Meeting new friends.

Elliott Stryad

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
It was days like this, when the sky was overcast that Elliott Stryad liked to walk out among the streets of Obsidien harbor. He especially liked the six o'clock in the morning times. These were the times when he most enjoyed being outside. There weren't many people around and Eliie could just take everything in its stride. He often liked to come outside and think about his family and other things. New and recent discoveries, how he was going to break it to his parents, why his site was intent on traveling the world, why his grandparents are mean to him. All the kind of thoughts he couldn't think about when in his home. Having a legimens as a father was often hard to concentrate with. He used to hate coming home and having to relay his whole day to his father and then either leave nothing out or suffer the consequences. Even though his father hadn't been into the whole listening to my children thoughts thing lateyy, it still annoyed Ellie, to no end. He often found himself fantasising about crushing his fathers wind pipe. Not that he really would do it. It was just that no matter how much he might have loved his father, the man was a bottomless pit when it came to finding out about his children activities, even when it didn't concern him. The thought of even having to go back to the house when he was finished in here was scarey. He just did not know what kind of reaction he would get. He hadn't even accepted the idea himself and he already had to think about breaking the news to the two people that gave him life. They have always wanted a grandchild, and now, despite all the fighting against it Ellie had done, it looked like they would never get one. His sister couldn't have children.

Ellie found a nice bench to sit on and made his way over to sit down. His hooded was pulled down over his face so that he didn't have to look at people if he didn't want to. He liked the anonimity of not knowing others and others not knowing him. Besides, he was only here for a holiday, he was going to be leaving back for italy soon. It didn't matter that for the first fifteen years of his life he had been living in England, his mother seemed to think that he now needed to be living in italy with his extended family. He didn't even know his extended family, but because he had yet to find a job, his parents supported him and so that meant that he had to go where they asked him do, especially if that somewhere included going to itaky to live. So as much as he hated it, Ellie knew that he was going to be stuck here for just little longer.
Taylor Rosetti felt like getting out and about. After about a week of anti-social behaviour, staying in his room, it was about time to get some fresh air. So throwing on a hat over his long hair he went to the mirror to apply some fresh eye liner and mascara. Taylor had been living as a female for close to three years, coming out to his family as both gay and transgender at the same time, which had caused himself both freedom and problems. The former being that he no longer had to sneak around and pretend that he was something he wasn't. For as long as he remembered Taylor had felt he was a boy stuck in a girls body and that he never really fit in as a boy and he didn't have to hide it anymore. The latter was the fact that his parents and little brother hated him for not being the son they had always wanted. It wasn't like it mattered, Mikey was sure to keep on the family name even if Tay didn't. But that was where the problem started, it had been a downward spiral from there. First came the bullying and the threats then came the fact that his parents though it would be better for him to leave home and go to a different school, so the shame didn't follow the family. So pretty much kicking him out Taylor had gone to Durmstrang as a full time girl, to avoid any awkwardness or futher bullying.

Today however all Taylor wanted to do was go out and hopefully get some shopping done. So leaving his room he apparated to Obsidian Harbour, where he had been several times before. Orientating himself with the surroundings Taylor adjusted his hand bag over his shoulder and began walking through the streets, ducking into shops to make various purchases along the way. Hands laden with bags the blond rolled his shoulders the bags were heaving and he needed a break. Eyes landing on a partially occupied bench he walked up to it and stood in front of it's sole occupant. "Can I sit here?" He asked, his voice was naturally feminate so he didn't even have to put it on, "Or is this seat taken?" he asked smiling at the boy. Taylor hoped it wasn't because otherwise he was going to have to do some more walking.
Ellie didn't really like New Zealand. There was really nothing of any appealing quality anyway. Nothing was really catching his eye. There was nothing of any importance here that his father particularly wanted to do anyway. His mother was the one that kept wanting to do something exciting and fun. The woman was like fourty. What did she know about exciting and fun anyway? There was like bunji jumping and stuff, that Ellie wanted to do soon, but his mother was scared of heights and didn't believe in risktaking. So he often wondered why she had bothered to come on this exciting and fun holiday and this stupid country. Ellie sighed and pulled his hoodie tighter over his head to keep his face out of eyeshot of the passersby. His eyes were apparently really beautiful, atleast he had been told that many times in his past, by various different people, including random guys or girls he had seen on trains or planes or just chilling on a bench in the middle of December. Well maybe that was an exaggeration, but, still. He sighed agin and folded his arms across his chest and just watched people walk by. He wasn't really into the whole watching people thing. But he had gotten tired of walking around and so he just sat and waited. What he was waiting for he wasn't exactly sure. But he didn't really care. As long as he got to sit down.

