Miles Alexander Flynn

Miles Flynn

mediator · eldest · tall
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 9 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2051 (12)

Full Name:
Miles Alexander Flynn

Pronunciation: Mi-elz Al-ig-zan-der Flin
Name Meaning: Miles is from the Germanic name Milo, introduced by the Normans to England. The meaning of the name is not certain, though his parents picked it, as he is named after his late grandfather on his mother's side. Alexander is the Latinized form of the Greek name Alexandros, which meant "defending men". It's also a family name, Miles being named after his father.
Nicknames: Miles currently doesn't have any nicknames
Date Of Birth: 8th October 2051
Place of Birth: Saint Mungo's
Hometown: Christchurch, NZ
Nationality: Kiwi
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Sexuality: Too Young To Care
Relationship Status: Too Young To Care
Occupation: Student

Play By: Damian Hardung
Hair: A light brown which can almost look a dark blonde.
Eyes: Light blue
Build: Miles is quite tall for his age, usually standing above everyone else in his year group
Dominant Hand: Right
Distinguishing Features: Miles is tall for his age, usually standing much taller than his peers. He is also scarred, with a set of fang marks wrapped around his right calf as well as four diagonal jagged scars across his back, starting from his left shoulder and stopping around his mid-back.
Conditions: Lycanthropy
Miles was bitten by accident by his father a few months before he was due to attend to Hogwarts for his first year. His father's own condition was always kept a secret from his children, but Miles always knew something was going on and decided to follow his father one night when he left to lock himself up, curious to see where he was going. He ended up catching his father before he reached his safehouse, refusing to leave and demanding answers despite the looming full moon. His father transformed in front of Miles and ended up attacking the boy, clawing his back as he tried to run, biting into his leg and trying to drag him away. It was lucky his mother arrived when she did, noticing that Miles was missing from his room. She managed to stun her husband in wolf form long enough to grab Miles and apparate them back home to safety. But, the damage had already been done, Miles recovered from his injuries, but the scars and his own transformation every full moon will always remind him of what happened.

A muggle school in Christchurch

Secondary: Hogwarts NZ

"I've never put someone in the wrong place, so that's a given. Now for you, honestly the choice is simple, yes you would make a fair Hufflepuff, but you'll make an even better....Gryffindor!"
Favourite Class: TBA
Least Favourite Class: TBA
Extracurricular: TBA
Wand: Straight 9 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Acromantula Web Core
Wood: A wand best suited for a warrior-type, Blackthorn wands bond most strongly to their owners after going through adversity.
Core: The web of an acromantula is especially strong, so as a core it helps to add a punch to spells. It has been known to be useful for spells of a darker nature. Wands with this core would have no effect against a Basilisk or against a wand that had a core with a part of a Basilisk.

Jean Flynn (nee Williams)

Relationship With Mother: He used to be quite close with both his parents, but since the divorce his relationship with his mother has become quite strained, Miles almost resenting her for forcing his father away. Though he still tries to be a good son, doing everything he's asked and trying to mend any broken bridges even if he finds it hard.

Father: Alexander Flynn
Relationship With Father: Miles feels bad for his father, trying to go out of his way to spend more time with him since his mother seems quite determined to keep him away from his family. Miles is constantly trying to help his father make it up to his mother in the hopes they might stop arguing all the time and just forget all about the divorce. However, it doesn't seem to be working all too well, and Miles is finding the time he gets to spend with his father becoming less and less. Though, since his father is also a werewolf, and the one who actually ended up biting him, Miles does feel closer to his father than ever and is desperate not to lose him.

Siblings: Miles is the eldest sibling
Relationship with Siblings: With his parents always arguing, Miles is often caught up in the middle of everything and is usually the one having to keep an eye on his younger siblings. It's his job as the eldest, after all. Miles is close with his siblings and does want to look out for them, constantly trying to keep them away from all the messy divorce stuff and trying to make their lives easier. He's a good brother to them and is always around if they ever need help with anything.

Miles is all around a good person. He's bright and friendly, always going out his way to try and make people happy, even if it means he's doing something he doesn't like. Miles is an outgoing person, always looking to make new friends and more than happy to try and befriend anyone he comes across. But, he's also a mediator, willing to put down whatever's he's doing and helping someone get through a tough situation or trying to mediate an argument so that everyone comes off okay. Sometimes it does mean he's easy to walk over, and people have taken advantage of his kindness in the past. Deep down, Miles just wants to be liked by people, even if that means forfeiting his own views to support someone else if it would make them happy.

Personality Type: INFJ
Likes: Quidditch, exploring, climbing trees, making friends, haunted houses, helping people
Dislikes: Too much studying, arguments, his parents divorce, the full moon
Strengths: He's always been a good listener, willing to lend an ear to anyone who might have something to say. Miles has found it easy to make friends all his life, with a bright smile and always outgoing. Over everything, he's an optimist, always trying to find the positives in situations and trying to turn every situation into a good thing.
Weaknesses: Miles is easy to take advantage of, so willing to go out of his way to help people even if it means sacrificing his own happiness. He just wants to do anything to please someone and help fix everyone else's problems that he often doesn't think about what he wants and his own problems which need solving.
Goals: Making the Quidditch team, making lots of friends
Fears: His parents never getting back together, ending up alone
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