meeting with angelica



Frances walked over to the lake side and sat down on the warm grass. She looked around for her Angelica hoping she'd come soon, so they could catch up, and also so that she could explain why she'd run off on her when a boy named Blake had come by.
"Hey Frances," Angelica said as she reached her friend and plopped down beside her. "Sorry about that other day, anyway it's great seeing you again!" she said giving her a hug. "Gosh I'm glad you're here... I met a boy," she said frowning a little. "I like him, but I don't think I can forget about him," she said nodding her head so that that Frances would know who she was refering to.
Frances hugged her friend back, listening to her words, she could tell something was bothering her. "Yeah, well you two were like..." she said crossing her fingers tightly. "I wouldn't expect you to, I mean you guys were great together. I dunno, I mean, are you guys still talking or...?" she asked hopeful.
"No actually, we don't," Angelica sighed. "But I have a feeling that I should write to him, let him know I still care. I'm just scared he wont come around... gawd a witch for a girlfriend? you know how hard that is to accept?" she said looking down
"Hey, it's fine," she said hugging her friend again. "He's just not ready yet, give it time," releasing her, she brought up her knees and hugged them. "So, who's this boy you met?" she said nudging Angelica, trying to cheer her up. "Isn't this place great?" she added after a moment.
"Patrick Britton..." she said sighing a little. "He asked me out, I said yes, then after we went out, I said no cause of him," she sighed again. "And now Patrick's avoiding me."
Blake was out for a walk around the lake, when he spotted Frances and... Angelica. He debated silently with himself about whether he should approach them, and finally he got the nerve to talk to them. "Hey," he said making his way over and stopping to sit by Frances, hoping Angelica wouldn't mind the intrusion. "I was just walking by, and I..." he paused, "Do you mind?" he asked hoping they wouldn't brush him off.
Patrick had been out by the lake walking when he spotted some people talking.He decided to see if he could join them.As Patrick approched them he saw Angelica,he had half a mind to turn around but decided not to."Hey,mind if I join you?"Patrick asked them."I'm Patrick Britton, by the way."He said with a quick glance of Angelica.
"Hey Patrick, I'm Blake," he said turning back a little to extend his hand to Patrick. He caught the glance Patrick gave Angelica and looked back at the two. "You two want to be alone?" he asked nudging Frances in the side. "Maybe we should go...?"
"Hey,Blake,nice meeting you."Patrick said to Blake."NO!You can stay,you all were here first.I don't see why you would have to leave.Patrick said mater of factly.
"Well, actually it seems the ladies are being rather quite," Blake said looking back at Angelica and Frances to see whether any of them would say anything.
Angelica frowned a little as Blake approached them. "Yes you are intruding," she said glaring at him. As she turned to face the opposite direction, Patrick appeared. Great... she thought to herself.
"We were talking about girl stuff," she sighed.
Patrick saw the expression on Agelica's face,"Well I can tell I'm not wanted here so I'll leave."Patrick said as he turned around and walked off.
"No! Stay... please," she called after him, but as he walked off, she turned back to the lake and held her face between her palms. She blew it, again.
"So... that was Patrick?" she said looking after the boy as he walked away. Frances looked back at her friend, frowning a little. "You didn't chase him away, if that's what you're thinking."
"Hey Blake," she said turning back to him. "Sorry.. I was off... somewhere," she said with a furrowed eyebrow. That sounded pretty stupid, she thought to herself. "So how did you two meet?" she asked looking from Angelica to Blake and back again.
Angelica sighed deeply to herself at Frances' comment about Patrick, "Yeah..." Turning her gaze over to Blake as Frances continued talking, she answered the awkward question, not wanting to go deep into the topic. "Long story," she said narrowing her eyebrows at Blake. "Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore."
Blake looked from Patrick to Angelica and back again, watching as Patrick left, leaving Angelica in a rather sad state. "What was that about? I thought you two were dating?" he said tactlessly, but unintentional all the same. "Hm?" he said as Frances spoke and Angelica answered. "How we met? Oh... yeah, long story," he said, repeating what Angelica had said.
"Yeah, we were dating," Angelica said turning her gaze down to her lap.
"Oh," Blake said feeling bad for asking in the first place. "So..."
"Anyway," Angelica said getting up. "It's been fun but I'm affraid I have to go," she added in a slightly sarcastic tone, checking her wrist watch for the time. "Frances, Blake," she said nodding at the two, before turning to make her way up to th castle. She wanted to talk to Patrick, and apologise for everything.
"Okay... Bye," Blake said returning her nod. "So Frances," Blake said turning back to the girl sitting next to him.
"Maybe we should go too then huh?" Blake said realising neither he, nor Frances had anything to talk about. Getting up slowly, he held out his hand for Frances to help her up.

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