Milena La Fleur

Milena La Fleur

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood

Full Name:
- Milena La Fleur
Milena : Gracious,Miracle of the blessed virgin and light
La Fleur : Translated into "The Flower" English

Date of Birth:
- February 14

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Golden Blonde Hair
-Honey Brown Eyes
-Simple and Elegant
-Red Lips
-Fair skin

- Milena is a true sweetheart. Artistic and Simple. She can be sometimes boyish even surrounded by females. She loves animals.

- Milena is a only child.
-Gabrielle La Fleur Her mother performs in Broadway.
-Her father died when she was young.
-Lives with her mother and Grandmother Charlotte along with her long time nanny Maria.

- A female golden retriever named Mandy.

Area of Residence:
- France, Paris

Blood Status:
- Mixed Blood

Interests or Hobbies:
- Milena plays the guitar since she was 3, she also loves to compose her own songs. Athletic and loves sport.

Additional Skills:
- Can speak French fluently,Italian. Can dance , act and of course sing

- Keen and Observant. Imaginative.

- She fears cemeteries.

Describe your character in three words:
- Trustworthy, Creative, Simple

Favourite place to be:
- Under the tree, Paris of course

- She has many friend in the muggle world along side with Mandy.

Hogwarts House:
- Slytherin

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To finish her seven years in Hogwarts to make her mother and grandmother proud.

Best school subjects:
- Astronomy Maybe.

Worst school subjects:
- Flying I guess.

Extracurricular Activities:
- CONGLOMERATED ARTS CLUB, She would love to try Quidditch.

- In 7 years more.

Current Job:
- Students

Plans for your future:
- To performs in Broadway just like her mother, to be a musician.

Your Patronus:
- Gazelle it is graceful and fast.

Your Patronus memory:
- Having my loved ones around.

Your Boggart:
- Losing her father when see was still young.

Your Animagus:
- Horse for her it symbolizes freedom.

Mirror of Erised:
- Seeing her father died when she was still young.

You're off to a good start. ^_^ I have some questions for this character.

What were the circumstances of Milena's father passing away?

Milena's been playing guitar since she was three. Did she have a mini-guitar so she could hold it? Who got her interested in playing the guitar?

Why does Milena attend Hogwarts New Zealand, which is very far away from her home in France, and not a school closer to home, like Beauxbatons or Hogwarts Scotland?

Why is Milena's best subject Astronomy?

Why is her worst subject Flying?

What are her three favorite subjects, on a scale from 1 to 3? (1 being the best.)

Why does she wish to be a musician and perform on Broadway?

What would Milena do for a career if she can't be a musician or a performer?

What job in the Ministry of Magic would Milena be most suited for?

What other weaknesses does Milena have?

Milena's father has already passed away. What would her boggart be, considering her father's death has already happened? What is her greatest current fear?

Why are Milena's patronus and animagus animals different?

The Mirror of Erised is supposed to show things that the viewer wants the most. Does Milena want to see her father dead? I'm a little confused. :D What does she really want in life?

What is Milena's favorite color?

What were the circumstances of Milena's father passing away?
She lost a friend, Way back students would tease her about not having a father but she is very grateful to have such amazing people by her side.

Milena's been playing guitar since she was three.
Did she have a mini-guitar so she could hold it? Who got her interested in playing the guitar?
She had a small wooden guitar when she was young her father made it for her. She loved her mother singing so she decided to study the guitar to accompany her at times.

Why does Milena attend Hogwarts New Zealand, which is very far away from her home in France, and not a school closer to home, like Beauxbatons or Hogwarts Scotland?
Milena did dreamed to enter Beauxbatons but she ended up enrolling in Hogwarts New Zealand. At times she keep on thinking if she could transfer school. She didn't like to stay at Scotland, she liked New Zealand way better.

Why is Milena's best subject Astronomy?
She loves to adventure the space and was amazed by the different planets and other heavenly bodies out there.

Why is her worst subject Flying?
Milena is afraid of Heights and most of all falling from tall places.
What are her three favorite subjects, on a scale from 1 to 3? (1 being the best.)
1Astronomy, 2History of Magic,3Transfiguration

Why does she wish to be a musician and perform on Broadway?
She is dedicated to Music and her passion is music. She also looks upon her mother who also perform in Broadway and Milena likes to be like her.

What would Milena do for a career if she can't be a musician or a performer?
Maybe she could devote herself to Magic.

What job in the Ministry of Magic would Milena be most suited for?
Something interesting for her to do. I guess.

What other weaknesses does Milena have?
Other than heights, I could say her loved ones.

Milena's father has already passed away. What would her boggart be, considering her father's death has already happened? What is her greatest current fear?
Her greatest current fear is cemeteries, just seeing the place where her father was buried scares her.

Why are Milena's patronus and animagus animals different?
She loves both of the two animals and they also share similarities with her and with each other.

The Mirror of Erised is supposed to show things that the viewer wants the most. Does Milena want to see her father dead? I'm a little confused. What does she really want in life?

Sorry about that. She want to be a great musician and perform on stage with million of crowds applauding for her.
What is Milena's favorite color?


I hope I answered correctly? Please add more if you want to. ^_^

Heyy There!
I have a couple of questions to ask you:

1. Milena was born on Febuary 14th, Valentines day, does she ever feel like her birth is overshadowed by this day or does she like it?
2. If Milena had to go to one of the other magical schools, where would she go and Why?
3. What is Milena's relationship with her mother like?
4. What is Milena's relationsip with her Grandmother like?
5. Does Milena enjoy being an only child?
6. Does she like Paris, France better than New Zealand?
7. Where in the world would Milena most like to visit?
8. What is Milena's favourite past time? Apart from playing the guitar.
9. Who taught Milena English, assuming she speaks it?
10. What classes do you think she will take as electives?

Thanks ^_^

1. Milena was born on Febuary 14th, Valentines day, does she ever feel like her birth is overshadowed by this day or does she like it?
At times yes but she's the type of girl who at sometimes ignore it's her birthday but her family thinks it's a big deal.

2. If Milena had to go to one of the other magical schools, where would she go and Why?
Beauxbatons, it was her original plan.

3. What is Milena's relationship with her mother like?
Her mother married her father at a young age and gave birth to her at a young age. They have a special bond as if they are sisters or more like best friends.

4. What is Milena's relationship with her Grandmother like?
Her grandmother is a adventurous and sometimes she doesn't act as her age. They have fun together and enjoy simple things, they even love to pull on pranks.

5. Does Milena enjoy being an only child?
There are it's bad and good things but she can handle being alone at times, kind of lonely though.

6. Does she like Paris, France better than New Zealand?
Actually that's a yes, she do loves Paris, France more.

7. Where in the world would Milena most like to visit?
She loved to go to Barcelona, Spain.

8. What is Milena's favourite past time? Apart from playing the guitar.
She loves to create her own songs and poems.

9. Who taught Milena English, assuming she speaks it?
Her Nanny Maria is a African American and the one who mostly taught her English.

10. What classes do you think she will take as electives?
Probably History of Magic.

Thanks You!

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