However, when he was about to leave, a girl, who would have to be about his age, maybe slightly younger cam to sit by him. She had beautiful lng blonde hair, and her eyes were so mesmerising. (Being really cheeky here sorry) Ellie felt something in his pants and started to wonder if maybe his previous thoughts were wrong. If this person was a girl and he was attracted to her, as he so obviously was, then maybe that meant he wasn't gay. Ellie awkwardly crossed his legs to avoid embarrassment and nodded his hoddied head. "Um.. sure, you can sit."Ellie moved over slightly to allow the girl more room. She was so beautiful. Ellie didn't think he had seen someone like her before. He smiled, "Uh, Im Elliott. But you can call me Ellie if you want. My mates do." He wondered what name this girl would have. Surely something beautiful like Solange or Alyssa?
"Thanks." Taylor grinned and dropped his bags beside the bench before sitting the space offered to him. Sitting he crossed his legs in front of him and turned his head to give the stranger a quick once over under the hooded shirt. From what he could make out the boy had dark hair and startling blue eyes, they were unusually bright and Taylor found himself staring at them. Mentally slapping himself for being so blantantly obvious with his starting. Eyes moving downward he took the guy in and bit his lip to stop him from laughing when he saw the hoodied guy cross his legs. Taylor truly hoped the guy was gay or he would be in for some awkward surprises if he ever found out about him being a guy. Not that he probably would find out, he wasn't planning on telling anyone, no matter how attractive they were. He held back a sigh, now he was finding the guy attractive. It was so typical, he was gay sure, but he was also a transgender which made everything ten times more weird and complicated. Hurridly putting this to the back of his mind however Taylor looked away, he didn't want to be caught staring.

"Hey Ellie, I'm Taylor Rosetti or just Tay if you like." he replied holding out a small hand for Elliott to shake. It was times like this that he was glad his name was ambiguous, and that he didn't have to change it. If he did he would have so easily have stuffed up and let it slip right now. There was something about this guy's eyes that would have had him tripping over his words, and that would have only led to trouble. "I don't generally do nicknames but Tay is okay." It wasn't that Taylor didn't like nicknames it was the ones he had been called at Beauxbatons the cut deep and merely thinking about them almost brought a tear to his eye. "So what brings you here?" he asked, trying to steer the conversation into calmer and safer waters.
The girl sat down and Ellie smiled awkwardly. Oh Merlin, please let her not have seen! Ellie begged as he sort of turned his waist away from her. This was so unfair, some-one obviously had it in for him. He had noticed that she had dropped some bags to the side before sitting down. So shopping? She was a shopping girl. Thats nice. Ellie had never been into shopping really, that was more his sisters fortey really. He laughed slightly embarrassed. He could almost feel her laughter and he just knew she had seen what he was trying to hide. He should have known better. She was a girl, they had amazing observing skills. He nodded. "It's alright. There's plenty of seat here anyway." Oh my Lord! Had he seriously just said that. How Gay did that sound. 'Plenty of seat here?' She might as well just up and leave now for all the good he was doing. Though he did notice that she had been staring at his eyes. He smirked and shook his head. Everyone did that. Though with her it was kind of nice. He pulled his hoodie down and flicked his hair out. It fell into place perfectly, as it always did, and sat framing his face. By now the girl had turned away and it meant that Ellie had been right in thinking that she had been staring at his eyes. Right now he loved his mother for giving him her beautiful eyes.

