Miles Vanderwolf

Miles Vanderwolf

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name
Miles Blake Vanderwolf

Date of Birth
September 26th, 2005

Current Age
19 years young.

Basic Appearance
One of the most noticeable things about Miles is his gravity-defying brown hair. He finds it practically impossible to tame, so doesn't bother. His eyes are greyish-green, and his facial features have a slightly feminine look to them. However, since he's tall with a manly build, there's no chance of him being mistaken for a female. Miles tends to dress like a modern-day hippie, and is rarely seen without his bandanna or worn-out jeans. He wears Doc Martens a lot, and occasionally a tie-dye shirt and big glasses or something like that. Miles likes his style, but he does stand out since there aren't too many people that dress like him these days.
Example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Miles is a very free-spirited person, who doesn't like to be tied down by people or circumstances. He's unexpectedly wise, and understands the world more than some. His intelligence (he's no genius, but could still be considered fairly smart) surprises people at times, because he can be so scatter-brained and irresponsible. Upon first meetings, others would see Miles as an eccentric guy that spends his time drawing unicorns and monsters, but not achieving much. However, they soon realise that he is a thinker, and usually knows what the right thing to do is in most situations. Miles has a lot of potential to be successful, but he doesn't usually pursue things for too long as he enjoys his simple life. He graduated school about a year ago, but hasn't done much in that time except a few unexceptional jobs (tutoring kids, working at a pub, etc).
Miles is still a kid at heart, and loves playing games, watching cartoons and things like that. For that reason - his immaturity - he's not very good at commitment, and while he has gone out with quite a few girls, none of them have lasted more than a couple of months. When it comes to friends, Miles has quite a few. As they usually hang out in groups, he's not particularly close to any of them and doesn't have a best friend. However he still considers them family, and has their backs for the most part. Miles is well-intentioned, and never thinks about hurting people on purpose. He's not perfect of course, so he's obviously hurt people before, just not intentionally. He's usually cracking jokes or saying something random, so those around him have a fun time. Miles is brave and confident for the most part, but has a lazy mindset when it comes to making decisions. He is a bit new age, and while not religious he does read about Buddhism quite often, and well as meditating when he's stressed. Miles is a vegetarian, but doesn't care to force his opinions on others.

He comes from quite a well-off Wizarding family, but doesn't have a trust fund that he relies on. Miles doesn't like the idea of living off of his parents, which explains why he lives in small places instead of somewhere fancy. His mother, Alice Vanderwolf, is a highly-ranked healer (meaning she deals with harder situations than say, the school nurses), so she earns quite a lot of money herself. Miles' father, Alan Vanderwolf, is an auror. This follows somewhat of a family tradition, as there are quite a few ministry workers in the Vanderwolf's lineage. Surprisingly, Alan doesn't want his son to do the same, because he thinks being an auror is too dangerous and emotionally-troubling for his own boy. Both Alice and Alan are very supportive of whatever Miles chooses to do, because their own parents were quite strict and pushy. Whatever the reason, he appreciates this support very much. Even though Miles has been hopping around the globe most of his life, the family is still quite close-knit. The parent's communicate with their son through letters or packages every few months, despite him becoming increasingly independent.
Miles also has a 12 year old sister name Julia, who attends Salem Witches Institute. Julia looks up to her brother a lot, but they have very different interests. Julia is currently going through a girly phase, and wants nothing more than to be the cheerleader that goes out with the Quidditch captain. But really she's a nice girl, and Miles loves her very much, so the phase won't last. Before long, Julia's hair will probably be dyed black, and she'll write poetry in the corner of her room. She's just at that age. Both sets of grandparents were quite standoffish throughtout Miles' childhood, but he did, and still does receive presents at Christmas from them.
Example 1, 2, 3.

Miles isn't usually fussed about having pets, but at the moment he has a small turtle named Mary Jane. He bought her after visiting the pet shop and seeing that she was the last turtle left. It made him sad that she was now completely alone, so he bought her on a whim. Miles has grown quite attached to his turtle, and often uses the excuse "sorry, I'm playing Wizard's Chess with Mary Jane tonight" to get out of doing things or going places he can't be bothered to.
Example 1.

