Mistaken Identity

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
It was several weeks into the school year and Cyndi Kingsley was finding that she was busier than ever. Performing the duties of a professor, Head of House, and Deputy Headmistress left the professor with little personal time, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. The woman loved the castle, having spent much of her life within its walls. She also loved teaching Ancient Runes, but she also enjoyed the rare day when she had no duties to perform. It was Saturday, and much of the castle was enjoying much needed time off from classes and duties. Cyndi knew that she was. She had plans to walk around the grounds and join one of her colleagues for an afternoon picnic, which was why she was dressed in muggle clothing, a sweater and a pair of slacks. As she finished up her breakfast, the woman took little notice of the owls that had begun to come in. They did remind her that she needed to get in touch with her husband to remind him about their plans for dinner at his sister’s house.

As owls, one after another, began landing in front of her setting identical packages in front of her, a broad smile crossed the woman’s face as she pushed her empty bowl to the side. In the end, ten identical packages were neatly stacked in front of the professor. Standing up from her place at the staff table, the woman used her wand to send most of the boxes in the direction of her classroom. She picked one up and held it in both hands, before turning to stop the first student that passed too near to the staff table. He was a Gryffindor, one whose face she had seen a number of times in the common room over the past few weeks. “Can you grab that box and follow me?” she nodded her head to the box that was left on the table. True, she could have just used magic on those too, but she planned on taking these directly to her office on the second floor while the others would be continuing on to her classroom. The woman’s wand was held in a loose grip and she was eager to get moving. “You’ll get some house points for Gryffindor out of it, and we can use all the points that we can get” the woman added with a slight frown.
One thing that Lucien Snow did not enjoy, it was doing things. He loved being lazy, and he enjoyed it. He was glad that he was enjoying his regular robes today. Though, little did he know, he could easily be mistaken for his brother. He enjoyed his meal before he was eating a green apple as he passed the staff table. However, he looked over when a woman started talking to him. His silver eyes glanced over and he recognized the professor. It was Professor Kingsley, the Gryffindor Head of House and a Deputy Headmistress. He knew better than to get in trouble with her. She looked like a muggle too, which almost made him smirk. She asked if he could grab a box and follow her. He looked at the apple that he was half way done with, before shrugging and tossing it into the trash that was near him. He muttered, "Sure." He grabbed the box and heaved it into both of his arms, before he followed the professor as he carried them. He wondered why she would not use magic, but he would not question someone with higher authority than him. For all he knew, she might have been a pure-blood! She would deserve all of the respect if she were one.

As soon as she mentioned that he would get some house points for Gryffindor, he looked up and noticed that she had mistaken him for Jean. This was hilarious. He had to hide a smirk as he repeated, "More points for Gryffindor?" Well, they did need all they could get, but if she promised points, he would be earning them for Slytherin, who were ahead by so much already. He would not say a word though, since he wanted some points for the right house, and he would inform her of the right house once he was done helping her. Sure, helping was not something that he was used to doing, but he was positive that he would not be helping if he had something else to do right now. "I suppose that Gryffindor could be doing better if I saw more of them doing better things, such as helping and attending more classes. Professor Styx ought to be proud of his house." Striking up a conversation with a professor might be risky, but he wouldn't mind.
The professor knew that most wizards and witches would find it odd that she had chosen to carry any of the boxes, but she had been taught by her father that just because she could use magic for everything didn't mean she should use magic for everything. The Weasley children had grown up performing chores without magic on a regular basis. Their father had done it partly to not make his wife, a muggle, feel bad, but also because he wanted his children to learn to appreciate their powers and not use them frivolously. It was a lesson well learned by Cyndi Kingsley. As they walked, Cyndi nodded. "Yes. I'd say fifteen points for carrying that" she stated with a smile to the boy.

