Meeting you both again.

Caleb Mintkin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caleb had been in the Griffindoor common room all morning doing homework, and had got out to have a walk. He sighed as he scuffed his feet across the damp grass. Looking around there were not many people out today, but then he noticed someone he knew, he didn't know how he knew them, but he did. Then realising who it was, "Hey! Lilly!"
Lilly had been enjoying a day off of school with Lewis, she couldn't remember the last time they had spent this much time together. They had walked around by the lake and were now heading back to the school, to go and sit in the common room as it was getting cold. She heard a boy calling her name, she didn't realise there was anyone else around, she recognised the voice and when she noticed who it was she groaned, "Caleb, leave me alone! Haven't you learnt yet not to get on my nerves?!"
"What? Lilly, make your mind up, seriousley your mood swings are giving me whiplash! I thought you liked me? That stupid Slytherin has corupted you, you used to be a good person!" He shook his head and looked very disapointedly at her.
"If you haven't already noticed, Mintkin, shes a Slitherin too! And that has nothing to do with me, its the place she should be, this is who she really is and if you can't accept that then your just a selfish idiot who needs to get over himself!" He stepped toward Caleb and looked sternly at him.
Caleb really had had enough of Lewis already, his fist clenched and recoiled as Lewis called him Selfish, and when he came toward him, Caleb just couldn't restrain him self. He threw his right fist at Lewis, sending the provocative Slytherin's head flying in the other direction. "Your the one who needs to get over yourself, you think your all it, but your just pathetic," He was yelling the words out, not controlling them, or thinking about what he was saying, "and Lilly, your just as bad!" he stepped backwards slightly and shook his head.
"Caleb! Lewis! Whaa...!" Lilly was so shocked at Caleb's outburst that she was shaking. She never thought Caleb had it in him to do something like that. She lunged at him, grabbing his collar "You 1d1ot! Why... what... argh. CALEB!" She was too angry with him to say anything properly.
Lewis felt disorientated, but he didn't let it faize him. He pulled Lilly away from Caleb, taking her place on his collar. "You really shouldn't have done that!" he threw Caleb backwards, followed him and punched him straight in the nose. "Stay way from me, stay away from Lilly, keep quiet." He glared at him without relent. Turning back to Lilly, he out his arm over her sholder holding her tight against his side, "Come on Lilly, lets go." nudging her to come with him.
Caleb stumbled backwards across the grass trying so hard to keep his feet, but he didn't see the punch coming, liturally! Before he knew it, he was on the floor with blood streaming down his face. He looked back at Lewis as he turned away, he wanted to run up and smack him again, harder, but he didn't. He stayed there, waiting for Lewis and Lilly to leave.
Lilly stared at Lewis and Caleb in turn. She didn't know how to react or who to be more concered about, she did still care for Caleb, but she loved Lewis so much more. She let Lewis lead her away from Caleb, but couldn't take her eyes off of him as they walked away. After they were a good distance away from him, Lilly looked back at Lewis and said "That went too far Lewis, I know you two don't get along, and I hate him too, but please don't hurt him. Please." Her eyes were very pleading. She didn't want Lewis to know about what happened between her and Caleb, or how she still felt for him.
Lewis looked at Lilly in consolment, "You worry too much Lil, but if it makes you feel better, I'll stay away. As much as I can of course." He held her tight against his side to comfort her and keep her thinking he was doing this all for her. He wasn't.

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