Meeting Through Music

Vanessa Parker

Well-Known Member
Vanessa was just walking around in Brightstone Village, singing a song as she made it up. Nobody could really hear over the sound of people.
"So I'll Keep Moving On
Singing My O-o-own Song
Could Bump Into You Some Day-
She was cut off because she actually did bump in to somebody and knock them over. She reached out her hand to help the girl up and said, "Sorry, are you all right? I wasn't looking at where I was going."
"It's a song I just started writing, I can think of lyrics instantly," Vanessa said. "Hi, I'm Vanessa. Just wondering, do you happen to play an instrument or sing? I met a girl who plays the guitar and we wanted to start a band, but we want to have more than us, even if some instruments are doubled." Vanessa hoped that this girl did play an instrument or sing, because if she didn't then she might seem weird from rambling on about a band.

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