Midnight Snack

Jemma Potter

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
It was too late to be out of bed, but Jemma Potter didn't care. She was starving even though she had eaten enough for five people at the evening meal. Okay, so that was probably an exaggeration, but not much of one. The redhead crept out of bed, careful not to disturb her roommates. She made her way down to the kitchens many, many floors beneath the Gryffindor House. She didn't see anyone in the room, but Jemma had not grown up completely helpless and dependent on magic to make her food. Immediately, the Gryffindor began to rummage around the kitchen looking for ingredients to make a sandwich.
The food that was magically put on the tables at lunch and dinner times were mostly consisted of meat and here and there vegetables. Normally that wouldn't bother Misty, she was used to her parents eating meat sometimes. What bothered here is that some people ate like pigs. Whole chicken legs ended up in people their mouths like crazy which grossed Misty out. Eating a steak was bearable, that didn't look like a cow anymore, but chicken legs and spare ribs just went too far. It was cruelty and Misty couldn't even get one bite down. She had taken a carrot from the table and walked away. She couldn't even bare any moment longer so she walked out of the Great Hall away away from all the meat.

When the evening was turning into night she got hungry, she was starving. A carrot wasn't enough to satisfy her hunger. So she decided to go to the kitchen to grab some more vegetables to create a back up stash if people decide to eat whole chickens once more. Misty sighed and dodged the paintings she had asked people were the kitchen was and she found it easily. When Misty arrived at her destination she decided to look for some carrots or other produce that lasted for pretty long. Suddenly Misty heard a sound and she knew she wasn't alone. ''Hello, also looking for food?'' Misty smiled, as soon as Misty said it she knew her mistake. What would you do in a kitchen beside looking for food, but she had said it now, she couldn't turn it back anyway.
willow couldn't sleep. the moonlight coming in through the window was too bright and the dorm was talking a bit of getting used to after the school holiday. she was just on the verge of getting up and going down to the common room for a while when she heard someone else get up and head out of the dorm. at first, she wasn't sure who but a minute later she was also up pulling some socks and a jumper on before following her roommate. at least if she couldn't sleep she would be not sleeping with a friend. and it only took one light to see who that friend was, Gemma.
As both girls sneaked down several flights of stairs, Willow following about half a corridor behind her roommate glad for once on her mum's insistence that she learn how to hunt. It was far easyer to move quieter through the school corridors than it was through the forests where every step seemed to be through dry leaves or breakable twigs. once they reached the kitchens willow stopped sneaking. "If you are going to go for a midnight snack, it would be nice to invite your roomies." she said a joking tone in her voice. it was then that she realised that there was someone else there. another girl who she didn't recognise as a Gryffindor was already their carrots in hand. "not really" she said in response to the girl's question, I couldn't sleep and fancied a walk and here is where I ended up" she added.

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