Closed Memories Not Mine

Jai Edogawa-Raven

eldest • hide what you can't control • protective
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Mermaid Scale
Jai Edogawa-Raven had been wandering the castle for about an hour, looking for a place to hide from his sisters when he had gotten to the Trophy Room. He had not been there before despite having had stayed in the castle for more than a year now. It just wasn't in him to wander about last year, but now with his sisters on the loose, it was quite a bright idea to not be around their line of sight very often lest he gets dragged into trouble every single time. It doesn't also help that they have sometimes gotten into waiting around in the dungeons to kidnap him. It worked a number of times of course, but now he had decided to actually hide - definitely no shame in that, his parents would agree. Besides, the trophy room was an interesting place. It held so many trophies, memories of students throughout the years of Hogwarts New Zealand. He even found a number of names familiar to him. Auntie Taylor and Aunt Arianna and of course, his mum, Ai Nightray nee Edogawa. And not for the first time did he wonder about the memories of his parents in this school.
Olivia had found herself spending a lot of time wondering the castle, she knew it held secrets and unfortunately she had no cheat sheet to work from. Annoyingly, her father hadn't shared any insider knowledge as he wanted her to experience it for herself and make her own discoveries. The trophy room had been one of her favourite places during her first year though she had long given up on hoping to find anything with her family name on but she still liked to poke around and look at some of the older trophies from the schools early years. Olivia still hoped that one day her own name would be on one of those trophies. She made her way up from the common room and was heading to the trophy room when she quickly rounded a corner and felt herself slam into another body. Hitting the floor Olivia looked up and saw fellow second year Slytherin, though his name escaped her. "Watch where you going!" She yelled.
While Jai had not been walking around cluelessly along the corridor, he had to admit that it was pretty idiotic of him to be standing right at the corner. He hadn't really thought that anyone would be wandering about in this area of the castle after all. But then again, he was proven wrong when someone bumped into him and began yelling. The boy's brows furrowed at the girl's tone however, even if it was his fault. But then again, his parents had raised him as a gentleman and they raised him well. Well, his mum raised him well anyways, his dad would have probably begun yelling at this girl. "My apologies," he said sincerely and with a small incline of his head, before taking note that the girl was familiar. A Slytherin like him and one that was in his year as well. Come to think of it, he hadn't associated with any of his housemates in his year unless it was in class or house meetings.
Olivia scoffed but she quickly regretted her initial outburst once the boy apologised though it was strange he was seemingly just loitering around in the middle of the corridor. "Its fine, what are you doing here?" She asked. The boy looked familiar, she could have sworn he was a fellow Slytherin but it was a strange place for him to be just be hanging out alone, they were a long way from the common room and there wasn't exactly much of note nearby.
Jai figured that there was no harm in telling his housemate why he was in the Third Floor Corridor. It was kind of far from the Slytherin Common Room anyways, so it was no wonder to him as to why she would even be slightly curious. Plus they bumped into each other, he will continuously deny that it was solely his fault. "My sisters are camping out in the dungeons, trying to find me," he said with a shrug. It was the initial reason why he came up here, although ending up by the Trophy Room wasn't such a bad idea. Besides there were so many interesting things here, mostly the memories of previous students shown proudly on the shelves. It was also a bonus that people rarely came by this part of the castle, his fellow Slytherin being the only one he'd encountered over the better part of a quarter of an hour. It was the one of the perfect places in the castle to get away from people.
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Olivia raised her eyebrow in surprise as the boy told him he was hiding from his sisters, though she couldn't really blame him. She suspected she would be doing the same if her younger siblings were running around the school. "I take it you find them annoying?" She asked, assuming the boy had a similar relationship with his sisters as she did with her brother and sisters. "I can relate,"

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