Closed Melancholy Moods

Sydney Townsend

Amateur Duellist | Smarter Than You
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
11/2036 (25)
Sydney wasn't sulking. If anything, she was brooding, which was far more dignified and dramatic. She refused to say she had been dreading coming back to school after what happened at the end of year feast, but her enthusiasm had definitely waned, and the idea of spending even a second in her dorm until she'd found the backstabbing traitor responsible was repugnant. Instead, Sydney had ensconced herself at a window nook in the library, refusing to go down to the dungeons until she absolutely had to. She'd half considered trying to campout in the library all night but one of the librarians already had it in for her, like half the school seemed to, so she didn't need to get kicked out of here too.

At least the weather seemed to match her mood today, spring showers splattering the window next to her to provide the perfect ambient noise to her sour mood and Sydney spent more time watching the raindrops than actually reading anything, idly flipping pages.
Audra was glad Hudson her oldest brother was in his final year at the school. She missed Gracen but she hardly cared for Hudson. She walked through the Library almost silently. The girl had picked up on her quiet walking talent when she was much younger often scaring her brothers and family members by walking up behind them and they didn't hear her quiet footsteps. Her skin was pale from spending the time between semester here in New Zealand and the winter month's caused her to look more and more ghostly each day. Her knuckles were red from the winter chill having just spent some time out doors by the lake. She was warming up in the library looking for a few extra books for the semester that would benefit her studies. She paused noticing a younger girl from her house sitting in one of the window seats. She thought she recognized the girl but wasn't completely certain. She stood still, her head tilted to the side slightly as she observed the girl who seemed as though she might be sulking or some sort of similar emotion of anger mixed with resentment.
Watching the latest pair of raindrops Sydney had singled out raced to the bottom of the sill, Sydney stretched, working out a kink in her neck. Catching sight of someone standing nearby, she stilled, turning to scowl at the girl nearby. The girl was definitely staring at her and Sydney felt her blood heat up in frustrated embarrassment. Was the girl staring at her because she knew about the stupid howler from last year? Did people have nothing better to do over the holidays than gossip about ridiculous rumours her dimwitted roommates were trying to circulate and now she would have a judging audience everywhere she went? "What do you want," Sydney asked hotly, disturbing the stillness of the nearby shelves. "Don't you have anything better to do than bother me." She said, crossing her arms over her knees and refusing to look away from the older girl's unnerving stare, deepening her scowl to try and make the girl back off.
Audra was hardly intimidated by this younger girl. Her older cousin Fleur was scarier than this tiny girl. So when the girl turned back and started to stare back and speak to her Audra did not look away. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and shifted her weight on her feet as the girl spoke to her. It was intriguing for Audra wondering why they girl was so easy to anger. Of course she had noticed a trend of that in her house. Such an angry group of young witches and wizards. She reached over without looking and took a book down off the shelf. Glancing it was the one she needed. She could just leave then but she didn't she stayed wondering if it would be possible to have this girl get so angry and loud she'd be kicked out of the library. Audra wasn't mean intentionally to people but this moment presented itself to her and she wondered what would happen now if she continued to look at the girl.
Sydney continued scowling as the girl just kept standing there. There was no doubt now that she was messing with her and Sydney felt her blood boil. Didn't she have enough problems already this year without some girl treating her like their own private zoo. "What??" She hissed angrily at the girl again, shutting her book with a loud snap. "Whatever you heard from my roommates is a filthy lie and you're stupid if you believe it," She said, growing more frustrated when nothing she said seemed to phase the girl. "Go away!" Sydney nearly yelled, her voice breaking at the end with irritation as she barely resisted the urge to throw the book or even draw her wand. The girl's stare was unsettling and Sydney hated the vulnerable, squirming feeling the judgemental look made her feel.
ooc: you gotta poke me about things i forget to reply to:p

Audra was not about to back down from this younger girl. All she had been doing was standing and looking in the girl's direction. She hadn't a clue what the girl was going on about with roommates and that sort of thing. She did recognize the girl as a Slytherin and figured she was in the year below or the one below that. Audra never fought with anyone before, but that didn't scare her about starting something with this annoying girl. But in her sweetest voice she could muster and nicest smile. "Best be careful dear, this is the library and you're not supposed to shout in the library." Audra never spoke much but this felt nice, like she was holding in her breathe for a little too long.
In my defense I totally forgot about this too oops

Sydney made a disgusted noise when the girl seemed unaffected, snapping her book shut. She had the nerve to warn Sydney about yelling in the library, and the simpering voice touched a nerve. If there was once thing that Sydney hated, more than random girls staring at her or starting dumb rumours about her, it was people being condescending. Standing up with a huff, Sydney shouldered her way past the girl, hoping she might even hit her with her bag on the way past for a little added impact. "I'll show you shouting," She muttered as she made her way past. "Clearly the library's filled with gormless busy-bodies today, I'm going somewhere more conducive to actually learning something." She said with a snap, turn and stalking away from the girl, hands clenched tightly around the book. Sydney was no longer sulking, now she had something new to fume about for awhile instead.

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