Melody Johnson =)

Melody Johnston

Well-Known Member

Full Name: Melody Johnson =)
- Birth Date: The First of January 2009 =) (I might be wrong so please, if i am, tell me :lol:)
- Current Age: 11 years old =P
- Basic Appearance: Melody has long hair, it sits at her elbows, and if she blow dries it, it goes staright, if she leaves it to dry in, it goes curly =D The colour drifts between blonde and light brown, depending on how much time, if any, she spent in the sun in a week!
- Parents: Melody cant remember anything about her parents, as they died when she was only three years old. After that her memory was swiped and she was put into a muggle Orphanage! She doesnt even know if her parents were magic or not, but they were, they were muggle-borns who were killed by death eaters, because they were in there way!
- Pets, if any: Not yet, but Mel's planning on getting an owl!
- Area of Residence: Sydney, Australia!
- Blood status: Mel isnt sure of what she is, as her parents are dead, but she is Mixed blood =)
- Personality: Melody is a really fun, bubbly, daring girl, who is a very glass half full kind of person, she always looks on the bright side of things and tries to see the up side. She doesnt know why, she is just that way! Mel always has a smile on her face, wether it be a grin, a laugh or just a normal smile.
- Melody's Theme Song: Melody's theme song would be Here comes the Sun, by George Harrison, because shes always looking on the bright side of things and she was nicknamed Sunshine, by her friend, trachers and the Orphanage leaders because of this!

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Melody's Patronus would be a Fox, because hey can survive o n there own, fending for themselfs, wich is basically what Mel has done for the past 8 years!
- What would their Boggart be? Her boggart would be her two best friends, wich also live at the orphanage, dying, as they are the closest thing to family she has!
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Mel's Animagus form would proborably be the same as her Patronus, a fox =)
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Her with her parents!
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
When she recieved her letter for Hogwarts and found out shed be leaving the bullies that hated her for a whole year nearly!

- Write an example roleplay by your character: Heres one ive written =)

Melody was walking around the Leaky Cauldron, bored out her nut!
She had finished getting all her school supplies and the shops were now closed, so with nowere else to go she hurried out to the courtyard, wich led to Diagon Alley, if you tapped the bricks right!
Stopping in the middle of it, she done a cartwheel, missing the old bins by inches. With a smile on her face she done a handstand against the wall, before turning it into a back-flip!
Mel loved Gymanstics and had won 8 trophies for it! She went every Monday, wednesday and Saturday when she was at the Orphanage, and she was really going to miss it!
Doing a few more flips she finished in the splits, before sanding up and perching herself atop of a large cardboard box.

Ill redo this soon =)

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Diary,

Today i arrived at the Leaky Cauldron! I cant believe im actually going to a wizarding school, but anyway, the Leaky Cauldron is a Bar and hotel sort of thing, and im renting a room here until school starts! The room is lovely, big and old, but comftorbale. I tried the Pumpkin Soup earlier for dinner and it was gorgouse, im planning on trying a pumpkin juice soon. Everything is so different in the magical world, its amazing, and im starting School Supply shopping tommorow!
The orphanage gave e quite a bit of money, the amount i would have used over a year of pocket moneys, so i just have to have it changed into Galleons... i think thats what its called.
I cant wait for tommorow, im going to get an owl too i need a friend before i atually get to Hogwarts, but im hoping to meet some human ones soon too!
I leave on a plane for New Zealand in a weeks time, and from a place there ill be getting a train to the school! Im so excited, but tired, so ill write more tommorow.

Tata for now, Mel Ox.
Hi Mel! Welcome to HNZ! I hope you don't mind, but I have a few questions to ask of your character. These questions are OoC for me, but IC for you. You don't have to answer them if you don't want to, but it would be helpful if you could. Anyway, here you go:

Does Mel know that her memory was wiped?

If you know anything about the Hogwarts houses, what house do you think you would be in?

Why would your parents have been killed by Death Eaters?

Your RP and diary entry were enjoyable, btw, I'd just work on my grammar if I were you =P. Oh, and I think the Leaky Cauldron is in NZ. And Sydney's awesome! Almost as awesome as Brisbane =P
((Orite, ill edit =D Thanks for helping me out here =D))

((I cant really answer the first question in character as she doesn't know her memory was wiped, she cant remember her parents or the first 3 years of her life, she only knows there dead and that's how she ended up in an orphanage =)))

Melody smiled and thought about the question she had been asked. "I've been reading up about the houses, and think I'd suit Gryffindor best" She said. Melody was very daring and brave, always smiling and cheerful, and her personality was probably best suited to Gryffindor.

((Yet again, cant really answer the last question IC, sorry =( She doesn't know her parents were killed by death eaters, but as she goes through her first year her past will begin to unravel and a long lost relative will appear, providing answers to all Melody's unanswered questions, and filling in the part of her past which is missing =) They were killed by Death Eaters as the were Aurors, fighting against them, and they had put 2 of there newest and strongest members in Azkaban =)))
Just a note, Estrella Drage is in charge of the Death Eater activities on the site, and if you wish to have had your parents killed by them, you should Private Message her.

Good luck with your character and welcome to the site!
On behalf of Violet, she wasn't thinking when she posted.

Could you perhaps answer those questions OoC?

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