Memnon, Aglila K.

Aglila Memnon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak, 13 1/4", Unicorn Hair Core
The Basics
Character's Name: Aglila “Lila” Kristine Memnon
Character's Birthdate: September 13th
Hometown: Khalkis, Greece
Blood Status:Pending.... applied for pureblood
Wand:Oak, 13 1/4”, unicorn hair core. The handle is painted white and the band before the actual wand is blue. It reminds her of her hometown and who she represents.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Hair: long, wavy golden blond
Eyes: pale green
Height: 5' 8”
Style: Aglila usually dressy somewhat grungy, but she does like to doll up every once in a while. You will usually see her, out of her uniform, in jeans with frayed tears, tank tops and scarves ranging in size and material. She just likes to be comfy and cute most of the time, but that doesn't mean that she knows how to pull off a dress and dress herself up.

Other Distinguishing Features:
Aglila has a thin frame and fair skin. Her hair is long and golden brown falling to her mid back that she usually keeps in a pony tail where her curls can fall over her shoulder. Her thin brows match her golden locks and are hovering above a pair of brilliant bright eyes: her pale green eyes that she inherited from her father. Under a slender nose are soft pink lips that almost seem to be in a sort of a smile. Her shoulders appear knobby and her boxy torso is slim and not very curvy. She has smaller breasts that fill a B cup and her sun-kissed skin glows from years under the Grecian sun. Her legs may be thin, but they are lean from her years of dancing. She may look fragile and frail, but her dances are graceful and her personality is strong.

A Little Deeper
Aglila is a stubborn girl, but loving nevertheless. She is very determined to succeed and has proven herself over time and time again. Her strong will and determination have gotten her this far in life and she does not intend to give things up. Her thirst for knowledge is admirable by her family and the love her for her academic success. She's in the mindset that there is always something to learn and always something to teach. She has been hurt a lot in her youth, but she came out fighting. She has a fragile heart, but a strong will and it seems to even out in the end. She is a hopeless romantic when it comes down to it. She can be a bit of a flirt when she feels like it and has a dashing smile to companion it. She knows she has a unique way of being pretty, and let's face it: how many people think it's hot when people have accents?
She has a long fuse, as far as getting angry goes, but when she is angry, it takes a while for her and the people she was with to recover. She has the grace of a dove on the dance floor, an intriguing way of teaching, and a fierce, yet motherly way of leading.

Aglila Memnon grew up in Greece with some very Greek parents. They were all about traditions and loved their country very much. Her childhood was not anything worth mentioning, but she did grow up as any young girl would. She fell in love with dancing at a young age and wanted to do nothing but. However her father insisted that she was enrolled in school. She started school at the age of five and learned history, English, math, science, and more. She loved every moment of schooling and easily succeeded in classes.

When she turned ten, she knew that in a year or so she may be able to go to a Wizarding school, just like her parents did, and that made her even more studious, studying her parents, even, after a long day at school.

At last on her 11th birthday, Aglila was excited as ever when the owl flew into her window and dropped the letter on her bed at her feet. Flying down the stairs, she screamed in joy to her parents that they had to let her go to England to go to school. They were resentful at first, but Aglila's constant nagging, they finally gave in. And off Aglila went, to Beauxbattons.

Being sorted into the French equivalent of Ravenclaw, she knew that she had her work cut out for her. She had to live up to her parents' expectations and exceed, just like she did in the Muggle schools. She spent her years learning everything she could, practicing every night until she got spells right, and making new and life-long friends. But when she hit her fifth year, her life changed.

News flew to her that her father had died in an accident at work in the port and she drowned in her own depression. Torn from wanting to stay and learn and to go to her mother's side. Unfortunately, she chose to do the first, but her grades began to dip and she began to hang out with the wrong kind of people. Alcohol was easy for her to get from older people as long as she dressed to impress the older guys. Drugs were another story. She had so many failed attempts at trying it, she finally just let herself admit that alcohol was the way she would make it through this.

By the end of her fifth year, Aglila had almost failed all of her classes and was drinking so often, she had forgot half the things in class. But when she ran into Adrian, her life changed. He was just as troubled as she was, loved dance and his mother had passed, but he was strong, because he 'had to be'. After a few weeks, it was well known that they loved each other, and Aglila found a new man to place her trust in. He had, however, left out one crucial detail to their strange relationship: he was promised to another pureblood girl.

