Midnight Moonlight Arrival

Elizabeth Wang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
A wand! Ha!
High about the cloudless night sky the moon high casting its rays of light down upon the sleeping little harbour, the warm spring breeze brought the smell of rebirth and new life as it dance down the empty streets like the faeries did when the celebrated the crowning of a new king. New Zealand over the last few years had been the social hub of the wizarding world and was the place to go if you wished to stay up with the times these days. For some it was a second chance, a clean slate to build on and to escape a dark past for others it was a chance to rise to status of legend as they strive to be champions in the own ways. But for one it was a chance to pass judgment.

High above obsidian harbour, overlooking the entire town a flash of black smoke appeared, and as the smoke began to clear three figures began to come in to focus. The first to do so was a small white cat who sat on its bottom, its glacier blues did not look about like the other species of its race, it sat still like a stone sentinel. Its eyes held an inhuman intelligence about them but that was because the cat was in fact not a cat but a knealze as became apparent when the bush lion like tail flick slowly to one side before coming still again. The next figure had haunting eyes as well but that is what made the creature most feared among the birds, it was seen as the harbinger of death. The Black raven gave an eerie cry as his master was the last to fully appear; a dark figured stepped up beside the knealze who purred slightly. The figure was somewhat tall and had an elegant black robe that cover the face so well, the most striking part about the cloaked figure was a cane that looked as though it not of this world. The dark almost Blackwood was smooth and glossy as ancient runes inlaid in what appeared to dance across it surface flashed in the moon light. As one’s eyes reached the crown of the cane, a single magnificent Jet stone sat at top it the like of which had not been seen.

The figure reached down and scratched the kneazles head which brought about another purr from the small sleek creature, "We have arrived Alpha, and this is the center of the wizarding world. I am a little saddened for I had my hopes up for something far grander this but that is what to be expected from the young and uncreative minds of the current generation." A smooth elegant voice said as it straightened up and removed its hood to reveal an old woman, Alpha the knealze licked its paws as if to show his own dis interested in the place. The Raven fluttered down to sit beside alpha as it gave another eerie cry, "Yes Omega, I do agree that there is potential here but that is not always a redeeming factor. You do remember that voldemort, grindwald, and albus all had the very same potential and looked how they fell. If we learn anything from the fools of the past it is this, do not need be too greedy for in the end your greed will consume you whole." The older woman said in an almost amused tone as she turned gaze back to the small village. "They say that there is a new Mistress of Magic and she is the one who will bring stability back to this now trouble area. I find that mildly humors since all the minister I have encountered were nothing more than ignorant imbeciles who thought a title alone gave you the respect of the world and entitlement which they did not earn. I can sense that there is going to be great change in the area and that a new light has begun to shine." the Knealze yowled a few notes before staring at its companion Omega the Raven. "You make a good point Alpha, where there is light there is also darkness, those wretched Death eaters have no doubt made their home here as well. They cling on to an old belief like scared children holding on to their parents. Voldemort wished to be immortal and to be worthy of same respect that Salazar held, but was nothing more than a whining little brat who should have been left at that orphanage to rot."

The woman sighed as if she was a mother thinking about a lost child, "Well shall we visit the sleepy town and find room and board till I can find a more suitable place to take up residence. We should make a visit to Hogwarts as well, but that will come later just as well we should also visit the Ministry." The odd trio took off down the hill and reached the town in no time but the woman did not know where to go to find room and board
Zazuka was called out by the moon. It was always so on nights like this. New Zealand had been her home for all her life. She returned here even though she had the chance to anywhere she wanted. Thing was she didn't want to go anywhere. She could go where ever she wanted just by closing her eyes. She could see through the eyes of another if she wanted to. Again she didn't want to. Zazuka wanted to live her own life for once, not the lives of the people who's visions she shared. Zazuka's feet made no noise as they hit the cobblestone. There was a presence her. Well sevral that where strange to New Zealand.

Zazuka could tell when a presence was something that people had to worry about or not. Again she rode the lines of connection like most people rode out waives now. The only reason she hadn't tried for Seer First Class was because she was too young. They would not believe her if she went up and asked for the First Class test. The time to do so would come in a few years. Zazuka could wait. She had been waiting for years it seemed. Zazuka followed the feeling of the powerful presence back to where she had pinpointed the source to.