As they continued to the stairs, the professor moved her grip so that she could actually see the steps ahead of her. She needed to count them so she could step over, and not into, the trick step. "I'm sure he is. The Gryffindors could do with following the Slytherins example. I'm sure you're going to all of your classes though, riiiight?" she dragged out the end, letting it be known that she only expected to hear one answer. She didn't really expect one of her students, especially not a first year, to admit to skipping lessons. "Watch the step" she warned as she stepped over it and safely reached the first floor landing.
Fifteen points? Well, that would have to go to Slytherin. Lucien was helping with the boxes since he did not know the hovering charm. He didn't know it. He was not old enough, and he would have loved it. He could have been someone that was bigger and better, but he would have to wait until he was not a little, itty bitty first year. He hated being one of the younger people, but he could not change that. "I think fifteen is generous. I would definitely appreciate it for my house." Lucien said with a slight smirk dancing on his lips. He continued to walk, quite proud that he was really fooling the professor. He should do this more often. If he could fool Professor Kingsley, maybe he could fool the world!

Lucien had to keep a snicker inside as she said that the Gryffindors could do with following the Slytherins example. He could not help but see how ironic that was. Though not much can make Styx happy though. Even he knew that. She said that she was sure that he was going to his classes, and this time, he was going to get Jean in trouble. Oh this was perfect. "Well, the Gryffindor side of me isn't all the time. I'm just being honest." He stepped over the step carefully, the one that she was talking about. He sighed as he reached the first floor. "Thanks, Professor Kingsley." She was certainly nice. No wonder the Gryffindors liked her.
Professor Kingsley’s eyebrows furrowed as her student mentioned that he wasn’t always going to class. If it wasn’t that the box was beginning to feel heavier in her arms, she likely would have commented on it. Instead, she answered him with a simple hm, her mouth set in a slight frown. The boy was lucky that he was as polite as he was helpful or Cyndi might have considered taking back the fifteen points for his honesty.

Reaching the second floor landing, Cyndi moved her wand in some semblance of a swish and flick as she wandlessly attempted to disengage the enchantments that she had set to prevent students from entering her office. She’d had some trouble in the past with students throwing dungbombs in the room. With another small swish, the professor saw her door open and knew that she had been successful. If she hadn’t been, the hallway would have erupted in shrieks. “You can set the boxes just inside the doorway” she stated with a nod as she slowed her steps to glance behind her. Someone was rushing up the stairs, calling her name as they came up. “I’ll meet you inside” she stated.
Oh, the thoughts of getting Jean in trouble made him almost giddy inside. Lucien would definitely be the top point earner when it came down to the Snow siblings for the year. All he needed to do was follow through with this favor. Hopefully, Professor Kingsley will not take away any points, but it would be toward Gryffindor either way. He had yet to slip up on the facade. But, to gain points for Slytherin, he needed to come clean at some point. He could act all innocent when it came right down to it too. Lucien was good at acting. He watched as the door was opened, and Professor Kingsley said to set the boxes inside the doorway. Lucien made sure the boxes were out of the way and followed Professor Kingsley into her office.

"You must not trust students that much if you have to keep the office locked or sealed, whichever," mused the first year Slytherin as he raised his eyebrow a bit. He could hear someone calling her name as they were coming up the stairs. He could recognize that voice from anywhere. A sly smirk settled on his lips and he plopped down in a chair inside the office. Since he knew who that would be, Lucien remained there to see how this would all play out.
Tasked with finding Professor Kingsley and delivering a note to her from one of the other professors, Jean made his way slowly out of the Great Hall. If he was going to have to be a delivery boy, he was going to take his time with it. He still didn't understand why the man couldn't have been smart enough to tell her whatever it was that was so important while she had been in the Great Hall! The note was sealed, so the Gryffindor boy had no idea what the message was within, only that it was important that it reached Professor Kingsley and only Professor Kingsley's hands.

Just as he rounded the corner of the first floor landing, Jean spotted the familiar walk of his Head of House. He tried to rush forward, but it was at that moment that a group of seventh year girls came bounding down, heading for the greenhouses by the sounds of it. Jean struggled past them, disappointed that he had lost sight of the woman. He stomped up the steps, hope renewed when he spotted her again. This time, he wouldn't lose his chance. Rushing forward, the boy yelled his Head of House's name as he climbed the last set of steps. He jogged towards her, holding the parchment in front of him and thrusting it into her hand when he could. "Professor Kingsley, I'm supposed to deliver this to you" he stated as he stood right in front of her.
Adjusting the box in her hand, the professor's expression grew from one of mere curiosity to a more bewildered one. As the student came over to her, parchment in hand, Cyndi wondered what in Merlin was going on. She knew what she was being handed even before she glanced down at the familiar writing of one of her colleagues. The man had told her that he would send one of her own students, a Gryffindor, along with the message. What was confusing about that was that was pretty certain that she had her student in her office. Obviously, her colleague was confused. "Thank you. My hands are a bit full. Could you bring that into my office and place it on the desk. " the professor stated, not really asking him a question.

