here? Or with Cassi? '', she asked, as perhaps you will be able to meet one another at a childhood girlfriend.
Atkin smirked, pleased that only he could call Emeraude that. "Good to know.", he raised his glass. When she got her drink and took the seat beside him, he lightly tossed his glass with hers. "I just got out from a work orientation for a new job at an inn. Cassi's at St. Mungos for her healer training.", he explained.
Emeraude could not believe such happiness that she was sitting next to Atkin as long ago. All school time she dreamed only of the fact that he is something to pay attention to the moment, but Atkin was busy with his company. And why would he draw attention to the ugly duckling? Emeraude also tapped his glasses lightly on the toast. '' Oh yeah. What are you working on now? If it's not a secret. It seems Cassi wanted to be a healer from childhood. Maybe doubt it. '', she said, drinking a sip of wine. Her heart beats too fast.
Atkin smiled at Emeraude. Despite the long time of not talking to each other, she still remembered Cassi's dream. "You are right about that. I am currently overseeing an inn. The owner was a relative of Ember and I was offered a room to stay in as well." He looked around the pub before returning his gaze on his childhood friend. "How about you, Raude? What are you up to these days?"
Then Emeraude properly remembered and Cassia's dreams to become a healer. She smiled at Arkin. '' Wow! How's Ember? Can I get a paid drink? '' she asked, with a smile on her lips. Emeraude heard a bell, looked over her shoulder, but they were not her friends, then turned her head back to her childhood friend. '' I go perfectly. Since the divorce was the best decision of my life. I am currently working in a photo studio as an assistant and in my free time I am learning kung fu.''

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