Taylor. That was an interesting name. He had heard a few boys with that name as well as girls. He smiled. She seemed to beautiful to be a Taylor. Solange was more fitting. Alteast in Ellie's opinion. He nodded. "If you don't mind, I think I will use the name Tay. I do quite like that name." He offered shaking the girls hand. "Does that mean your Italian?" With a last name like Rosetti, he figured it was a safe bet. He smiled, if she was, maybe he would feel better. His mother was part spanish and part italian. So he was part italian. But that was still cool. He laughed slightly at her question. All previous worries, out of his mind for now. "Well, I originally came out here for a walk, but I got bored and sat down, then you came along and I wasn't bored anymore... And you my dear? What's your story?" He liked stories and with a face like hers she had to have an interesting one.
Taylor smiled trying to put an air of 'Don't even worry about it,' into it. Elliott was obviously feeling a little awkward about... it and he wanted to diffuse the tension as much as he could. Taylor hated awkward conversation as much as the next person, and didn't want to have to sit through it when there was such an obvious white elephant right there. The blond settled back on the bench rubbing his hands, the feeling was coming back to them and it was tingling painfully. Glancing back at Elliott, Taylor felt his cheeks redden, it seemed he got caught staring at his eyes, but who could blame him, they were something else. "Sorry, your eyes are just... wow." he admitted with a shrug. Great, now it sounded like he was flirting with him. He had barely know Elliott for more than five minutes and already Taylor had opened his big mouth and hinted at flirting with him. It wasn't a great first impression and the blond wouldn't have been surprised if Ellie didn't freak out and leave.

Taylor grinned, "Tay it is then." he laughed shaking hands with Ellie, hoping he didn't notice how clammy his hand was. He nodded, "My father's Italian, I lived there until I was eight." he explained with a shrug. Italy was lovely, back in the days when his family actually wanted to know him, when he wasn't a disgrace. Taylor smirked, "Well, I was born in Italy and moved to France when I was eight... No I'm kidding you don't want to know all that boring stuff." he teased, though in all honesty he didn't want to go there, he was sure that if he blabbered on about his past he was sure to let something slip that would definitely freak a total stranger out so much that he couldn't even fathom what the outcome would be. Probably running away screaming. "Seriously though, I thought I should get out more, I haven't been very sociable lately, and I needed some new clothes." he said indicating to the small pile of bags next to the bench. "Then I lost feeling in my fingers and needed a sit do and here I am." he added. Hopefully that would suffice as good conversation,Taylor hadn't talked to anyone for a while.
Things seemed to be settling down and so, Ellie cautiously uncrossed his legs. He hated sitting like that it made him terribly uncomfortable. He smiled slightly, glad that she didn't say anything even if she had seen. He wasn't sure it would have made him feel any better. He definately hated his body sometimes. She seemed to be trying to diffuse things as much as he was. That sort of made him feel alittle better. He couldn't believe how uncontrolled his body was being. Had he not learned anything from previous experiences. God he had been an idiot back then. He shhok his head at her statement and ran his hand through his hand. "Uh, yeah I guess. I have been told that by various people. Guess I never really paid them much attention." He told her. He didn't really mind the compliment but when you hear it all the time, it tends to lose its meaning. Though it sort of felt nice coming from Tay. "Your eyes are really something too. So do me a favour and don't sell yourself sort. Okay?" If there was one thing Elliot really didn't like it was when girls or anyone took no notice of their own amazing aspects. Even if Taylor didn't know she was pretty. She was.

