Meeting Somebody

Alex Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alex walked along the cliffs, not sure why he was out here again. The last time he had been here, he had had to console Alyss. It wasn't that he didn't mind having to do that, but he had also developed some feelings for her. He didn't want to feel exposed, in any way, and he definitely didn't want to feel attached, to her. He sighed, to himself, and set out to lose himself in the quiet, out amongst the cliffs. He knew better to go near any of the cliff faces, last time he had tried to do so, he nearly ended up with a broken arm, and leg. He wasn't nearly as clumsy as his brother had been, around this time.

Alex sighed, he didn't like thinking of Chase. He would never be able to forgive him for turning over to the dark side, he had become a Death Eater, and if he got caught for it, it would only make Alex's life worse. He wanted to be an Auror, one day, and he wouldn't be able to do that, if he was at suspicion of being a Death Eater, or trying to become one. He didn't like it when people compared him to Chase, and he would sooner hex people who accused Alex of turning into a Death Eater. He wanted to fight against them, and he wanted to be the one to end this whole mess. He would take down Chase, himself.

Alex doubled back, heading for the place he had first met Alyss. He wondered if the tree she had burned down, would still be there. He couldn't help but burst out laughing when he remembered that meeting. It was truely ludacris, and it only made him wonder how the two of them had even got this far, as friends. She was a Dark Elite, and a loner. She tended to keep to himself, but Alex was the only one she truely confided in. He knew a lot about her life, and couldn't leave her alone, now. He sighed to himself, and took a seat at the base of the true, that she had burnt. He felt oddly at home, here.
Dante walked along the cliffs, stupidly not watching where he was going. He was still feeling like he was on top of the world. He had just left Anna, and needed to cool off before going back to the common room and being teased of being in love. He hated his house. Why was he in Slytherin? He was nothing like them, NOTHING! He wanted to become an Auror. He wanted to protect the innocent, and punish the cruel, wicked Death Eaters.

He sighed to himself, and thought back to Anna. Beautiful Anna, Gorgeous Anna.... His crush had developed so much that he thought himself crazy. As he walked, thinking of the Ravenclaw girl, he heard footstep, and not taking any chances, drew his wand. As he rounded a corner, he saw another boy, perhaps a year older than him, and as Dante scanned him, he noticed that he was a Slytherin. 'Oh god, don't be like the rest of them.' He thought to himself. "Hello?" he called to the boy, clutching his wand harder.
Alex rolled his eyes, when some random walked up to him. He didn't know who they were, but they were disturbing the peace and quiet, out here, and he really didn't like that. He liked it when people minded their own business, especially when it was kind of obvious he didn't want to be disturbed. Alex shrugged, and stood up. He walked over to the newcomer. "Hi." He stated. He didn't know how long it would take for him to be left alone, and how long it would take this guy to realise that he didn't want anybody to talk to him, today. He just wanted to think about Alyss.

He shrugged, again. He knew Alyss would never go for him. But gee, she sure had been weird after he had left her, the first time they had met. She had seemed really strange, nearly lost in her thoughts, and she hadn't been able to take her eyes off of him. He chuckled, to himself. He knew he had won this battle, with her. Right now, he had to focus on this Slytherin. He didn't know who he was, or what he was doing here. He didn't trust many people, but Alex was a nice person, when you got to know him. He rolled his eyes, and turned to the boy. He had caught him at a bad time.

Alex walked up to the boy. "What brings you out here?" He asked. He wondered if he had noticed the tree, by now. Maybe he would get scared when he noticed it was burnt. Alex sighed, again, and walked back over to the tree. Swinging himself up to one of the branches. He sat himself on the lowest one, being careful not to snap the branch. He didn't know what he would do up here, it just gave him a nice vantage point if he needed to attack somebody. He liked having the element of surprise, but clearly that wouldn't work, here. "Can I help you, with anything?" Alex asked, chuckling.
Dante smiled at the boy. He seemed like a nice person to Dante, so he pocketed his wand and grinned. He relaxed, and let his mind wonder for a moment back to Anna. It seemed that Dante had been wrong about the general idea of Slytherin students. Not all of them were bad. He sighed as his mind kept wondering to Anna, and he tried to stay conscious of the boy. "Im Dante." he said in a soft tone.

At the Slytherin boys question, he shrugged, and grinned. "Im up here, because ive had one of the best days of my life, and i want to stew on it in peace..." he told the boy, not caring that he was a complete stranger. He sighed and grinned at the boy. "Do you remember falling in love for the first time?" he asked at the boys second question, and a clear image of Anna appeared in his mind.

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