
Max Sanders

Well-Known Member
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
Max walked up to the cliffs he was here hoping to meet Cassandra Zhefarovich a very imitating girl who was a lot stronger then he could dream of,But he decided anyway that meeting the great Cassandra Zhefarovich would show him how he should act at this school.So he took in all the scenery,the cliffs looked nice and birds flew by in a formation while down below looked truly nice but also looked like one heck of a fell and he knew that Cassandra was know for being mean to new years but if anything he wanted to learn from her maybe show he wasn't like all the others here at this school.

After a while he got worried she would not show seeing how Max was only a first year it wasn't like he could expect her to show especially when he would not dare set up a meeting cause he had a feeling she would not anyway,but he knew he had to show he was unlike all the others and wanted to see if he was good enough to talk to Cassandra.He truly admired the strength he heard she had and he could not help but wanna meet her and see if there was a possibility to get on her good side.He knew he couldn't arrange a meeting but this seemed like a spot he might catch her at so he decided to give it a shot and hope for the best.
Cassandra hated the first couple months of school, She got so aggravated because all of the first years seemed to want to ramble around in the dungeons, trying to prove bravery to friends and whatnot. When they ran into her they tried to act cocky and pick fights. Honestly did not a single one of them have a brain? Well that was what had just happened as some little over hyped Gryffindor had tried to get past her as she wandered through the dungeons by shoving her aside and saying "Move." She had just given him a glare and was going to go about her day in the belly of the castle when he had the nerve to give her a sneer, if one could have really called it that, and ask just what she thought she was looking at. Impertinent little brats the lot of them, and they just got worse with every passing year. So after telling him if he ever gave her that tone again he'd find himself with Antlers where the sun don't shine she retreated for higher grounds.

The October air was cool on the recently turned 19 year olds skin, they were in the middle of spring but today held more of a fall like quality. She had to walk gingerly to keep her heels from sinking in the soft ground of the Hogwarts Grounds. After a bit of thought Cassandra decided to make the trek out towards the cliffs, unlike the forbidden forest this was one barred area that usually didn't have students roaming about it. After a few minutes of walking she looked at the ground then back to her pants. No way was she getting them dirty on the ground. Digging around in her purse for a spare bit of parchment she got out her wand and muttered an incantation turning it into a decent blanket for her to sit on a good distance away from the edge, not even noticing anyone else around her. Looking in her bag a bit she finally found the small book she was looking for, It was a book on the body and the way it worked. She was probably way too into her future role as Viscount than she should have been but oh well, not her problem.
Max saw a girl walking up,she was clearly a lot older then him and from what he heard she fit the description he heard about Cassandra.So walking up slowly he said"Are you Cassandra Zhefarovich? I know I am out of place talking to someone like you but I really wanted to meet you,I know a lot of us first years don't seem to have a brain but I was hoping if you are Cassandra Zhefarovich that I could prove to you that I am different from all the others and perhaps learn from the wisdom you have."He then looked and realized if it was her she was reading a book and said"O I am sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you."Then walked to the edge of the cliff and looked off and thought about how if this was the great Cassandra Zhefarovich he probably just made her mad by interrupting her,a huge mistake he could not have afforded to make.

Max didn't have any family but he knew that wouldn't give him any slack so he quietly sat down and looked out,he just wanted to impress Cassandra Zhefarovich.She was a powerful person from what he heard and he liked how he always heard she had no tolerance for jerks let alone the first years who thought they were all that.This honestly made Max furious to think that some of his fellow first years were giving the others bad reputation.After a while he pulled out his grandma's spell book and began to try and read it with each day he could see a little more into the language but he knew it would be a long time before he could learn it let alone the spells in it.
Cassandra hadn't been sitting there long, maybe just long enough to learn some interesting facts about the femur that would definitely come in handy later when her senses; which were getting stronger bit by bit with her Viscount training during the breaks, noticed a disturbance. The rustling of grass for a moment and then what sounded like footsteps on the ground heading right in her direction. Very light footsteps, indicating either youth or anorexia as she couldn't really place any other reason why someone would be so small. She knew that with her 6'0" frame and sky high heels she could never really walk lightly, something she was going to have to work on if she wads going to make the Zhefarovich family proud by Raynas side. It was a bit of an intimidating force to live up to and they were both standing in the Patriarchs monstrous shadow. The footsteps came to a stop and she could feel someone looming above her, a feeling she wasn't used to unless she was around family due to most people around here being shorter than her.