Ellie smiled. Yes he did like the name Tay. It was better than Taylor in any case. It made her sound, like an aangel. The young boy smirked. "Don't ask me why I like the name Tay. I'm not going to tell you. He smiled at her hands. They were remarkably small. It was adorable. He listened as she told him that she was italian. So was he, so it seemed he had found a common element. Only difference was he had lived in Spain mostly, only going to italy to see his grandparents during christmas. Those dang italian were pretty christmasy. "My mother is part italian and part Spanish, so it looks like I found our common element." Though Ellie was sure he could sense something about what she was saying. Like an uncomfortability. He decided it would be better to steer clear of that subject, for lack of the unknown. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable. "I'm only here on a holiday right now. My mother is stupid." He told her, noticing that she was rubbing her hands and saying she was cold. He shook his head. He was sure that he was probably going to regret this later. He grabbed Tay's hands and held them in his own. She was gorgeous and she was cold. What was he supposed to do. Sit there and stare at her?
Tay bit back a laugh, it seemed the awkwardness was over and he relaxed back into the seat again. Now that the situation had passed they could relax into some easy conversation without having to worry about what was happening... down there. Moving on from it Tay shrugged, "Well, they are really pretty." he agreed with a shrug. The were an amazing shade of blue that he had never seen before. He wondered who he had inheritated them from, no one got eyes that beautiful from no where. Putting it to the back of his mind for the time being Taylor couldn't help but blush, cheeks warming. "Thanks," he grinned, his eyes were something that he had never been complicated on so it was lovely to hear someone say it. Bending down he picked up his hand bag and pulled out a compact mirror and flipped it open to examine his eyes, "I guess they are." he agreed, looking at the carefully.

Tay giggled, "You have to tell me now, you can't just tease me like that. Spill!" he said eyes sparkling as the blond looked Elliott in the eyes. He was curious of why Ellie liked the name Tay. Listening to Elliott, Taylor grinned, they had a similar heritage and that gave them something else in common, except having amazing eyes. The blond wondered if he spoke Italian or if he was never taught. He decided to try it out, "Italians rule!" he said after a moment, his Italian was a little bit rusty but he was sure that he got the point across. Nodding understandably, "I'm on a bit of a holiday too, taking a break away from school and all that." he said with a shrug of one shoulder only moments before Elliott took his hands in his own trying to warm them up. The warm skin was hot against his own cold ones and Tay resisted the urge to pull away. He didn't want to cause Elliott any embarrassment if he wasn't gay but the warmth that was know melting the figurative icicles on his hands wasn't something that he wanted to let go. So he just smiled and let his hands be warmed.
It was definately cold, it was getting colder each time he said a word, to the point where Ellie could see his own heated breath coming out in cloud puffs. He smirked at it slightly and looked at the shivering body next to him. She was really silly for having come out here without any proper protection. "Considering I did just tell you not to sell yourself short, I suppose I also have to accept that compliment." He added with a thought. What an odd predicament he had gotten himself into. Indeed he had. What would Rosa say to this. She was the most conservative out of the siblings. So much so that she only recently even slept in the same bed as her husband. Man she was really weird indeed. "I seem to have backed myself into a corner then haven't I?" Ellie mused, looking at Taylor curiously. It was silly that a girl with beauty such as Taylor's should be given such a masculine name. Sure he had met people with the name before, but never had they been this gorgeous, or any sort of gorgeous at all. He pulled the girls mirror away from her face. He didn't like it when girls had to check on a compliment. It made them sound cheap in his opinion, and he didn't like his compliments sounding cheap. Not one bit. "You really should believe a person when they give a compliment. Checking up on them makes them sound cheap." He desperately hoped he didn't sound naggy or annoying. He was simply expressing an opinion.

