Misguided Help

Ansel Blanchard

Active Member
It was noisy. People everywhere, a hundred
conversations all around him. Outdoor shops, street
entertainers, and hundreds of ordinary pedestrians.
A typical day, on the path to one of the probably busiest
streets in Europe.

Yet, Ansel paid no attention. For him, it might as well not have existed.

Making his way through the crowds, a duffel bag
over his right shoulder, he was lost in the music in his
headphones, and the memories of days gone by.
His raven hair slightly mussed he paid no attention as few
younger and older ladies sighed in awe as he glided past them.
Hiding a yawn behind his hand as he threaded down the
streets, he wondered why a huge crowd was gathering in
front of one of the usually empty cafe there. Frowning, he
didn't know whether he should continue with his plan to have
a rest at the said shop.

Sighing to himself, he decided to just turn around, but
not until when he heard a girl squeal saying that a famous
singer was actually spotted around there. That thing had actually
piqued his attention, not because the said person was famous, but
rather, because he was a singer. Ansel, after all, was actually fixated
with music. Deciding that he should at least wait to see who
this mysterious singer is, he had had sat down on one of the
benches at the other side of the street, away from the
squealing ladies yet near enough to spot the said singer.
'I'm an idiot.' Austin thought, staring at the crowd before
him. Well, really it was just crazy girls. He didn't
understand why either. After all he had Amanda now. There
wasn't a point in screaming over him.

Just keep calm.

He payed for his food, wincing as a girl screamed
right in his ear. Why did they always do that?!
It was so annoying. He probably had permanent ear damage.
Austin then made his way outside. It took forever with
all the people. He had to find a way out.
His blue eyes looked to a boy sitting down. Suddenly,
he got an idea. The boy made his way over
and sat down next to him. "Hey bro! We should
probably go now, right?" He tried to play off the
stranger as a friend. He hoped it would work.

If it didn't, he was screwed. Nonetheless he stood
and took the boy's arm, running off with him and
ducking into an alley. He probably seemed like a
psychopath. Oh well. At least he had fun. He couldn't
speak for the poor boy he had basically abducted. Hopefully
he wouldn't care... that much.​

<COLOR color="midnightblue">Ansel was just about to leave when all of a
sudden a perfect stranger had come and approached
him pretending as if they were very close friends.
Ansel, who was quite surprised with the sudden gesture
had no real chance to react at all, and before he had known
it, he was being dragged by the older boy down into an alley.

He didn't got any idea as to the reason why he was suddenly
abducted, he had done nothing wrong, right?
Twisting his hand away from the boy, Ansel raised his
eyebrows in question of the boy's weird behavior.
"Who are you?" He asked, his voice flat though his face
shows the emotion that he was holding in, curiosity as well
as distrust.​

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