It was there that she saw a woman with sliver hair talking to two animals. Familiars most likely. "Alpha, Omega. Funny my first cat was named Jinx." She said as she came out to present herself. Looking at her she could tell that this woman was no one to be trifled with. Still there was a half smirk on Zazuka's face. "If your looking for a place to stay the Leaky Cauldron is good tempereory logging. If your looking for something more permanent I would suggest Brightstone." She said kindly. Her black eye was as normal as it could be but there was something off about her purple eye. Something that those that knew her knew that it did not belong to Zazuka Bones.
The stone on the top of the old witches cane erupted in a blinding white light as the spell the witch had cast before she arrived activated, the spell was a common one it cause the gem to cast out a light that would let the old woman know if any was in her immediate surroundings. Elizabeth turned slightly to focus her attention on the young woman who had come to greet here. So this is one of the children that old Charron told me of, the girl with the cursed eye . “Step into the light my child so that I can see your face, my eyes are not what they are not what they what they used to be!" Elizabeth said in a soothing tone, she could see the girl quite well but she wanted to get a closer look at the unique colored eye. The girl was skilled to be able to know that she was looking for a place to stay since the girl was nowhere in earshot to hear the woman as she had told her companions of her plans. Elizabeth planned her own death in her mind to keep the young child from seeing her future.

Elizabeth had not intended to run into the girl before talking to her former student but it seemed as though fate did not want to wait. Elizabeth turned to omega and whispered something to the small bird. When she was done the small animal gave a loud cry and flew off into the night sky. Elizabeth turned and waited for the young girl to step closer into the light.
Zazuka turned her attention to other things. Her power flowed within her without her direction most of the time. Zazuka had grown used to it. She had also grown used to hearing hummed lullabys whenever she came around. She could somewhat govern in now. The woman spoke to her and Zazuka obayed. "Very well. Your mortal eyes maybe going bad which a doubt they really are but your third eye grows stronger even now." she said as she septed into the light. It was a polight comment, to Zazuka anyway. She said what was on her mind, nothing more, nothing less though there where times where what was on her mind came out in riddles.

Zazuka stood perfectly still so that the woman, know knowing her name to be Elizabeth, could scan her. This was not something she would let people do. Usually she would confuse people who where trying to figure her out even before the insadent with her father. Zazuka had always found it funny. She could tell though that no matter what she did she would never be able to confuse this woman. She was about sevral years to inexpirenced to do it.
"My you are an honest if not foolish child for talking to me in such away, but since I am in a rather happy mood I shall excuse it this time.You know that I have skills and talents that are far more powerful than yours which is a rather interesting skill since I do not boast about my talents and often times try to hide them from this silly world. I see that you are arather lovely child and you too posses promise, however that eye of yours is not a natural thing and does not belong in this world at least not in this time. I have heard of many thing in my very long time and vast knowledge but I have not encountered such an oddity. And yet it is here before my very eyes! What is your name child?" Elizabeth said as she watched the girl with such a look that it seemed as though she could see straight into the girls very soul.

Elizabeth was a collector of history and came from a long line of witches that collected the world events and passed down those memories to an elite group of woman witches each generation. However do to the lack of skill and talent as time began to move foward the line of woman slowly one by one began to fall and fade into the past like forgotten relics. Elizabeth was the last of her bloodline as well as the last of the coven of collectors, so it was in her hands alone to pass along the vast amount of knowledge that was her to that of the future generations. She had spent years in seclusion living with a rather rude and bossy centaur named Charron as she had found the world not worthy of her attention. However at the urging of the old fool she was sent back into the world to continue her job and mission to find those who were worhty of knowledge that she held so that the past would never be forgotten.

Elizabeth waved her elgant hand in a showing gesture as the jet stone on her cane gave of a brilliant flash, out of no where three chairs and an elgant crystal table appeared. "Please do have a seat I have seen all I need to and since my gest has not arrived yet then I would enjoy to engage you in small talk. I do truely wish to know of your gifts as well as that eye of yours." as Elizabeth sat down in the middle of the abandon street Alpha the kneazle jumped on to the womans lap and stared at the girl with its golden amber eyes.
Zazuka shrugged. "I say what I think and think what I say. If this is what finally takes me from this world so be it. I would as the fates decide it will be." She said humbley. Zazuka before had never been the type to brag about her talents and even now she would kept her ablities to herself, finding it rather funny to have others find out on their own. "I can see why you would think of this world as silly. Men gathering power thinking they can cheat the greatness that came before them." Zazuka said somewhat telling the woman of what she had Seen from this world. "The endless can never be beaten. Everyone has Desires, everyone feels Delight, everyone feels Dispare, everyone must Dream, everyone must Die and everyone has a Destiny." She said looking up now as if she where taking this from somewhere that was not her own mind.

