Mistletoe and Holly

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Aries Centauri

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 1/2" ash and paduak mix with unicorn hair core
Aries grinned widely as he stood inside the hall waiting for Violet to show up. To say he was nervous was an understatement. He was shaking like a leaf and seriously didn't know why. They had danced with each other on numerous occasions now but he was finding it harder and harder to stay sane in her company of late. All he wanted was to touch her, hold her be closer to her than was possible. Scratching his head he put it down to raging hormones. He was a healthy 17 year old for crying out loud and his girlfriend was drop dead gorgeous with the body of a temptress. Would anyone blame him for wanting to do more with her than the traditional snogging under the mistletoe?

Looking up at the infernal plants that dangled all over the hall he wondered when Fenton would get here. He knew his bestfriend was taking Trista and was as enamored with her as Aries was with Violet. Now if only Harrison could get his finger out and get himself a nice girl then he wouldn't feel quite so left out. His thoughts went briefly to Andromeda who had been keeping her distance from all of them lately. If only she too would find someone to tame her, to give her the quiet she needed to go with the roar she seemed to exude.

Aries pulled on the front of his jacket and decided to sit down instead, pulling out a chair he looked at some of the couples already in. Trevor the guy he had gone to the forest on detention with was in with Katalina, Andy's bestfriend at one time. Hopefully the two girls would sort themselves out. Another quick glance to the door, Aries was nearly at the edge of his seat with anticipating her arrival at this point.
Fenton had gone to alot of trouble trying to get a decent suit and dress robes for the yule ball, of course he was no sooner inside the hall than the robes were removed and he draped them over a chair revealing the expensive suit underneath. Spotting Aries sitting down casting furtive glances to the entrance he chuckled and walked over to him pulling out his own chair and nudging him with his foot from across the table.
"hey man, she standing you up then?" he winked, as if Violet was even likely to do such a thing, Fenton looked himself to the door wishing now he had told Trista a place outside to meet instead of inside.

He was looking forward to dancing with her, pda's were high in his book and he seriously couldn't wait to have his arms about her on the dancefloor.
"Don't you look daper" looking up he saw some mistletoe and winked at Aries, "fancy a snog then".
His laughter rang out across the hall knowing Aries would probably tackle him if he had been any closer.
Aries laughed as Fenton joined him at the table spouting his usual caustic remarks that were meant to be taken with truckloads of salt.
"Oh she'll be here. It's Trista I'd be worried about. There's a rumor going around that she actually found herself a decent guy" he couldn't help but glance towards the door again, she'd be here. She would. He cast a look at the suit that Fenton wore knowing he had never seen it before.
"That new then?" his own parents weren't struggling or anything, they were comfortably well off but still they didn't spring for expensive suits for their only son. Fenton asking him if he wanted a snog made him laugh out loud again himself, shaking his head he cast another glance to the door.
"Seriously, I've done this before with her. The whole Yule ball thing, so I don't get why I'm nervous".
It was times like these that Violet wished she was a Gryffindor.

The colour red was quite becoming on her, even she could admit that, but she by no means had the heart of a lion. Sure, she was a pretty good leader, and she was willing to play as hard as she could in Quidditch, but she was definately more of a meek badger. Innocent - well maybe not so innocent - and kind and loyal. Happy to stand in the background.

But here she was, walking in to the Great Hall, resplendent in red. The dress was quite lovely, falling elegantly to her feet, and it accentuated her shapely curves - as did the necklace draped around her neck. She looked like a proper lady, a beautiful woman. However, if one was to look in her eyes, they would have seen the shy and awkward sixteen year old that was there underneath the makeup and poise. Taking a deep breath, she stepped in to the room and made a beeline for Aries and Fenton.

"Hello, you two," she said, calmly and sweetly. "You boys are looking very suave," she added, nodding in approval at Fenton, before turning to Aries with a smile and sitting down on a chair.
Fenton found he didn't like even the thought of Trista being mentioned in jest with any one else but him and wondered where this territorial nature was coming from, then he realized he had always been that way. Had been so about Andy for crying out loud but this was different, this was his Trista.

