Meeting New People.

Declan Walker

Well-Known Member
Dec was wandering around Obsidian Harbour. The sun was just about set, and Dec always found it a peaceful end to the day if he watched the sun go down right infront of his eyes. He was sat on the Harbour beach, at the top of a hill of sand. Dec smiled as he watched the sky fade into many different colours. It was the perfect end to Dec's day.

Dec looked around. The Harbour was usually rather quiet at this time in the evening, but today was different. There were still quite a few people pottering around, and Dec wondered if anything special was happening at the Harbour. Passing his thoughts over him, Dec smiled at a guy who passed him. "Hey There." He said in a manly, but cheery way.
Brayden walk alone, not knowing where he should go. His feet took him to a place that he has visited before. Obsidian Harbour. Brayden met an attractive girl in this place last year. This time Brayden intend to enjoy the atmosphere of it. Maybe he'll meet her again ?

When Brayden was enjoying the fresh air typical of autumn season, she heard someone say hello. Brayden turned around, saw who voiced him. He can see a man there. "Hey .. Whatssup?" Brayden asked with a grin.
Dec smiled as the guy replied. "Ah not much, just watching the sun-set. What about you?" Dec asked the guy. Dec thought he had seen this guy hanging around once or twice before now. Assuming that he was no new-comer to the place, Dec didn't bother with the whole 'I've never seen you here before' conversation and just decided to get on with the introductions. "I'm Declan by the way, but you can call me Dec...and you are?" He asked, holding his arm out for the guy to shake.
Brayden heard an answer from him. "I just got back from America and feel the need to relax for a moment. America is too full ..." Brayden explained to Dec. Brayden is thinking if Dec had been in America or not. Brayden is more like New Zealand, of course. "Brayden Hunt ..." Brayden said quickly and smiled.

Brayden is awaiting a response from Dec. It seems he was quite pleasant and has friendly faces. Brayden has already met with several people during his lifetime and most of them are women. Perhaps because he is a model so he has many women arround him.
Dec smiled as the guy told him that he had been in America. "Oh right cool, I've never been there myself, I wish I could though..." He trailed off. "But anyway, it's good to meet you's always good to meet new friends..." Dec said happily. He loved meeting new people.

Dec figured that Brayden was quite a ncie guy, so decided that he was worth talking to. "So do you have relatives in America or was it just a holiday?" He asked curiously.

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