Meetings in the Harbour

Lewis Kane

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Lignum Vitae Wand 13" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Lewis was sat on the beach in Obsidian. He was having a relaxing day again and he liked the sound of the water near him as he found it very soothing and it cleared his mind from anything that may have been troubling. He looked out over the water and saw the boats moored to the harbour. Lewis could remember wanting a boat when he was younger although his parents never had the money and as he found out when he was fifteen, he got sea sick so having a boat was not the best of idea's for him. Any way there were more important things at hand, like his job and uni. He was finding it hard to juggle the two but he was doing it well enough for now and he only had this year left at med school then he would have finished and would be a qualified doctor. He couldnt wait for that to happen but he didnt want to become an actual doctor now that he was an Auror, h could just know a thing or to about the human anatomy for when he needed it on a job. He sighed as he looked at the water again snapping out of the train of thoughts
Damien walked around the beach thinking. He had just met with Angela Marion, one of the girls he was adopting. It had definitely been interesting. She was reserved, defensive and definitely not trusting of him in the begginning and not much in the end either. He needed to get to her, get her to trust him if he was going tobecome her legal gaurdian. Hopefully Skyle, her cousin by marriage, would be more trusting towards him and help Angela with the trust as well. He sat down on the sand and sighed, turning to the person next to him, not caring who it was. "Life is blooming hard when you think about it."
Lewis was deep in thought when he heard and guy next to him start talking. Not one to ignor someone for no reason, Lewis looked to his side and smiled in answer. "It is indeed my friend. What is it thats making your life hard?" HE asked starting the conversation with the guy. He seemed a little older than him but Lewis couldnt be too sure. Lewis wasnt too god when it came to age guessing but he did think there was an age differece between them
Damien leant back on his hands and turned to the guy next to him. "Angela. A girl I am adopting. She's just so hard to get close to." He was unsure what to do next, he knew he would adopt them no matter what. They deserved happiness with the life they had already had but he would need to know things before that could happen and she obviously wasn't up for telling him. "What about you? " He looked at the bloke he was talking too. He lookd about a couple of years younger than him. Not that much younger.
Lewis nodded as he listened to the guy talk. Adopting was never a thing on Lewis's list although kids were not on there at all yet and he knew they would have to be after Merry was carrying his child but he wondered if she would let him anywhere near him. He would have to talk to her again about this deal. "Well its the most dangerous thing know to men....Women. I got this girl preggers in a one night thing and then she calls on me in the early hours of the morning saying she was pregnant and because im not tyhe best person in the world when i have just woken up i threw her out of my house and basicy said that it wasnt mine and i didnt care." He said sighing as he looked down at his hands. "But thats not even the best part yet. She happens to be the soon to be wife of one of my old school friends. Of course they werent together when we did it. Still it may put strain on both relationships." Lewis didnt know why he was talking to this stranger about his problems but he knew it wasnt healthy to keep things bottled up and who better to tell then someone you dont even know
Damien had to chuckle. "And I thought my situation was hard." He thought for a second. "How about you have a sit down, all three of you? Just explain that you didn't know that your mate liked her and they weren't together, that you'll do your bit for the baby but he can act as father if he wishes and you're sorry for acting that way before you were just panicking. How's that?" He was good with tough situations. He was good with most things to be honest. A lot of people he had met had often said they were surprised he wasn't already snatched up. He had money, looks and actually wanted to settle down and have a family. Apparently that was a rare commodity among men, as shown by the man next to him. "Damien, by the way."
Lewis shrugged as he thought about what the guy had said. It made sense but then again Ben wasnt annoyed at him as far as Lewis knew and Merry wasnt mad with him any more since he has spoken to her again and set things strait. He just needed to get his head around the whole Dad thing. "Yeah thanks Damien. Good advise." He said not wanting to go into more detail about his life with this stranger he had only met. "How about i get you a drink as thanks." He said with a slight smile. "Oh yeah and im Lewis."

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