Area of Residence
Miles was born in Florida. While he did enjoy the sunshine, he wanted to travel from a young age, and spent most holidays away from home. Miles has lived in San Fransisco, Nashville and New York, and has visited many other states in America. He's spent many months backpacking through Europe and Asia, before deciding on settling in New Zealand for a while. Miles doesn't know if this is the country he'd like to stay in permanently, but for now he's enjoying his time in NZ. Miles also attended Hogwarts Scotland for all seven years, so he is quite worldy.

Blood Status
His blood status is Mixed. While the majority of the Vanderwolf's are Wizards and Witches, the family don't choose to call themselves Pure like some families do. The Vanderwolf's acknowledge the Muggleborns and Halfbloods that have married into the family, as well as the several (unsuspecting) Muggles too.

Miles' ancestors come from many parts of Europe, including France, Scotland and Demark. However, the majority of his bloodline stretch back to the English settlers before they colonised America.

Special Abilities
None. He can make a good sandwich though.

Interests or Hobbies
Miles loves to play the guitar, and he is quite talented at it. He started taking lessons as age eight, but soon decided to teach himself instead because the instructor wouldn't let him try any songs more challenging than Greensleeves. He also enjoys surfing and swimming, and loves the beach. Miles likes to travel and see different cultures. He's been to many different places, but has yet to visit any African country, so that's something on his list. Although Miles really enjoys reading books, he's not completely interested or focused on learning academic things. He prefers to read about interesting people and history than numbers and such.

Additional Skills
He's quite good at flying and playing Quidditch. Other skills include drawing ligers and unicorns, camping and making bonfires the Muggle way, and casting defensive spells. Miles can speak a couple of languages; some fluently, others only partly. Now that he lives in New Zealand, he's starting to learn some Maori, as well. This skill of languages comes naturally, and isn't necessarily something that Miles is interested in trying to master.

Making friends, seeing the positive in most situations, making up stories and writing songs, eating healthy, making others laugh, thinking outside the box, meditating, relating to different types of people, dancing like a crazy person.

Things that involve lots of numberwork/science subjects, knowing how to be in a relationship, saving money, working out, driving Muggles cars, trying to be sensitive to people's issues when all he wants to say is 'dude, just chill out', making his bed.

Describe your character in three words
Creative, immature, laidback.

Favourite place to be
To Miles, it doesn't matter where abouts he is, as long as he's with people he enjoys. Whether that be on a secluded farm in Europe, or a rowdy bar in South America, as long as he's surrounded with fun people and things to do, that's fine with him. But in saying that, despite loving foreign places and the outdoors, Miles' most favourite place to be is on the couch with his guitar and turtle. He really is a bit of a home-body these days, and loves his small, messy apartment.

No specific characters yet, but history-wise, Miles would have quite a large circle of friends.

Hogwarts House
Miles was a member of Gryffindor at Hogwarts Scotland. He was placed in this house because he's quite a brave and confident guy. He has the nobleness as well, but was never chosen for a leadership position such as Prefect or Head Boy due to slacking off at times.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions
During his time at Hogwarts, Miles was a chaser for his Quidditch team. They won the cup three years in a row, which was a proud achievement. He entered the school wanting to be great at something, and that was as close as he got, which didn't disappoint him.

Best school subjects
His best school subject was probably charms. Miles loved doing something productive, as he knew it would help him infinitely in later life. He loved producing a new spell, as it felt like an accomplishment every time.

Worst school subjects
Miles wasn't very good at astronomy. While he did like the stars, and looking at different planets, the sciencey side of things just weren't his forte.

Extracurricular Activities
While at school, Miles tended to be a bit lazy. He wasn't a big fan of homework, and usually did it at the last minute. However, he was still an active member of the conglomerated arts club (mainly in the band and literature departments) and Quidditch team.

Miles graduated from Hogwarts Scotland about a year ago. He achieved above average results in charms, history of magic, divination and herbology. The other subjects were passed more averagely.

Current Job
He has applied for a job at the school library of Hogwarts New Zealand. Whether he's been successful or not, Miles doesn't yet know. If the librarian thing doesn't work out, he'll probably go to a wizarding university to study to become a Professor or write a book of his own.

Plans for your future
Miles' plans for the future sort of tie in with the section above ^. Additional plans that aren't work-related would include buying his own house. Ideally he'd like a cool house by the beach, where he could have parties with bonfires on the sand, be able to let off fireworks, watch the sunsets and things, but like I mentioned earlier, he has been getting quite used to living in an apartment. Also, Miles would like to meet a nice girl to share his beach house with. He's never really been a relationship guy, and the thought of becoming a father doesn't compute with him, but he would like to have a girlfriend that would share his love of freedom and not be too clingy or constricting.
Example 1.