"Shut up already" he muttered then smiled as Violet made her way over to them, "Well I'd stop being nervous if I was you, she's here".

Violet looked resplendid in a red dress, the color suited her.
"Hello Violet, looking gorgeous. What you see in this guy I don't know, you're wasted on him" he winked, knowing his words were all in jest. Aries was one of the good ones, always had been. Turning his head he spotted Rukevra entering the hall and nodded his head in his direction as a formal greeting. They were just on speaking terms that didn't make them bussom buddies.
As soon as Fenton let him know that she was here he turned in his seat but she was already sitting down beside him. He was momentary speechless as he looked at her, then a smile spread across his face.

"He's right" he sat down in front of her, a hand reaching out to gently trace down her cheek, "you are gorgeous. You are beautiful".
If he could take her in his arms right now he would but she would have to sit down. Glancing towards the near empty dance floor he figured it might be just a tad early as yet to drag her out there but the sooner he could get her in his arms the better.

"We're going to be dancing really soon" he warned her with a grin as he took her hand in his leaning back in his seat to simply gaze at her.
"So you're here tonight with one of the famed Paramore women, right?" Violet asked Fenton, with a grin. "My little brother is completely besotted with Trista's little sister Luna, it would seem," she added, smirking at this. "At this rate we'll both be in attendance at their wedding in a couple of years." Shaking her head with a laugh, Violet turned her head to look at Aries, her cheeks tinged with pink. How she had gotten so lucky as to be dating a guy like him, Violet didn't know. "Oh yeah, dancing, right," she joked. "The best thing about long dresses is that they hide your terrible footwork, if you're unco like me." Laughing, she met her love's eyes with her own, unable to stop smiling. She felt like the happiest girl in the world at the moment - then again, she always felt happy when she was around Aries.
Fenton was about at the end of his rope now, Aries had Violet,other couples were making their way in. Time was passing and he felt like a complete fool. What if she was going to stand him up? His insides turned almost violently, she wouldn't - would she? This was the first time he was in a proper relationship, one that he had hoped could stand up against the test of time but so far it seemed to be struggling to get past one formal night. Maybe it was just his nerves. He had never felt like this about anyone before, even what he had believed he had felt for Andromeda was no comparison on this.

He glanced to the door and nearly choked when he saw Andromeda walk in with the Sumner guy again. He grinned at that, maybe there would be another fight. At least it was something to look forward to.
"Looks like we're in for another interesting evening" he couldn't help but wave as well in their direction, his surrogate sister had some pair walking in wearing some mad looking elf costume instead of a ball gown like the other girls.
Aries couldn't take his eyes off of her and wanted to ignore Fentons comment about an interesting evening but glanced over anyway.
"Merlins whiskers what's she wearing?" he chuckled shaking his head, ok so she could pull off whatever number she had on but hadn't anyone told her it was a ball and not a Santa convention. When he saw her date he sighed, scratching his head. He liked Sumner, the guy was a ticket but he didn't understand the two of them together at all. Especially when he saw Lily with Ashton. He raised his head in a salute to them before turning back to Violet.

Without looking at Fenton he held his hand out to his girlfriend.
"Who cares how anyone else looks or who they're with. I am here with the most beautiful girl in the world. Care to dance with me?" he stood up and waited patiently, there was enough dancers now on the floor for them to lose themselves among them, "We can glide or shuffle along slowly if you want".
Violet's eyes followed those of Fenton's and Aries', until she saw Andy at the door. Violet simply shook her head. "Wow," she muttered, actually quite impressed. "She sure knows how to pull off a memorable outfit, that's for sure," Violet commented, turning back to Aries. "Really? I haven't seen her yet," she joked, looking around frantically. "She sure is lucky to be here with a guy like you. I'm more than happy to dance with you in her place, though, while you wait," she drawled, winking before getting to her feet, shooting an apologetic glance at Fenton (as if to say Sorry to go all couple-y on you, I'm sure Trista will show up soon. ) "I don't mind, really, as long as I get to dance with you," she said shyly as she walked up to him and held out her hand.
Aries laughed as she teased him about this fictitious other girl, he smiled farewell to Fenton and walked Violet to the dancefloor. His arm slid around her waist and pulled her close to him so that her body was touching his, his hand slowly went from her waist to rest on the small of her back as he stared down into her eyes.

