Misery loves company

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Jennette Jenkins

Mother of Two | Retired Publican | Happy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Hornbeam Wand with Vampire Blood Core
I am an unhappy man people of HNZ for I have neglected a character I very much love. I had some things set up for her but when they didn't pan out I sort of went on coasting for while then the pressures of rl and uni caught up to me and I let her slip. There is one more semester however and I am determined to make it count the best I can for my characters. Here we go.

Jennette Jenkins. 7th Year. Gryffindor.

Jennette is a kind hearted and loving muggle born who is sometimes still overwhelmed by the wizard world despite living in for many years. The intelligent, curious and adventurous, eager to explore as much of Hogwarts as she can before she graduates. Right now she is a lonely 17 year old girl spending the holidays with her parents in England eager to return for her final semester. So she needs friends and lots of them, I would always like a romantic figure in her life, not necessarily final as she has plenty of time for that but someone to make the last semester enjoyable. I'm flexible on the romantic figure, male or female as Jennette was due to experiment in her fifth year but it never came about.​

I do have more characters to offer but for now its just Jennette. Stay tuned, and bring on the good times.
I also have Oliver Cade Halliwell a 7th Year Ravenclaw prefect. Oliver is confident and flirtatious and maybe thinks he's better looking than he actually is. He is born from a two wizard family but his mother is muggle born. Oliver is very friendly and he is easy to get along with as he loves to be social. He needs friends and a love interest. I don't think he has a cd but I am working on a bio, any questions about him fee free to ask.

I also have young Jessie Vega a 4th year Hufflepuff, she is shy and likes to hide herself away in books but I want to get her out there. I'd like her to have a friend who is a polar opposite someone who is outgoing and adventurous to bring her out of her shell. I've only just rediscovered her so she needs development so stay tuned.

There's Casey Daniels eleven years old and due to start Hogwarts the next time around, I'd like him to have a few friends before he starts classes. He is a New Zealander born and bred but his parents are British so he can go back and forth during holidays so he's open to rps on both sides of the world. He is quite young so hasn't developed much of his personality yet, he is a typical run around the garden type kid, he likes to be active and is quite active in muggle sports as well as quidditch and aspires to play Quidditch for Gryffindor like his father and Grandfather did at Hogwarts Scotland. I hope for him to have at least one friend to see him through his schooling but if all his rps can turn into long term ones then all the better.

That is all for now, any questions post or pm them.
I can offer David Pike here! He's a shy seventh year Slytherin. He has manic depression, which means every now and then his mood changes from happy to depressed or vice versa. He's never been in a romantic relationship before, so that'd be interesting. He's nice at heart, albeit a little sarcastic at times. Anyways! That's about all there is too him. So, yeah. Cool. They could be friends or more-then-friends. The latter is preferable just because I've never had him in a relationship before.
He and Jennette can start off as friends not sure if they would work as more since Jennette is quite bubbly and happy go lucky so she would take his depression around her personal. But we can start them off and see how their friendship develops and go from there.
Could you? I'm writing her bio.
Yeah she's a total book worm that works.
Hi Daniel.

So I'm only getting back into RPing after a few months but I have two options for you. For your two seventh years I have my own two seventh years.

David Thrakos: Hufflepuff Prefect. Wants to be a Dragon Trainer like his father. Shy for most of his time at Hogwarts but has been trying to change that as he was a bit of a pushover and was fed up with it all. He's still not very popular and is mainly just focusing on Prefect duties and his NEWTs coming up.

LeAnn Adams: Gryffindor Part-Veela. A bit of a girly girl but adores Quidditch (but doesn't play). A bit of a ***** for most of her time at Hogwarts until her mother remarried and having a father figure in her life helped her balance out. Not the best at school, just about gets by and wants to work in Event Planning after playing a big part in her mothers wedding. Doesn't have much friends (one of her best friends left school and her other bestie and her barely talk). She's quite friendly now and willing to give people a chance that she wouldn't of before.

So I thinking David & Jeanette could know each other already (same year and all but not in depth.) and be on Prefect Duties together for the second semester and get to know each other better.

Then LeAnn & Oliver. I'm not sure here, would Oliver be smart-ish, even in just one particular subject and LeAnn could be getting tutoring from Oliver? LeAnn wouldn't admit to anyone that she needs tutoring and could revert back to her old ways of being a bit mean because she's angry the Professor is making her do this?

Or we could do whatever, I'm easy either way and think we could get even one combination out of the 4 charries. Let me know :)
Hey Patty I like your ideas, perhaps we can have a hint of romance between one the pairs, depending of course how things go. We can start up the first topics and see how our characters interact, character wise Oliver is smart, although he gradebook would say otherwise because I've been lazy but I could see him tutoring.
Yay! I was thinking maybe some romance but we'll have to do that down the line a bit to be sure they actually get on first :lol:

Who would you want to do first. I'm thinking maybe David and Jeanette, having them been just giving their patrolling duties at the start of the new semester? Then have LeAnn and Oliver do the whole tutoring thing nearer the NEWTs as a cramming session sort of thing?
Yeah that sounds good. Could you start a topic for Jennette and David and when the time comes I'll take up the mantle for Oliver and LeAnne
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