Midnight Snack

Autumn Gwin

Well-Known Member
Autumn Gwin woke in her four poster to the sound of her tummy rumbling and the wind billowing against the rounded panes of the common room. She sat up in bed, tugging her blue quilt to her chin and trying to go back to sleep.


She frowned, loking down at her slightly rounded stomach and poking it, sleepily shushing the noises. She had skipped dinner a few hours ago to study int he library and now her tummy was getting her back for it. Autumn sighed and swung her legs over the side of the bed, slipping her dainty feet into her slippers and pushing her arms through the sleeves of a navy robe.

Then she plodded quickly down the stairs and out the entry to the Ravenclaw tower, one thing on her mind. First, getting something from the kitchens to satisfy this hunger, and second stocking up for until she got a chance to visit Brighstone and get some snacks.

She winced when the door squeaked open after her long trek fromt he tower to the basement and wondered as she stepped inside how on earth she would be up to walking all the way back up.
Arisa was walking into the basement. She had been up late reading and out of no where she got a HUGE chocolate craving! She walked into the kitchen and saw that Autumn was already there. "Hiyas" Arisa said.
Ceratus heard a student come for a snack. He loved students, they where just so....interesting. He Disappeared witha CRACK.
Then after a moment he reappeared infont of what he now found out to be two students with a CRACK.

He gave them a large smile and a jesting bow before asking, "May I get you two anything" He gave a look to one knowing she must be hungry and the other had the look of a chocolate craving. Why he knew different types of hunger? He had lived with the other elves after all.
Autumn pivoted quickly in mid-step, a hunk of blueberry muffin in her hand, the rest stuffed into her mouth. Oh, how lady-like. She grinned sheepishly, swallowing the chunk roughly and looking desperately for a pitcher of cool milk as she nodded a greeting then whispered a choked,"Hello" to the fellow midnight kitchen raider.

She finishe doff the muffin and whispered,"Accio milk, careful to have her hand out to catch it, and glad to have learned this useful charm. Yes, Thomas and the professor were right. It was an exellent aid to lazy folks like herself. She then poured herself a glass and unwrapped the assorted tray of muffins; chocolate chip, blueberry, strawberry, banana nut, chocolate macademia muffin, and two kinds of plain ol' muffins: chocolate and plain.

"Want one?" she asked holding out the tray politely. For a girl of such small stature it should have surprised anyone to see her eating with so much gusto.


came a noise from behnd her and she jumped, nearly dropping the muffins, It was a lovely little house elf. She smiled to him apologetically.

"Sorry, little guy. But I helped my self...I hope you don't mind." she added softly.
Of course not, saves me the trouble I spose" He sat down and looked at them both for a minute, "And who might you two be?" He gave them both a smile, trying to figure what he could do to make them excited or happy. He loved making fireworks or rings or something different, knowing how the students could get bored.
Arisa smiled at the house elf "im Arisa!" Arisa said to the elf in a kind voice "um \could you please help i need chocolate now and im not sure where anything is" Arisa said with a giggle. "Oh and no thank-you i had a muffin for breakfast today." Arisa said looking at the tray of muffins. "So i see im not the only one who likes to snack." Arisa said smiling at Autumn. "I had better stop though because I want to accually fit in my halloween costume!" Arisa said "What are you being for halloween?" Arisa asked Autumn.
"Of course you are"Said ceratus with a beaming smile on his face. He snapped his fingers and a mound of chocolate appeared in her lap. "I hope thats enough" He said almost laughing considering the pile was almost half her size.
Arisa laughed at the elfs joke "Thats more then enough!" Arisa said to the elf while breaking off a large chunk "and whats your name?" She asked the elf.
"Ceratus" He replied with a slight elfy chuckle. not a giggle. a chuckle.
"Hmmm" He murmured in much thought still trying to figure out what he could to to suprise them or something.
Autumn grinned at the other girl,"I'm Autumn." she set the tray of muffins back on the marble countertop and hopped up onto a stool obviously used as a step ladder for the elves to cook. Her ankles crossed and she sipped the milk, eyeing the chocolate mound in Arisa's lap. She nipped a piece and grinned as she munched on the slab of chocolatey goodness,"I love to snack....somehow I ran out of food...I think people have been raiding my trunk. I've been meaning to make a trip into Brightstone to restock as soon as I get a bit more money in my Gringotts account to pay for it all. And yes, I mean it all...a lot." she giggled.