Following closely behind the blond first year, Cyndi entered her office and stood in the doorway at the two near identical boys standing in her office. She placed her own box on the floor before leaning against the door jamb to prevent either one from leaving. "You're not from my house, are you?" she asked plainly, glancing at the boy who'd been helping her for the past few moments. Her eyes skipped between the two young men, noting differences now that she had to be sure to remember in the future. The first, and most noticeable one, was the difference in eye color. Shaking her head at her own silliness, Professor Kingsley pinched the bridge of her nose as she seemed to remember one thing. "Merlin, tell me which house I'm going to be giving these house points to?" she asked, closing her eyes as she waited for the boy to confirm her suspicions.
Lucien looked toward his little brother and he smirked, wondering if he needed to announce his presence. He looked to the Gryffindor Head of House, knowing she must be confused by now. This was still funny to him, and that smirk did not fade at all. He remained where he was. Lucien heard the woman direct a question toward him and he said in a cocky tone, “Nope, but I was not lying about my Gryffindor half of me not attending class. I never see him in my classes at all actually.” He was probably digging his brother a grave right now, but since he deceived the professor, she might not even believe him, and he would not blame her at all if she did not believe him. He waited for a few moments to see if Jean would react badly to his accusation. Lucien was good at bringing the truth to the light, no matter how bad it might be.

Now the professor was going to hate him, as she was complaining about Slytherin before, now she would be rewarding them. “Slytherin, Professor Kingsley. Gryffindor should really follow our example. We adore helping our professors and earning more points for the house of green.” Lucien looked at her in her eyes, to show that he did not have any sort of intimidation. Sure he did not want to get in trouble with her, but he was by all means not fearing of any sort of professor. After all, he was from a pretty intimidating family. “Am I free to go, professor?” asked Lucien in the kindest tone that he could muster.
Jean didn't think that Professor Kingsley's hands were that full, but he wasn't going to argue with his head of house. Jean had been warned early on that though she looked nice, she had a mean streak for certain students. He didn't know how true that was, but he wasn't going to test it out. As he stepped into the room, Jean was surprised to see his brother standing inside. Smirking. He eyed the boy warily before placing the note on the professor's large desk.

He was trapped inside, the professor standing in the doorway. As she directed her attention to Lucien, Jean held onto the hope that his brother might be in trouble. Of course not, he realized. It wasn't until Lucien began speaking that Jean felt anxiety flood his system. His heartbeat kicked up a notch and he had trouble getting his gaze from his shoelaces. Jean knew he could deny the accusation, but it wasn't a total lie. Jean didn't love all of his classes. "We don't even have all of our classes together, Lucien" he stated angrily, his gaze lifting to his brother for a moment before touching the floor again. His bravery was only because there was another in the room.

Watching Lucien speak to the professor, Jean couldn't believe what he was hearing! Would the professor really give him house points? His eyes widened as he stole a glance at the professor, horrified that she seemed to be thinking about it. It was just his luck that Lucien would get out of this with house points and he would probably get in trouble. So typical.
The professor sighed as her suspicion was confirmed. "Yes. Take your fifteen points and go" she stated wearily, waving towards the door. Turning her attention to the blue-eyed twin, Professor Kingsley narrowed her eyes. "As for you...I really ought to take some points away from Gryffindor just to scare you straight" she stated, moving forward towards the boy. "I won't this time, but don't let me even hear that someone thinks you're skipping classes and don't let me find out that what your brother is saying is true or we will be meeting again and it will not go as pleasantly for you. Is that understood?" she asked, her voice filled with authority. When the boy indicated that he did, she waved him out the door as well.


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