"You get all the dances with me, unless someone else decides to take your fancy but in that scenario I'll just have to duel him, win her heart all over again and claim the rest of the dances. So... isn't it easier just to dance the entire night away with me?" his free hand cupped hers gently in his, the fingers curling down to hold them within his own.

"I didn't think it was possible to love you more but I do. I thought the feeling would simply plateau and that would be it, I'd love you like that forever but it only seems to get stronger", he didn't bother waiting for the strategically placed mistletoe and knew he never would as he released her hand and touched her cheek softly, then cupping the side of her face kissed her gently. His lips moved tenderly though the feelings igniting within him were anything but gentle. As he broke the kiss, he smiled at her.

"Now if it came down to a choice of dancing with you or kissing you, I 'd have to leave you choose. Both are too damn good".
SH!T SH!T SH!T was the only thing running through Tristas mind as she ran at a frantic pace barefoot throughout the large castle from her dormitory. "I am the only person in the world who can manage to oversleep on the damned day of the Yule ball!" she muttered to herself, Her hair was put up into an elegant updo in the back but she could do nothing with her bangs and they were a bit of a pain as they were in her face like normal, only styled more elegantly. Her red dress fell to her knees and her makeup looked fantastic. she wanted to look fantastic for Fenton but hadn't realizes how long it had taken her to get ready which was why she was now late and in a hurry. Stopping before she opened the doors to put on her strappy heels which only took a second, elevating her from 5'11" to an oddly tall 6'2", luckily Fenton was tall enough so she could wear heels.

She walked into the large room and spotted Fenton right away, how could she not? He had to be the most handsome man in the room by far. She made her way over to him, Violet, and Aires and quickly greeted him with a light peck. "Fenton I am so, so, so sorry! I'm the only person on this great green earth who could manage to oversleep on today of all days." she admitted sheepishly. The other two had already made their way to the dance floor. "I would have been here sooner but... I kind of went overboard on getting ready." she admitted trailing off, "I wanted to look nice for you." she ended with a small smile giving him another kiss. "I must say you look quite handsome tonight."
Violet beamed. "Now, you know quite well there's nobody else I'd rather be with than you, my love," she stated, attempting to be serious but giggling nonetheless. It was the atmosphere, it was hard not to be light-hearted on a night like tonight. Although her heart, however light it was, was beating like mad in her chest as they danced so close to each other, her cheeks were tinged with pink as he said such words that made the sixteen year old so happy. He kissed her and, just like the first time, and every time, Violet was struck dumb, left speechless.

"You know, the gods must have been smiling the day they sent one of their own down for me," Violet mused, holding close to Aries. "I love you more every time I see you," she added, almost a little shyly, as if she was confessing her feelings for the first time, even if she did tell him that she loved him every day. "And well, we can always do both," she suggested, kissing him again before slowly breaking apart and continuing to dance.
Fenton smiled as Andromeda waved back to him, she seemed in great spirits tonight. He figured he would be too if his date ever showed up. He leaned back in his chair, long legs stretched out in front of him crossed at the ankle as Aries and Violet got up to dance. He winked at Violet before his bestfriend took her across the dancefloor and then the voice he had been waiting to hear all night long sounded after she hurriedly kissed his face. He stood up slowly as she prattled on and on about her reasons for being late, he could only look dumbfounded at her. She was stunning, she could take as long as she wanted whenever she wanted if this was the result. Of course Fenton had always considered her stunning even in just her uniform. She kissed him again before telling him he looked handsome and then he was simply bundling her into his arms.