Ellie pursed her(whoops) his lips and shook his head playfully. No way was he going to tell her his reasoning. He didn't want to offend him(dammit) her. It was alittle sad making if she took offence to it. "I don't think so cutie. You're not getting a word about it out of me. Nice try though." He told her tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ear. He could tell that she was really very curious, by why would she need to know? He wasn't going to tell her yet. Though he supposed if she asked again, he would have to tell. He didn't like denying her anything. Even though they had just met. Something in him just told him that he had to protect her, or rather, give her whatever she wanted. It was a strange feeling. But he liked it. He smiled at her italian and chuckled. "Yes, Italian's do rule. Why wouldn't we?: He asked as he bit his lip. It was rather an odd outburst, but he also suspected that Taylor wasn't exactly a normal girl either. But that was okay. Normal girls were boring. "Oh still in school are we? I just graduated last year myself. Where are you studying?" Then he suddenly thought of something. She was really rather cold, and he felt like a coffee, so maybe they could go somewhere? "Hey, you wanna go to like a coffee house or something. It would be easier to keep your hands warm in the least." He suggested leaning over her to grab her bags.
Taylor shivered, the cold was really starting to come on strong and he inwardly cursed for his lack of warm clothing. New Zealand was supposed to be warmer than it was at Durmstrang at here he was shivering her butt off becasue he was stupid enough to forget to grab a jacket before he left. "Take the compliment." he agreed with a grin. The blond let Taylor pull the mirror away from his face, he was merely using it to examine his eyes, it wasn't something he did often so all he wanted to do was check that what Elliott said was true. "Sorry, compliments are few and far between these days." he said with shrug thinking briefly of a the insults that usually littered the conversations that he had with other people. Compliments were a rarity and he had to make sure they were genuine and they possessed some kind of grounds. Unmeaningful compliments sucked and Taylor didn't want to be sucked down that path again.

"You can't just tease me like that!" the seventeen year old cried in what could only be described as mock outrager for Elliott. He was with holding a very interesting piece of information that only he seemed to have. The reason for liking Tay so much over her real name. Taylor let Ellie tuck the piece of hair behind his ear, even unconciously leaning forward slightly to allow him a better angle to do so. He had to admit he had never done that before, but then again he had never known someone like Elliott before. Yes we do. Becasue we are fun Italians aren't we not? he laughed attempting to be as melodramatic with it as possible. Taylor nodded, "Yeah I transferred to Durmy when I was in my fouth year." he explained glossing over the reason why. "You've graduated? Wow you muct be very old" he laughed winking at Taylor to show he was kidding. Jumopng to his feet Taylor took the rest of the bags that Elliott could carry and nodded, "Yes please, it's freezing."
Elliott smiled slightly at the younger girl. It seemed she had won this round. His face welled with mock defeat as he opened his mouth to speak his chosen thoughts. "It seems as if again you win. That's two to you now." He commented, smirking when she leaned into his touch, he played with her hair slightly before speaking again. "Okay, serious question here. How do you girls, keep your hair so soft and nice smelling?" He was honestly rather curious, he could never get his hair to be soft and nice smelling, short of wearing scented shampoo or something, Though she probably did use scented shampoo. Oh well. "I mean seriously, I can never get my hair soft." He told her laughing and running his own hand through his hair. Black as his mothers it was, he also got his eyes from the woman, almost nothing existed of his dad, except maybe the accent, which was sort of English and part American from having lived there fir a few years. What a hassle his family was. Though he was kind of happy, now he woukdn't have to say anything to his parents. Thank Merlin for small mercies.

Elliott smirked out of the corner of his mouth and looked straight ahead. He was just going to ignore her, Atleast for a little while. He shook his head at her but continued to look forward, peeking at her reaction every couple of minutes, she was so adorable when she blushed, and he didn'tt even know her. "Alright, alright, I'll tell you. Well, where I live, the only Taylor's are boys, so to me your name is masculine, but if I shorten it to Tay,its feminine... you know?" He explained, using his hands to graph out his words. He bet he looked like an idiot, but he ddidn't really care, she wwanted tto know and so he told hher. "Oi i'm not that old, I would bet you are graduating some time soon amirite?" He asked as he lead her to the small nice and warm cafe he had been too before. It really was cold and so it made sense. "It's not much further, just little more this way."

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