Zazuka lookes back at Elizabeth and met her gaze with her own naturaly peicing look. Her black eyes always had the feel to them as if she where x-raying who she was looking at, the eye that remained black had not lost that quality. Again she couldn't control this. "My name is Zazuka Bones. Born in a little hidden town of Squibs called Willow's Rain. My past with in the town is something I don't often elaborate but I can say that I made it though Hogwarts with good grades, made Head Girl and am now playing a bit of an End Game with some of the residents here." She said a smile upon her pretty lips. Zazuka was humble about a lot of things even her looks. Though she often wore clothes that where loose and very reveling it was because things that binding tended to make Zazuka feel as if she where tied up with rope. Never did she were the clothes she did to show off.

Zazuka walked over the one of the chairs and crossed her legs at the anckle like the proper woman she had grown to be. Well almost proper. There was going to be a third person here something that Elizabeth re-enforced by her statement. "My gifts are the tarot cards, the crystal ball, and runes. I never really trust tea leaves and the skys tell me too much for me to really pinpoint any one event. By nature I am a Sensitive. I can touch something and tell it's history, I can touch someone and tell them their future to a certen degree. I can also pick up on energies that can tell me moods. That being said there are times when the emotions are too much and nearly knock me out." She said. Her voice was steady as if she where reading from the pages of a book. There was no boasting here because Zazuka thought those things a waist of time. "This eye was a gift to me as I left the realm of the dead for the fourth time in my life." She ended as she touched her cheek.
Elizabeth stroked at the small cat like creature in her lap as it purred in pure delight at the attention it was bieng given. Elizabeth had never heard of Willows Rain but that did not mean that it was not somewhere in the world, she would snoop around later to see if there was any information on the town. The girl spoke in unworldly way as if she was not all here but that seemed as though she simply had one foot in the grave. Elizabeth listend to the girls speak of here many talents all of which seemed in line and upto par. Elizabeth was gifted in the older arts such as runes and tarot but also in smoke reading and star gazing but that was because she had many more years and teachers then the young woman before her.

The girl spoke of her other gifts such as visions and sensitivity to both the past and the future which was a talent of those who were already to close to death. Elizabeth had to know and so she snapped her fingers and in the middle of the table an ancient looking deck of long elegant cards appear. The cards had been handed down in her family from one witch to another and Elizabeth wished one day she would be able to hand the cards down to someone deserving. With another snap of her finger the top card floated in the air to reveal a dog cloud in purr darkness with its piercing yellow eyes locked on to Elizabeth. "Hello my lovely I have missed you very much!" She said in her beautiful voice as the grim on the card gave a silent howl. Elizabeth looked around the card and looked at the young woman "You my child, are travelling with the grim and it seems to me that it has taking a liking to you, so much so it wishes for you to join it forever in the after life. That eye of yours was a gift that you should not have taken for it is your first class ticket to death." Elizabeth said as she motioned the card to land gently in front of the girl.
Zazuka looked at the card as it floated down to her and smiled simply. Her purple eye seemed to darken slightly as if the black was fighting to get back. "My old playmate." She said still a bit deep but more like herself than she had been in months now. "I have lived with the grim all my life you see. My home life was something that I don't wish on anyone. I have to date been almost killed four times. By my father." She said looking at Elizabeth with then gasping her left iris turned a vivid violet again as she held out her hand and summened a deck of her own.

This deck was self made like a lot of things that Zazuka owned. She never had enough money to buy things like this and had no one like her to pass things down to to her so she made due with what she had. Now more than ever having left school. She put her hand over the top card and seemed to shoot it at the desk. Following it where eight more that came from the deck all in a pattern of three down three across. Zazuka put her hand out again and made them all flip over in a ripple affect. Someone that did not know Zazuka would say that she was showing off. Those that knew her knew that Zazuka did not show off, ever. What she did were truly her skills, no additives needed.

