Missing you,

Aimee Darkhart

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Aimee headed up to the owlery quill and a roll of fresh parchment clutched in her hand. She was long overdue to write a letter to Jace and felt bad for putting it off for so long. So that moring she woke early and was determined to write the letter before she had to leave to go to class. Running up the steps the blond reached the top and sat down on the top step. Unrolling the parchment she looked out over the view in front of her before leaning over and began to write.
Letter said:
Dear Mr. Jace Venturino,

Well, hello there! This is the first letter I have ever written to anyone so I hope you feel honoured. Anyway how are you? How is Beauxbatons? What's been happening?

Okay, enough of the standard and rather cliche questions. I was never usually one for conventional greetings. I think you must be a bad influence on my ;] I'm only kidding, really, you're not that bad of an influence on me. So I'll have to forgive you for it, considering the fact that you are ridiculously handsome and charming.

Hogwarts is rather boring to be honest. Nothing overly exciting has happened. Although Annalie, my ex sister (the one who was my adopted parents biological daughter) has been on my case again, trying to spread more rumours about me. But I am past the point of caring what she or anyone else thinks of me. Your's is the only opinion I care about. Gosh that's sappy, I guess that's what starts happening to me when I miss someone. Yes, I miss you. That's so weird coming from me, I've never been good at the romantic stuff. But in all honesty I do miss you and I will admit that to anyone who asks. I can't wait until I see you again. It may make this boring school life a little bit more bearable. I appologize for the immense corny-ness of this letter. I'm sure you don't want me waffling on about all this.

How was your sisters birthday? Did she enjoy the pink fluffy things? Mine is taking pride of place in my dorm room. I've recieved a few weird looks beccause of it but who even cares. I still haven't worked out exactly what it is though...

Anyway, I have to get to class,

Lots of love,
Miss Aimee Darkhart xx

Finishing with a grin on her face Aimee looked over the letter. Nodding she pulled a Hershey's kiss out of her pocket and placed it on top folding the letter up so the chocolate wouldn't fall out she rose to her feet and entered the owlery. Eyes scanning the owls she found one she liked the look of and called it down. Tying the letter the owls leg Aimee watched as it flew away before turning and running back down the stairs and heading to class.
Jace had spent the majority of his morning running around the palace of Beauxbatons, than actually studying. He was confident in his abilities, and would only stress himself out if he studied all the time. But today he was just lurking around the corridors and feeling the sunlight warm him up. His current destination was to his room, as he was a little tired and felt like he just wanted to sleep, even though it was around lunch time, he blamed it on a late night, which was filled with studying and the occasional dash to the kitchens for food. He narrowly missed getting caught by a prefect on patrol, in fact, that prefect was his brother, so it would have been awkward to say the least if Dyfan found him running around like a maniac at night. Yawning and opening the enterance door to his room, he tilted his head when he saw an owl on his bed, attempting to eat his blanket. He frowned slightly and put his hands on his hips. "Hey, shoo!" He commanded, waving his arms near the owl in an attempt to stop it from eating his blanket. When it finally stopped, he realised that it had a letter, and chocolates. Jace imediately knew who it was from, because he doubted that Speed, Stephanie, Alexa or anyone else that would send him a letter would also send him chocolates. So it had to be Aimee. He smiled and released the letter and chocolates from the owl and poped one in his mouth, then read the letter. He laughed slightly and got out a quill and started his own letter back to her.
Letter said:
Dear Miss. Aimee Darkhart,

Hey, it's been awhile since I heard from you. Yes, I do feel very honoured to have the first letter from you ever, I'm sure every man on the Earth is jealous. As to how I am, I am quite good, nearly broke my foot the other day, but the nurse fixed me up and I'm back to normal. Beauxbatons has not been too bad, a little quiet to what it usually is, it's a little suspicious, I feel like something's going to happen to make things interesting, but that's not going to happen, it's always quiet here, nothing ever happens. EVER! How is Hogwarts? What have you been up to? Been good I hope.

his made me laugh. I think I'm a great influence on you, I'm making you write, that's good from grammar and spelling and all that stuff, so that's a positive influence right there, don't you think? So I think you should be able to forgive me. But I think you're just a little bit more charming than me, gorgeous.

Don't worry about her, I'm sure she's just jealous that she's not half as good-looking and sweet you are, besides, you'll be able to hex her or something when you graduate, what will she be able to do, without getting in trouble from the Ministry? Maybe you should bring that up from time to time and see how she reacts to it, I doubt she'd be happy to hear that! And yes, that is very sappy, but I like, continue with your sappy talk, I promise I won't laugh (too much) Don't worry, we'll see each other again in no time, and don't worry, I don't mind the corny-ness at all, very refreshing, I guess. :p

It was good, she liked all the pink fluffy things, apparently they were part of some toy collection she was making, so I guess it's all some girl toy thingy, I'm not sure, it just looked fluffy to me... but maybe someone in your dorm will know what it is exactly? I don't even think my sister knows, I think she just saw pink + fluffy = adorable.

well, I'm going to take a nap. I await your reply.

Lots of love,
Mr. Jace Venturino.
P.S Thanks for the choclates, they were nice, I enclosed some of my roommates chocolates, he probably won't mind, too much. :p

With that said a done, Jace ran over to his roommates draw, pulled out some of his chocloates and tied it to the letter, muttering apologies that he knew his roommate wouldn't hear, nor understand and accept, but who cared? Securing it all to the owl, he sent it on it's way and then went to sleep.

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