She was tall enough usually but tonight she was practically the same height as him in her heels and he liked that he could look almost directly straight into her eyes.
"You're here now aren't you?" he kissed her gently on the mouth and only lifting his face a fraction from hers whispered, "I know practically every guy in here tonight has been telling his girl or partner that she's the most beautiful one in this room but they're all wrong. They all can't be right, not if you're the most beautiful".

His lips touched hers again and then as quickly as they had, he let her go and taking her hand led her to the dancefloor.
"We have some major catching up to do" he winked at her.
Her words like a warm comforting blanket surrounding him, it didn't matter how often she said them he liked hearing them and said them as often to her. Aries knew that even if he were being left to rot in a lake of inferi once he had the chance to tell Violet every day that he loved her, it simply wouldn't matter. Nothing did but her. She broke from their kiss and their embrace to dance again, the music had changed anyhow. He grinned and began dancing himself though it seemed more like jumping about at this point as the musics tempo raced.

He grinned as his gaze took in Trista and Fenton out on the dance floor.
"Guess we can stop worrying about him now" he told her, glad that Fenton had long gotten over Andromeda. The music was really great this year and though he was not the greatest of dancers he always gave it a good shot at least. It was all about fun after all.
When they had been on the floor for a bit he held his hand out to her.
"We can stay thumping the floor boards or grab something to eat or drink?"
Tristas smile grew as Fenton wrapped her up in his arms. She layed her head on his shoulder and listened for a moment before lifting her head back up to look into his hazel eyes, that were so different from her own Grey-blue irises. She took in his sweet words with a shy smile, still not used to so many compliments at once. Her face was the lightest tinge of pink but it was easy to see it was from happiness rather than embarassment. Fenton was so good to her and she knew she loved even if she hadn't said it yet. Transfering to Hogwarts New Zealand felt like the best decision she had ever made. How did she get so lucky? As he loosend the embrace and took her hand she eagerly followed him out to the dance floor. "Why yes we do..." she started lightly "But I do warn you now, I'm a horrible dancer." she said with a small laugh. "I'll try not to break any toes though."
Fenton smiled brightly, the previous waiting seemed not to matter any more. She was here in his arms and he loved her there. Wanted her no other place if it could be helped. They lightly moved about the dancefloor, she may not be too confident about her own dancing but he was self assured enough for them both. He lead her easily about, turning where they needed too, stepping left and right and making crossovers when necessary. Twice he swung her out from him before tugging her hand gently to roll her back towards him. As he held her tightly against his chest he kissed the top of her head before realizing the tempo of the music was after changing.

The other students were beginning to jump up and down and swivel themselves about like they were possessed by something. Fenton chuckled.
"Do you want to continue here or stroll around the outer rim for a bit?" he rubbed a thumb gently against her cheek as he looked into those amazing eyes of hers.
Trista was slightly shocked at her feet as they were lead so easily around. Sure the actual footwork was a bit shoddy but she wasn't stomping on toes or tripping over her own feet so she was more than satisfied. Though she knew if she were to fall that the wonderful man infront of her would catch her in an instant, as he had already had to do in the past. Thats what you get with oddly long legs and feet the size of boat paddles. After they had been dancing for quite a while the music started to change, the beat picking up in speed. "Normally I would love to dance to a fast beat for a while but in these shoes I'd be a danger to myself and everyone around me." she said with a small laugh. "I'm a bit hungry anyways. What would you say to a quick sampling of the buffett then maybe a walk around the lake then we come back?" she suggested "Because I know this won't be the last time I dance with you tonight." she ended still wrapped tightly in his arms though the beat was far different than how they were moving.
Violet's stomach gave a slight growl, and blushing, she looked up at Aries. "I suppose that's my cue to go get something to eat," she muttered, slightly embarassed but still in good spirits. Holding his hand, Violet cautiously made her way over to the food, first grabbing a glass of punch before picking at a few nibblies. Food tables were the trap of the sixteen year old, had been ever since she was a little girl, standing by the fairy bread at parties. With another awkward smile, she looked up at Aries, quite happily. She didn't need to say anything, as she took a sip of punch, she was just happy being in his company.