When Arisa asked about Hallowen she spoke up,"I don't know. I'm trying to get into the sorority here. My friends Kailey and Luna are in it, but I can't get ahold of the senior memebr to apply. If I get in before Halloween, I'll be a sailor scout from a muggle anime. But if not I think I'll be a sprite or pixie of some sort. That's what I'm always being compared to."
Arisa smiled, "I know what one your talking about, I never really was one for Sailor Moon." Arisa could see why people compared her to a pixie she was so tiny! "Im going as Mrs. Lovett from a muggle movie Sweeny Todd." Arisa said thinking of last year when she would run around the house pretending to make pies from her dolls."I love your name!" Arisa said to the elf, she really thought it was cool and original.
"Im going to be a pumpkin!" Ceratus piped up with glee. Of course he would now be able to join any partys but he decided he liked to dress up for the occasion. He snapped his fingers and little sparks all coloured billaintly shot out everywhere then formed into a hallonween pumkin in the air before fading away. "I love halloween"
"THATS ADORABLE!" Arisa screamed. She thought it was perfect for little Ceratus. "I love halloween too! its so much fun!" Arisa said, her and her friends had out grown trick-or-treating last year when they realised that they were the only ones there age. "I cant wait for the party!" Arisa said thinking of her costume in her trunk.
His smile faded slightly as she mentioned the party, he knew the elves were not allowed to go, though he had always wanted to. But he pulled himself together after a moment and said, "Im sure you will have fun"
Arisa noticed Ceratus looked sad "Whats wrong?" Arisa asked Ceratus. He looked really down.
"Oh nothing" He fibbed and gave her a slight smile before continuing "is there anything special you would like, and im not just talking about food."
"I would like to know whats making you so sad" Arisa said while putting the chocolate on the counter. She was determined to find out what was making her new friend so sad.
Autumn smiled at them both, grinning and clapping for Ceratus.

"Lovely. We're growing pumpkins for you all in Herbology. I think I'll give mine to you especially." she said with a wink to him.

"My costume is simple. All I have to do is shorten my navy skirt, get a giant navy bow, and cuff my sleeves or something. Kailey Paramore is helping me dye my hair blue temporarily. I think we'll do that sometime before this weekend. Because even if I can't be Sailor Mecury I want it blue for the water sprite costume."
"Thats cool!" Arisa said she truly loved dyeing and styling hair. If she couldnt be a healer one day she was going to be a muggle hair stylest.
"Oh nothing, its just house-elves arnt allowed to the party" He said trying to keep his smile though he wasnt sure if it was even convincing in any way.
"I know!" he said with a beam on his face. He snapped his fingers and the multicoloured sparks flew about though this time forming a little man that started to dance. It moved over to her and hopped up still dancing and prancing around on her lap.
Autumn smiled at him,"House elves may not be allowed to the parties, but there will be plenty of pumpkins, my dear..." she said with another lsy wink.

"Well, loves. Now that I've had my fill I'm off to bed. I think I'll take my lunch down here tomorrow if you wouldn't mind. I like talking to you. Nice meeting the both of you. I hope to see you around Arisa." she said smiling, having recognized her from a few classes she had.

"Good night....thoguh it's probably getting close to morning. Good thign I have a day off." she said before retreatign through the door, a few wrapped slabs of chocolate stuffed into the pockets of her robe.

She hurried back upstairs and snuggled into her covers after stashing her sweets in her trunk under lock and key.
"Bye Autumn!" Arisa called as she was leaving. She then picked up the little man dancing on her lap and held it up to her face. "What is it?" she asked Ceratus. She had no idea it was kinda cute though.
Ceratus watched as the other girl rushed off "oh, alright" he said slightly disappointed before turning his attnetion abck to the girl who the little figure of sparks had just amde its way up onto her shoudler and gave another chuckle "I think it likes you"
Arisa giggled "House-elfs have the most amazing magic" Arisa said looking at Ceratus smiling.

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