Aglila was furious with him and instead of alcohol, she promised herself to become the greatest witch and not let emotions get to her. And so she did.

During the graduation celebrations for her friends, she ran into Adrian and their worlds were turned upside down. The fight they had drove everyone to leave the party and it was all Aglila could do to keep from crying. She told him to leave her be and that her life would no longer include him and she would no longer be his mistress. He left, just as hurt as she was, but she had to move on. No girl should be treated like that.

Aglila had to leave the school. He was there no matter what she did. So she lied and said that it was the reminder of her father that she had to leave. The headmistress was sad to see her go, but saw to it that Hogwarts New Zealand could take her.

Her mother: Alexandra, 54, lives in Greece
Her father: Dimir, Deceased, would be 55, born in England, lived in Greece
Grandmother, Mother's Side: Alexis, 74, lives in Greece
Grandfather, Mother's side: Alexander, 75, lives in Greece
Grandmother, Father's side: Genevieve, 71, born in England, lives in Greece
Grandfather, Father's side: Aristotle, 72, lives in Greece
Aunt, Mother's side: Corinna, 50, lives in Greece
-Her husband: Kallias, 54, lives in Greece
-Cousins: Killian, 20; Aphrodite, 29: both in Greece
Uncle, Mother's side: Galenos, 47, lives in Greece
Aunt, Father's side: Arianna, 52, lives in England
-Her husband: Johnathan, 57, lives in England
-Cousins: Erika, 14; Irene, 20; James & Jake (twins) 24, all in England

Aglila has allergies to fur, so she is stuck with her snowy owl: Jake. She named it after her cousin because of his lack of sense of direction... just like the owl.

Area of Residence:
Born and raised in Greece, she lived there most of her life, after that a few years in England with her cousins, and now a couple years in New Zealand.

Blood Status:
Pending.... applied for pureblood

Greek and English

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:

-sometimes, flirting
-working hard

-snuggling by the fire on rainy days
-avoiding drama at all costs

Additional Skills:
She likes to say that she's a good dancer. She has been dancing for years and is happy with where she is with that.

-staying calm under pressure
-learning and teaching
-following through on a promise or her word

-a good bottle of whiskey
-a good book
-sometimes men

Describe your character in three words:
smart, determined, loving

Favourite place to be:
In her living room, settled on the couch, surrounded by her family.

Her cousins are really her good friends, but she really didn't keep in contact with anyone she met in school.

Hogwarts House:
Ravenclaw; pending

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
-More student activities
-Make some friends
-Be someone the students and staff can trust

Best school subjects:
-Magical and Muggle History
-Care of Magical Creatures
-Defense Against the Dark Arts
-Ancient Ruins

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
-in process

Your Patronus:
Apollo in his chariot

Your Patronus memory:
When Aglila was in her teens, her father and her spent a week together in Athens. She visited all the old ruins, the monuments and the temples. One night, they went to an elaborate party and stayed up all night. Before they went to bed, their spirits high on, well... spirits, her father and her sat on the roof of their inn and watched the sunrise together. He told her that the great god Apollo was the one to ride across the sky in his chariot bringing the morning.... and that if he was to ever leave her in her youth, she was simply to remember that her father was like Apollo and she was his sun. He brought her into the world and that the sun would be their reminder of each other whenever they were apart.

Your Boggart:
-Spiders crawling all over her skin

Your Animagus:
-An owl.

Mirror of Erised:
-Her and her father are sitting on that roof again in Athens, listening to the sounds of the celebration.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,

What's the point anymore? My father's dead and the one man I could trust is never coming back. Sure, I love my mother, but she was never there for me when I really needed someone.... just like now...
Who is there now for me to trust? I can't trust my mother simply because she has never really trusted me.... my family in Greece seems more distant to me now then they have before. My cousins... my dear cousins... they have always been there for me... especially James and Jake... but leaving the school grounds except for holidays is forbidden... and that's a long ways away.
F*** it! I'm alone. Let's face it. No one around gives a hoot.


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