Meeting Spot

Tristan Drage

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
August 9, 1978 (76)
Tristan's intake of breath was sharp as he apparated to the dining room in Drage Herrogard, grasping both Liz and Vladmir's shoulders. Hopefully the others would be able to make it here. He tore off his mask, casting the irritating thing to the floor.
Vladmir looked around in amazement, still in a daze. But he knew that he was free from Azkaban, and that was all that mattered. Who's rich? he wondered to himself as he looked around the dining room.
Liz turned to Vladmir. She itched to start a confrontation, but figured it wasn't the time. Instead, she waiting for her grandfather eagerly. As well as Garett. She caught a glimpse of what she believed to be him, and he looked fine... but there was still a bit of lingering worry.
Sammael walked into the Dining Room with a glass of vodka in his hand. "Ah, returning already?" he asked his cousin. His golden eyes were looking at Tristan and only Tristan. Sammael did not care of Vlad and he did not acknowledge the Malfoy girl as a Death Eater.
Edvard apparated into the room with the others. "We should do that more often, Tristan," he said with a maniacal glint in his eye, "Such a lovely evening. Although I will have to clean some more grey matter off my robes."

He turned and saw Sammael, "Evening Sam. It's a shame you could not make it tonight. It was like Shanghai."
Lucius brushed off his robes as he apparated to Drage Herrogard, not having been here in years. His breathing was harsh and ragged, although his eyes were twinkling with amusement. He was glad to be out of that stupid ministry, and glad that so many had been killed. He was silent as he looked at the others.
Joshua apparated into the dining room at Drage Herroguard, hoping he was correct in his guess. He looked around the room and knew that he was.

"Tristan. I can never thank you enough for helping get me out of there." he said, walking to his old friend and giving him a hug.
"Yes. I believe that you would rather have enjoyed it, Sam. Much bloodshed." He turned to Edvard as he apparated. "I rather agree. That was very fun." He grinned maniacally, waiting for the others to show up. He noticed that Lucius was trying to regain his composure, and nodded to him silently.
((a hug? is that like a brotherly hug? I'm a little worried here... :unsure: =)) ))
"Shanghai," Sammael said with a look of reverie and took a sip of his vodka. "Yes, those were the good days. Sounds as though it was a good night then. It is too bad you had to invade my place of employment."

Sammael walked over to Edvard and gave him a slap on the shoulder. "Would you like something to drink?"
Liz grinned at Lucius. He was a complete jerk when she last encountered him, but he was still her family. "Glad you again, grandfather."
Tristan clapped Josh on the back, smiling broadly. "Too bad you had to miss most of the action. But at least you're out." He smirked at Drago's bloody appearance. "I agree wholeheartedly."
Elizabeth Malfoy said:
((Jeez Tristan, you sure get around ;P ))
((like you said, I'm the wh0re of diagon alley! rofl...))
Edvard grinned, "I'll have some gin, I think. That ministry is such a cold place, except for the blood. Warms it up a bit. Too many blacks and blues there." Edvard drew his mask and robes off, and bundled them up on the floor, where Tristan had tossed his mask.
Liz's gaze shifted to Drago. She'd have to talk to him. The blood he spilled and the manner in which her did it seemed to confirm her suspicions.

"Excuse me," she said to Drago, "Can I have a word?"
"Well, from my spot it sounded like a lot of fun, but next time I want to be involved." Joshua "Drago, looks like you were having some fun. Female victims this evening?"
Lucius smirked just a bit of his granddaughter. "Good to see you too, Elizabeth. I see you've had a change of heart."

Sitting down at the large dinner table, he suddenly wished that he had his cane.
Valcan knew that the attack party must have arrived, making his way swiftly into the dining room. Sure enough, there was everyone, including the three escapees. No one appeared to be hurt; Drago was simply covered in the blood of another. Or, a few others, he guessed.

He was swift enough to catch Loki, his mildly tame frost dragon, by the collar. The white dragon hissed, the stench of blood thick in his nostrils. Holding the writhing animal back, he announced, "I take it that you have all made it back well?" he smirked; their mission seemed to have been successful.
Edvard followed Sammael into the kitchen gladly, not being one for groups of people. He, in one smooth mostion, cracked his back, neck, and knuckles on his way out, easing the tension out of his nerves.
"Well, hopefully, the next time you won't be in Azkaban," Tristan said, grinning, clapping Josh on the back. "We have much to catch up on."

He turned to his father. "Yes, in fact, it went quite well. The death count was appalling; no one in the wizarding world is going to be able to sleep tonight."

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