Before she even looked up the voice of a young boy hit her ears as the mystery person seemed to talk at an alarming speed. She placed a hand on her open book and shifted her head upwards slightly to look at him. Seemed to be an average kid, kind of short with brown hair and from the looks of it he couldn't be any older than Eleven. Raising one perfectly plucked raven eyebrow at him she nodded, "I am..." she started, though she doubted he even heard her through his little speech. When he was finished he seemed to quickly run off and Cassandra just blinked owlishly. What had just happened? How did that little kid even know her? She didn't believe she was talked about that much, she mostly kept to herself and her family unless somebody pissed her off. Certainly nothing about wisdom in her actions. Not one to chase after random kids she shrugged and went back to her reading. That was odd.
Max was wearing his Hufflepuff blazer,jeans,and sneakers as his wear of the day and it seemed smart since he was also training hard today. After a second of thought and reading Max realized she said her name was Cassandra Zhefarovich. He started to walk back over again this time to see if he heard right and said with a little more confidence and respect"Did you say you were Cassandra Zhefarovich? I know you might think you aren't known but to someone like me you are because I pay attention to the higher years and know how I should act."Max then looked about and hoped she would not mind the interruption from her book,he knew she was probably busy but he also wanted to apologize for the way his fellow first years seemed to act around them. He could not stand the thought of his fellow first years making the good ones look bad and it seemed it was time to show some of them that a few first years deserved a chance to prove themselves.

When he also realized that at first she didn't seem to pay him any mind he thought"Well it must not be her." Then decided that if a random first year came up to him and asked him a question but didn't really hear him reply he would not chase after them. So here he was back and hoping that he was not interfering with anything real important otherwise he would feel bad just for bugging someone who has better things to do then to talk to him.
Cassandra hadn't been back to her book for long before the same kid came scuttling back over to her, rattling on about what he thought she thought and how he was somehow set apart from the rest of the mindess sheep that this school liked to call first years. But his statements did have a bit of credibility to them, how else would he have known her name and what she looked like? Granted that was a bit creepy the kid was eleven so she didn't really care, who he could have been talking to however... She had half mind to just roll her eyes the tell this kid to shove off but in that second something pulled inside of her and instead she just nodded, "Yes... I believe we've clarified this." she deadpanned, her expression flat as she scanned over the boy once. Hufflepuff, not very tall for his age, physically fit though from the looks of it he needed to eat a bit more, and from his voice he sounded a bit on the timid side. Why exactly was he talking to her again?

A few moments of silence passed by the two of them as neither really seemed to really say anything. Cassandra was still puzzled as to why he had chosen her to... what were the words he had used earlier? Oh yeah, prove that he's different from the others. He also mentioned something about maybe learning from her. A snicker escaped her at the thought but it was smoothly disguised as a small cough. Whoever this kid got his sources from didn't know her very well at all. Making sure she had heard him right she asked, "So... What exactly did you come over here for again?"
Max knew she laughed at him a bit as he had expected. then he heard her ask why he was over here again and this time without sounding small and with confidence said "You might think I am some dumb kid but I really don't care, because unlike everyone else at this school I know how to address people properly and show respect. I also know that I might not have good sources on who you are but I do know what it is like to lose everything...You think I am some stupid kid who can't prove I deserve any of your time? well if you do then let me show you that I am not! I have no family left so it is not like I have anything left to lose which is why I would like to learn how to become powerful from you. My family was killed off and I know that if I don't start learning how to become a powerful person like you ill never be able to let my family rest in peace!" Max then looked up at the sky and back at her and said "I am sorry but I need someone who is brave,strong,and doesn't put up with crap to help me...otherwise ill never be able to let my family rest in peace let alone myself when the time comes."

Max then waited to see what she would do, he had a feeling she would yell at him or something but Max knew he had to prove himself to her even if it meant looking like a complete idiot. Max was always well rounded but speaking to others was something he was never good at. Sure he had a girlfriend and new friends but that was nothing compared to what he needed these were just nice necessities that life brought to him and he knew he could survive without them. But what he could not live with was the fact that his family was murdered and he was powerless to do anything about it. Whether anyone knew it or not Max always thought about how he watched his grandmother be killed and it wasn't a very nice memory to have. Max then decided that if Cassandra would try to understand where he was coming from he would then show her the book he had that his grandmother gave him, which he still couldn't understand at all.

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