((ahh sorry for godmodding/lameness))
Fenton thought he had died and gone to heaven. It wasn't his favorite thing in the world dancing but the classes that they gave at Durmstrang had been intense but they only applied to the classic dances not the 'completely let yourself go' type which he would probably suck mightily at. He was therefore grateful that Trista preferred the going to the buffet table and then for a stroll around the lake. With the beautiful night sky lit up the way it was he couldn't think of a more romantic setting so heartily agreed with her.

He guided her off the floor and began plating up almost immediately. Passing one to Trista he munched silently enough through his own as he scanned the floor, taking it all in. So far he was having a great night and it was all because of the girl beside him. It wasn't long before his own plate was finished. He didn't want to rush her but the thought of being alone in the moonlight with her set his heart racing.
Fenton offered her his arm.
"Ready whenever you are"
The music changing meant the dance did too and he wasn't perturbed that Violet wanted to get off the dance floor. He wanted to himself by that point. The food looked delicious and as he ladled up his plate he spotted Fenton further down about to leave with Trista. Aries remembered the thestral rides of the year before and wondered if they were going on those. It was a beautiful night out and it seemed a shame to be stuck inside the whole night long.
"Fancy going on one of those buggy rides?" he grinned at her after swallowing a mouthful of his food.

(godmod away to move it along - you know I won't mind ;) )
As they each got their plates and began to fill them Trista couldn't help but some of everything and it almost wouldn't fit on her plate without turning into a mountain. She was a big eater but usually not all at once. But it was the Yule Ball and she was about to take a long walk for goodness sake, it didn't matter tonight. It was times like this she envied her twin for her ability. But no thoughts like that stayed for long as the two of them made thier way to a table. She was about half way through her food when Fenton finished his. A few minutes afterwards she to was done with the food for the moment. She may walk her appetite back later on. She took his arm "Okay then, lets head out... It must be beautiful outside tonight if the ceiling tells us anything." she said motioning to the seemingly invisible roof above them, the night was cloudless and the stars were scattered out and really shined against the pitch black sky.
He put his arm about her as he led her outside and once they passed the threshold of the large wooden doors at the entrance to the school he stepped away to shrug out of his jacket, he draped it across her shoulders before placing his arm there once more. Kissing the top of her head before walking on wards towards the lake.

For nearly an hour they walked, talking animately about the night so far and their plans for Christmas.
"So are you going home then?" he was heading back to The Gables for a few days before then heading directly back to England. His parents were insisting on his return home this time.
As they walked around the lake, his silver jacket on her shoulders, protecting her body from the unusually cold night and warming her heart from the sweet act. She truly did have a fantastic man. The thin heels of her shoes began to sink into the soft ground and she shook her head pulling the strappy things off. "Thats not going to work." she said before getting her wand out of the small bag she had brought with her to match the purse. she cast a charm she had learned out of a book at Beauxbatons to transfigure the shoes into two small pads of paper with a picture of the shoe on them and stuck them down in her purse.

After about an hour they were talking about where they would be spending their breaks. She nodded when he asked if she was going home. "Mhm, Even Kailey who spends most of her time at that mansion in Russia or somewhere through there with her boyfriend comes home for Christmas." she said. "Though if mom ever found out where she actually was I'd bet she'd be spending more than Christmas there. But we have a new house and I want to see it. What are you doing for christmas?" she asked. After he answered they walked along a few minutes later she started to hum the slow beat oof one of her favorite old love songs. The mood really was getting to her.
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