Megara Bennett

Megara Bennett

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name: Megara Elyse Bennett

Date of Birth: November 27th.

Current Age: Fifteen.

Basic Appearance: Megara looks very much like her mother and has very little similarities with her father in appearance except for her long, lanky body which he had as a teenager until he was older and started to work out more. Similar to her mother, she has an elegant, long neck which usually has her ebony black hair in ringlets resting around it because she curls it often. She also wears a lot of black clothes and when she was at her muggle school people called her an 'emo' despite being rather happy.

Personality: Narcissistic and sarcastic are two words that reveal Megara very clearly because if there is one thing that she wants in life it is to be envied by all and if she is not envied, she wants to be watched which is why she often is sarcastic because some of the things she says add shock value which help her be the centre of attention. Meg also is a very excitable, bubbly girl who often brings her attitude onto others which is why there are many who like to spend time with her despite not liking her pranks that she constantly plays. She also has tendencies to be bossy around people which tends to get people annoyed with her despite not really trying to do anything to annoy them in that sense.

Mei Ling Bennett [nee Wong] -- Thirty-Seven Years Old -- Muggle -- Mother
Charles Bennett -- Thirty-Eight Years Old -- Muggle -- Father

Pets: Two Owls named Gizmo and Yoko

Area of Residence: Hadleigh, Essex.

Blood Status: Muggle Born.

Heritage: Chinese and English.

Interests or Hobbies: Playing pranks and playing quidditch.

Additional Skills: Lying. If there is one thing that Meg is good at, it would be lying because it is the one thing that usually keeps her from getting into trouble unless she is caught red headed which is rare.

Strengths: Her sense of adventure and her fun loving attitude which can help others who are sad become happy because she hates to see people down.

Weaknesses: How much of a trouble maker and liar she is because it causes her to not be trustworthy to people and very irresponsible.

Describe your character in three words: Mischievous, fun-loving and feisty.

Favourite place to be: Her bedroom with her stereo blasting some of her favorite music.

Friends: Gideon Harnett is Megara's best friend and is often considered to be her partner in crime because they played a lot of pranks together. They met on the train to Hogwarts when he was setting up a prank and instantly they got along.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Just to graduate.

Best school subjects: Although Megara isn't the best at school, she does really well in Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts because she finds them the most worthwhile.

Worst school subjects: Megara's worst school subject is History of Magic because she finds it dull.

Extracurricular Activities: Currently none but this shall change.

Current Job: Student.

Plans for your future: Open a prank shop like Weasley's Wizard Wheezus and become a professional quidditch player.

Your Patronus: Currently pending.

Your Patronus memory: Megara has yet to find out what that is.

Your Boggart: Currently it's just being banned from using magic again but it will likely change as her life goes on.

Your Animagus: An Eagle.

Mirror of Erised: The limelight is what some people yearn for and Meg is one of those people. If she were to look into the Mirror of Erised, she would see herself as the center of attention.

A page from your diary:

Journal Entry: September Ninth, 2026

High school is possibly the worst thing I've ever experienced. I don't think I've ever wanted to go back to Hogwarts more than I do right now. Despite my prank being the most amazing one that I've ever done I really regret setting off those stink pellets. I hardly know how to talk to these muggles and I miss my wand. It's like a part of me is missing and no one would understand me if I tried to explain it, even my parents! Sometimes I hate being a muggle born, this really is the pits!

Meggie B.

Hey there ^_^

Here are some questions for you:

Does Megara consider looking like her mother to be a good thing?
How did her parents react to finding out she was a witch?
How did she react?
What is her most prized possession?
How tall is Megara?
What is her favorite food?
Does Megara consider looking like her mother to be a good thing? Yes. Meg thinks her mother is beautiful so she considers it a positive thing, even if she doesn't care much about her appearance.
How did her parents react to finding out she was a witch? They were a little skeptical and didn't really believe that she was a witch but eventually got used to it.
How did she react? Meg always thought she was different so she thought it was pretty normal.
What is her most prized possession? Her wand.
How tall is Megara? 5'3".
What is her favorite food? Her favorite food is strawberry pancakes.
Does Megara have any other family? Uncles, Cousins? Evil step sisters? Meg does have a paternal aunt named Cecelia Bennett. She does not have any cousins yet but Cecelia plans to have children and a husband. Other than this, she just has her grandparents.

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