Mister Grumpy

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Lake Silver

Well-Known Member
Malleable Dogwood Wand 13" with Own Werewolf Fur
<COLOR color="#000">So, Lake is one of my newer characters...
Lake is Half blood and he is the middle child of three, he has an older sister named Phoebe and a younger sister named Cleo.
Lake is boring, grumpy and easily distracted, he doesn 't make friends well but likes the idea, he never keeps friends for long.. Lake is close to finishing Durmstrang, either a year or two away (I'm still trying to decide how old I want to make him)

I 'm currently applying for Lake to be a werewolf (Currently Pending) if it is accepted this will be the reason as to why he is very grumpy and loner like, if not, he 'll just be a moody kid who has an older sister who got all the attention.

So I'm looking for Possible Friends, either long term or someone who he will be friends with then give up, Possible Crush/Fling/Love Triangle.
Some more about Lake, he has an "I don't give a _" attitude, very tall (not half giant tall but still tall) very attractive and fit, he makes up for friends by pumping iron (Naturally) anddd yeah :3

Post below if you're interested!​
Okay I have two possible people for you:
I have seventeen year old Durmy Taylor Rosetti and 18 year old Florence Mendez

I can offer Taylor as a friend and Florence as a friend/possible love interest.
Check out: this to find out more because I'm lazy and on my iPod so it's hard to type.
So yeah let me know if this could be a possibility.

Hey! ^_^
I have a possible friend for Lake, this is Clover Sheppard! She's sixteen years young, and very athletic, she's planning to be a professional Quidditch player after she finishes school and has a cheerful, and open minded personality. She's pretty mischievous, and does make trouble for herself, because she doesn't understand boundaries at all so maybe Clover was out breaking some rule, and Lake catches her red handed? Just throwing out ideas at the moment. She's currently undergoing a huge revamp, so I don't really have much else to say about her right now so hopefully this was a detailed enough description. Let me know if you want them to be friends!

- Anna ♥​
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