Your Patronus
His patronus is a lion, for the same reasons as the Animagus question further down.

Your Patronus memory
Miles' memory used to produce a Patronus would be the time he performed at and won a talent show. Although he does enjoy the feelings of flying and surfing more, he had spent many nights writing and rehearsing his song for the show. So then to perform and go on to win the competition had been such a proud moment for him, as it had been a great payoff after his hard work. Flying and surfing had taken less work, so while they are more fun in the short-term, the rush of performing and success were what made him most happy at the time.
Example 1.

Your Boggart
Miles' boggart is an alien. He doesn't mind magical beings such as ghosts and things, but the idea of little green men with big eyes creep him out. He obviously doesn't know for sure if aliens even exist, but the movies, paired with an active imagination has made him consider them somewhat real, even if only in his mind. He's more of a 'believer' than a skeptic. Miles has had a couple of nightmares in which aliens have abducted him and conducted experiments on him, but overall the fear is not crippling, so it's not a problem for him.
Example 1.

Your Animagus
If he were to become an Animagus, his form would be a lion. This is because they are strong yet cunning, which fits Miles well. He was also a Gryffindor at school, a house that is known for being brave and noble, even if somewhat proud. Male lions have big majestic manes, and Miles too has shaggy hair.
Example 1.

Mirror of Erised
If Miles looked into the Mirror of Erised, he would likely see himself exactly as he already is, but with a girlfriend and in that nice beach house from before.

A page from your diary
This is one of the most detailed CDs I've ever seen ^_^ . It was tough to come up with questions, but I think I've managed to come up with a few for you :)

Does Miles only play guitar for fun or has he ever considered being part of a band?
Does he like to listen to music in addition to playing it? What kind?
What's his favorite kind of sandwich?
Does Miles do more things the muggle way or does he use magic often?
What is Miles biggest regret in life so far?
What is his greatest accomplishment?

Hope this helps!
Oh really? Thanks! :woot: And thank you for the questions, here are my answers:

Does Miles only play guitar for fun or has he ever considered being part of a band?
In the past he has been in various 'bands'. Really they were just groups of friends making up funny names (for example: The Unicorn Burritos, The Ice Skating Turtles, The Marvelous Merlin Shroom Band, etc) and having jam sessions. Even though Miles thinks being in a real band would be cool, other people always flake out or don't commit. None of them really take it seriously, as it's just for fun.

Does he like to listen to music in addition to playing it? What kind?
Miles loves listening to music. He has a very varied and eclectic taste in music, varying from indie rock to freak folk and everything in between. He loves old psychedelic music, and anything from the 1960s or 70s. Really, Miles will just listen to anything that's unique or interesting, even if somewhat weird. He likes music that makes him think about the different sounds he's hearing, instead of just the repetitiveness of most pop songs.

What's his favorite kind of sandwich?
He makes a special type of sandwich called a Takewhateverisinthefridgeandthrowthatstufftogetherwich. :p

Does Miles do more things the muggle way or does he use magic often?
He uses magic for quite a few things. Since he's a bit lazy, Miles will often use magic to do the cleaning or other things like that. He was raised in a wizarding family, so magic is a big part of his life even when he doesn't realise it. Only when he wants to be "at one with the Muggles" will he change his outlook on magic or do something the harder way.

What is Miles' biggest regret in life so far?
Two years ago, Miles did something he really regrets. You see, he had begun having a semi-relationship with a girl, when she found out she was pregnant. Miles was there for her the best he could - to live up to his brave Gryffindor name - but in the back of his mind, all he wanted to do was ditch the girl and run for the hills. It was later discovered that he wasn't the father, much to his relief, and the two stayed friends. Still, even though Miles never did do the cowardly thing and leave his girlfriend, he's always been somewhat ashamed and regretful that such a thought even crossed his mind. He doesn't usually run away from his problems, so Miles was quite disappointed with himself for thinking so spinelessly in that situation. He hasn't thought about that in quite some time, so it isn't really an issue anymore, just a foggy memory.

What is his greatest accomplishment?
That would probably be winning the talent show thing that I mentioned in the original post. Even though it wasn't really important, it meant a lot to him as there were heaps of other deserving people also in the competition. Miles has never been much of an attention seeker, so to be important for one day was quite refreshing.


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