Miss Montenegro

<COLOR color="#000">Miss Montenegro
The Shadows Offer The Best Comfort


<COLOR color="#20B2AA">About Me
Full Name : Kayla Chanel Montenegro
Nickname: Kay
Name Meaning:
Kayla - The name Kayla means 'Wise Child' in Arabic.
Chanel - The name Chanel means 'Channel' in French.
Montenegro - The name Montenegro means 'Black Mountain' in Spanish.
Character's Birthdate: 15th september 2006
Current Age : 21
Hometown: Unknown
Current residence: New Zealand
Blood Status: Unknown
Blood Type: A+
School House: Ravenclaw
Occupation: Works in a muggle library
Playby(s)Lastest Last: Dichen Lachman
Banners By Playby: {1}
Playby Meaning:
Dichen - Unknown
Lachman - Unknown

Small, Random Facts
- Left Handed
- Right Brained
- Amazing Memory, though not photographic

Kayla has quite sharp features but they don't make her look mean or nasty as they would on some people. She looks sort of mousey and, though she is beautiful, tends to blend into the wallpaper so to speak. She rarely dresses up nice and spends most her life in jeans and a shirt. She has her ears pierced and her belly button done as well, her jewellery is often small and simple though.

A Little Deeper

Describe in five words: Shy, Sweet, Sensitive, Hidden, Content
Kayla is a very shy person who is very private with herself. She likes blending into the background and being ignored. She is quite curious but never lets it control her, always making a rational decision. She is perfectly nice to people who talk to her but never expects them to stick around. She has quite low self image no matter who tells her she is beautiful, so far no one matters enough for her to believe them. She guards herself from pain by not trusting many people and those she does trust have earned it first.

Talents And Likes

Magical talents: Charms, potions and transfiguration
Other talents: Speaks six languages (Bulgarian, Italian, French, English, German, Latin),
Weakness: Sensitive about family topics and awkward in social situations.
Likes: Reading, Learning, Hiding
Dislikes: Attention, Ignorance, Emotional situations, Drama
Best subject: Potions
Worst subject: Divination
Patronus: Otter
Boggart: People watching her, never blinking or looking away, just watching her forever
Favourite place: A quiet corner in the library
Worst Place: Anywhere in the spotlight
Good Habits: On top of all educational studies, always very responsible
Bad Habits: Barely any social skills
Colour - Powder Blue
Weather - Soft Wind with clear skies
Time Of Day - Evening
Pastime - Studying or Reading
Book - Ps. I Love You
Memory - Getting Accepted to work at the library.


Star Sign : Virgo
Element : Earth
Quality : Mutable
Ruler : Mercury
Symbol : The Virgin
Good Traits : Modest and shy
Meticulous and reliable
Practical and diligent
Intelligent and analytical
Bad Traits : Modest and shy
Meticulous and reliable
Practical and diligent
Intelligent and analytical
Likes : Health Foods
Dislikes : Hazards to Health
Anything Sordid
Sloppy Workers
Colours : Green and Dark Brown
Starstone : Sardonyx
The sardonyx can be found with many different coloured bands on it but the one suggested for Virgo is the reddish brown variety. It is part of the quartz family and is mined everywhere.
Month Stone : Sapphire

Chinese Year

Year of the Dog
Dog people are honest, faithful and sincere. They respect tradition and value honor, and enjoy helping people. The Dog is very righteous, and always is the first to speak out against injustice. He is not good at socializing with friends, and rarely shines in company, but he is intelligent, caring and a good listener.
Loyal, faithful and honest, he has the most profound sense of duty. You can count on him and he'll never let you down. And as a good listener, the Dog is also very reliable in keeping secrets for others. He simply doesn't like to gossip.

The Loving Dog
Though Dogs have a reputation for not easily entrusting their affections, when they do, those friendships are for life. Romantically, Dogs gives the impression of being cold fish but this appearance is misleading; it's just that they're anxious and doubt their own feelings as they do those of others. In fact, personal relationships for the Dog are the most essential and important components of his life; money, power, success -- all the elements that might motivate members of other signs -- simply don't mean a thing to Dogs without first having a loving partner by their side and a stable family and home life. Some born under this influence may encounter difficulties in finding a life-long mate primarily because of the importance they attach to their relationships, but also because of anxiety related to mistrust of people they don't know. In love, the most salient characteristic of Dogs is their loyalty. Once these people have pledged their allegiance or sworn their marriage vows, they will stick to their partners through thick and thin.

Times For Dog
November is the month of the Dog. The time of the Dog is from 7:00 p.m. to 8:59 p.m.; their direction of orientation is west-northwest. The Dog's color is light yellow.

(1 - least compatible, 100 - most compatible)
Rat: 72 - Why not?
Ox: 62 - Difficult, but possible.
Tiger: 89 - Good! A balanced and harmonic relationship.
Rabbit: 77 - Fine, as long as they keep it cool.
Dragon: 62 - Think again.
Snake: 67 - This could work.
Horse: 92 - A happy couple.
Sheep: 62 - Difficult, but possible.
Monkey: 67 - With reservation. The dog might suffer.
Rooster: 63 - Only if it's absolutely necessary.
Dog: 62 - Difficult, but possible.
Pig: 84 - They share their thoughts and feelings.

<I><SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="100">My Family


Karen Shirley Montenegro

Joseph Devon Montenegro
Potion Maker

Faythe Karen Montenegro

Nathan Joseph Montenegro
Studying Herbology (Travelling the world)

Tallulah Shivion Montenegro
Full Time Toddler

Unknown To Her
Laura Karen Mitchell

David Jonathon Mitchell

Taylor Maria Mitchell

Astronomy - E
Charms - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - E
Herbology - O
History of Magic - O
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O
Ancient Runes - O
Arithmancy - O
Care of Magical Creatures - E
Muggle Studies - O

Potions - O
Ancient Runes - O
Arithmancy - O
Transfiguration - O
Charms - E
History of Magic - O

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