The patteren which the table read now was one that made Zazuka come back into the state of being and non-being. "The evil of Bleak Street comes back once more. The Swords on the table mean turmoil for all who are connected to the family that seeks conntrol. The fact that the Moon is at the very bottem right means that the story can go two ways. It is an end game Ms. Elizabeth. Should the family fail the world keeps spinning but should they take hold the family will bring about the end of ends. The world would be set on the path to distuction." Zazuka said calmly. A bit of practice and a lot of control from whatever had hightened Zazuka's skills and could control that other worldy voice of her's. The affect was still there through.
From afar, the words that were being thrown back and forward between the two women (one much older than the other) seemed to appear as if it were some sorts of incantation. However, as Watson drew apace, the words seemed to sound ever more easy to understand. Were these two women contemplating their futures or the futures of others? It sounded like some sort of curious thing in the nature, but Watson wasn't one that was going to dear to ask straight off of his head. If Remus had taught him anything, it was that gentlemen minded their own buisness, and dead-men questioned a woman's motive.

It was something that Watson had seen as true for many long years, and he didn't expect that theory to be changing anytime soon -- especially not when you were dealing with Seer's. Although his methods kept him out of danger, some would mistake them for cowardice, when they were quite the opposite. Why start a scuffle, when a scuffle didn't need to be started at all? It was just common sense really; common courtesy if you will.

It was then that the cheeky, exploring side of Watson came about. What if these Witch were dark mark followers. He'd never forgive himself if he let them cast some horrendous spell on a passer by. Nodding his head, Watson moved his brown waist coat around his body and ensured that it was nothing short of sitting perfect. Approaching them women from the darkness that shrouded his body, Watson's face came into the light, however, his body remained unseen. His wonder was bound to imply some sort of questioning; after all, why was he out at such an unkind -- uncommon hour? On the contrary, why were these two women?

"Good evening to you both." Watson spoke softly, making his presence known. He tipped his top hat to both women and then exchanged a friendly eye with the younger of the ladies. She was a beautiful woman; elegant, different. She wasn't like the regular folk he saw wondering the streets, but she was far to young to be flirted with any further than a simple wink.
"Pardon me if it doesn't so seem to be any of my buisness, but what brings two beautiful women like yourselves out at this unkind hour?" Watson queried, not allowing formalities to escape him. He was a good man -- a man of principles, of values; of manners.
Elizabeth had seen many reading in her life and also had done a fair amount as well but known like the one she had just seen, the young woman was skilled and as Elizabeth read the same from the cards as the girl did she had to be sure and so with a wave of her hand the top card of her deck revealed itself and it was the Minister card and as the old man dressed in elegant white robes and a scale and a scepter, the man on the card bowed his head as his scale leaned one way. The Minister was the card of knowledge and with that came truth, and so the girls’ reading was in fact truth. Elizabeth was about to speak as she wanted to know more of the family but before she could speak a man stepped into the light and approached the table that sat in the middle of the road.

The man was not the man she had sent her familiar to retrieve for she would know when her student arrived, the man did not seem threatening but his eyes held weariness about them. He was polite but his appearance seem to be odd, Elizabeth would watch the man carefully because if he was one of those foolish Death eaters she would have to make quick work of the man before he could cause either Zazuka or herself harm.

"We are simply enjoying the company of each other as we wait for a mutual friend to arrive, what are you doing on such a beautiful night?" Elizabeth said as she put a little venom in her words as he smooth voice maintained its elegant tone. She was sending a warning to the man without rising to much attention she did not want to disturb the quite little village. Alpha gave a yowl as its bright eyes looked up at the young man.
Zazuka looked as Elizabeth read her own deck. She had feeling that it had less cards in it than a normal tarot deck but a fair few more meanings. Zazuka turned her head just as she heard the man walking forth and smiled kindly. Elizabeth was scanning him while Zazuka on the other hand was reading energy. He did not give off the same signiture as a lot of Death Eaters did but then not everyone was the same. If anything happened Zazuka had a few tricks up her sleeve. Not that she would need them really. She senced that Elizabeth could take the man down before he had a chance to breath again.

He scanned her as well. Zazuka knew that he found her beautiful but then men had a tendency to do so. She was of an uncommon appeal that was for sure. In the state that she was in at the moment she thought nothing of it really. Zazuka before would have made to blush and smile kindly. Now all she did was uncross and recross her legs. She did smile though. A bit more a flash of teeth than anything else. "Good eveing sir. As Ms. Elizabeth said, we are mearly enjoying each other's company." She said smoothly.

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